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MikeOH last won the day on July 3

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    KPOC - Brackett Field, Pomona, CA
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    '70 M20F

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  1. I quit lining the birdcage with that rag over a decade ago.
  2. I'm shocked, I tell you, just shocked!
  3. This really sounds like a shield issue. I think the money bet (what I'd check first) is the P-lead shield ground just like PT20J suggested. Check for fraying and if the method of connection to ground is solid (e.g. a crimp ring terminal). Sounds like it worked for awhile after the IRAN so it seems to me something has 'come loose.'
  4. That has to be the best consumer warning I have ever seen! It should be on EVERY piece of equipment that can kill you. No way it was written by a lawyer; it has way to much common sense and admission that the product is knowingly flawed. I.e., it is an HONEST warning.
  5. I have had an older gen iPad 10.5 Pro for many years and I just use it as a knee/lap board. In fact I have a standard clipboard that I write clearances and notes on; I just put the iPad on top of it and slide the iPad slightly off it when I need to read or write.
  6. Dang! You might just be more cynical than 1980Mooney
  7. Sadly, I suspect your cynical view of the future may prove correct. Maybe I just like tilting windmills; beats just giving up.
  8. Some times I long for a turbo…hearing these kind of tales makes me glad I don’t! Good luck to you @T. Peterson
  9. EXACTLY! Any cost increases will flow down to customers. And, does ANYONE believe the airlines are going to pass the savings on to their customers if GA is forced to pay “their fair share?”
  10. @1980Mooney So, that was an amusing diatribe on the depressing future of GA....was there a point to your post? You seem to be criticizing others' viewpoints and saying we have no clout (0.1% of the vote), yet offer no solutions. I don't think giving up is a good option. What I will say is that I'm tired of hearing how I 'expect' something for nothing; whether it's FAA services while flying, decent roads while driving, or police and fire service of reasonable response and competence. See, over half of EVERY additional dollar my wife and I earn is taken by TAXES (SIT/FIT/SS/MC). With what is left we pay MORE taxes when we purchase almost ANYTHING (near 10% here in Kalifornia), and then we pay yet MORE taxes just for the privilege of owning the thing (property taxes on real estate, tax on our possessions like cars and aircraft)...shall I go on? So, I pretty vehemently resent the implication that, "I expect something for free"! GMAFB! What I EXPECT is for the government for which I'm paying dearly to actually PROVIDE services...not merely to pay their salaries with the expectation that we must pay even more for them to actually do anything! I think I'm longing for the days when you just complained about gear-ups raising your insurance premiums!
  11. 76???!!! Are you frickin' kidding me? Good grief, the odds of having all 76 set optimally, regardless of 'procedure' have to vanishingly small. I can't fathom anyone designing an AP system with that many parameters. I'm getting my STEC-30 repaired (if it ever fails) vs. going to that abomination of a design!
  12. I think you're on to something with that theory. I'm the other extreme and probably should work more on using my AP! I'm looking for any reason to turn the thing off vs. reasons not to I have a very simple two-axis AP, STEC-30 w/AH, but I often click it off at a moments notice. All of my training for private and instrument was in planes without APs, and I rented planes without APs for decades before buying my Mooney 7 years ago. I'm just more used to hand flying, I guess. Love the AP for cross-country but, honestly, in a terminal environment I'd rather hand fly.
  13. And, my point was, absent any other evidence, I’m not seeing how the requirement for more hours equates to a demonstrable cause for lower quality. Kind of like your implication that I care about anything other than competence; what evidence from my post can you cite that I care about any other trait?
  14. If I'm reading that right, you are trading one set of canned gain settings (the original STC settings) for another set of CANNED gain settings (you MUST use ALL of the optional values). This seems DUMB! While I don't have N201MKTurbo's 30 years of experience, I have tuned a few PID systems and they often need to be UNIQUELY 'tweaked'; substituting another 'best guess' set of parameters instead the first guess seems pretty suboptimal to me. BWTHDIK?
  15. I'm not sure I'm following your argument...are you saying that the FAA adding the 1500 experience requirement has resulted in LESS trained pilots than before it was imposed? If so, I need help understanding that logic.
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