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What extra parts do you carry with you in your Mooney.  Your parts "go bag" so that if something breaks, you are not stranded.  An extra spark plug or two?  Duct Tape?  Landing Light (if you are not LED equipped)? A window latch?  An Exhaust Hanger Spring (I used to carry one of those in my F model), a quart of oil?  Just curious.  This is not the tools you carry discussion (another topic) or a survival gear you carry discussion, but what Mooney parts do you carry in your airplane just in case something breaks and you don't want to be stranded for a few days?



I carry a quart of oil, a multi tip screw driver, a few extra cam-locs, and "Plug & Jump" in that allows charging with a car cables.  If I need something beyond that, I'll call a mechanic.  --and of course a LED head lamp.


safety wire and pliers various screws and fasteners zip ties some length of electrical wire a small battery charger and a 50 ft extension cord also a lithium battery booster ( I had battery issues until I went Concord) a qt of oil with a filler spout. Also various tools which I will not mention with respect to OP

Posted (edited)

My Lo-votage light came on a couple of times, but reset each time.  Not wishing to be stranded somewhere, I bought a voltage regulator, so I'd have it.  It's been in the baggage compartment for three years now, the lo-voltage light has never illuminated again.  I'm afraid if I take it out of the baggage compartment the light will come on and I'll have to install it!

Other than this part.....just a Mastercard.


Edited by Mooneymite
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Someone gave me a cheap Chinese tool set as a gift about 20 years ago. It has a crappy 3/8 socket set some end wrenches, pliers and screwdrivers. The whole thing is about 1 foot square and 1 1/2 inch thick. Weighs about 4 Lbs. I was originally POed that they gave me such a POS tool set, but I threw it on the hat rack of the plane.

That POS tool set has saved my bacon more times then I can count!

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Two spark plugs, spare light bulbs, safety wire & safety wire tool, spare brake pads with spare rivets, some tools, wire of a few gauges, tie wraps, screws of various sizes.


Various tools, flashlights, emergency aid gear, Mooney tow-bar, oil, extra headsets ,.but not much that is just Mooney specific. I do have a extra landing light..that's a good one to keep in mind and keep on board. Handy wipes and batteries always seem to be in short supply no matter how often I refill them.




My experience has been that spare parts can be purchased for dimes on the dollar if they are purchased BEFORE you need them. For the last couple of years I've been keeping an eye open for deals on parts that have been known to leave people stranded.  Although I don't always put them in the plane when going somewhere I have acquired an extra set of mags, harnesses, plugs and a Slick Start for under $1K.  There are still a couple of other things I would like to get when I come across them at a price I'm willing to pay.

  • Like 5
20 minutes ago, N601RX said:

My experience has been that spare parts can be purchased for dimes on the dollar if they are purchased BEFORE you need them. For the last couple of years I've been keeping an eye open for deals on parts that have been known to leave people stranded.  Although I don't always put them in the plane when going somewhere I have acquired an extra set of mags, harnesses, plugs and a Slick Start for under $1K.  There are still a couple of other things I would like to get when I come across them at a price I'm willing to pay.

I do that with tools for the house.  I take extra oil, multi tip screwdriver, flashlight.  I think the extra camlocks and spark plugs are a good idea.


assorted fasteners

Old main gear tube

Duct tape

safety wire

safety wire pliers



crows feet wrences

multi head screwdriver

Zip ties

fuel sump drain valve

spark plug

spark plug wrench

nav light bulbs

vice grips


telescoping mirror/magnet


rachet and socket


Oil, extra light bulbs, leather man tool, cheapo 3/8 socket set, cheapo torque wrench, duct tape, two spark plugs, spark plug washers, wire, cable ties.   

2 hours ago, Shadrach said:

Crows feet wrenches.


Okay. I will bite. I need to see a picture of this please. Not heard this before.

Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Mcstealth said:

Okay. I will bite. I need to see a picture of this please. Not heard this before.

they go along with your socket set https://www.google.com/search?q=crows+feet+wrenches&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-9vmy7ZHLAhWC0iYKHTHABNgQ_AUICCgC&biw=1425&bih=875


It would not allow me to attach the picture so here is a link.

Edited by kpaul

In addition to a small travel tool kit, chocks, ropes, umbrella, etc., the only "parts" I carry around are extras of the screws/nuts/washers that I remove every annual, some safety wire, a spare headset of two (never know when someone will need a ride, or my wife's gel seals will bust open) and a quart of oil with disposable funnels. 

Air sick bags, anyone? Got some right here, in the seatback pocket where I can reach them when needed.

Many fun tools, nothing really special; cleaners, rags, a lightweight 12-ga extension cord for engine heat in winter . . .

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