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Viewing Forum: Vintage Mooneys (pre-J models)
Viewing Topic: Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Can you get a Class 3 valid for >1 year?
Viewing Topic: FAA is drinking the Kool-Aid
Viewing Topic: Mooney Roundup Paso Robles Details
Viewing Topic: A great day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Viewing Topic: Travel
1 minute ago
Viewing Topic: Century IIB autopilot
Viewing Topic: Best options for dealing with a flakey KNS-80. (Replace with used/upgrade?)
Viewing Topic: AOPA Asks FAA to Block ADS-B Tracking for Fees
Viewing Topic: Window and door seals
Viewing Topic: Amazing article that in part explains why I fly
Viewing Profile: Rob Lair
Viewing Topic: GPSS diagram
Viewing Topic: Buyer representation or agent?
2 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: 2019 Acclaim Ultra down at DVT
Viewing Topic: Gear Problem
Viewing Topic: prop seal question
Viewing Topic: Shock cooling on descent
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