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MikeOH last won the day on January 26

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    KPOC - Brackett Field, Pomona, CA
  • Model
    '70 M20F

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  1. What actually gets replaced in a starter overhaul? I can't imagine that they get rewound; more like brushes and bearings replaced and commutator turned, I would guess. BWTHDIK?
  2. @201Steve That's the original thread, NOT the same thread that's diappeared.
  3. I hope this information is admissible in the Consent Agreement hearing in Kalifornia.
  4. @Marc_B or others that may know: Any word on what happened to the court motion yesterday?
  5. If it turns out the damage IS due to unleaded fuel I suspect the insurance industry is going to list unleaded fuel usage as a policy exclusion for any damage caused thereby.
  6. How long at 1100C? Do you have a cite for the specs?
  7. Can't help with how common as I don't go outside when it's that cold From the photos it sure looks like it was water/slush thrown back by the wheel while taxiing. As someone else mentioned, not that much on the underside of the wing in a pretty limited swath, but the buildup on the gear would be concerning during retraction.
  8. Pretty sure @EricJ knows that. That’s as close to a ‘black’ box as I’ve seen; the ability of the media to withstand not only the impact but the temperature is definitely impressive engineering!
  9. No kidding. So why post something that has no relevance to Mooneys or the OP?
  10. I asked a simple question; you chose not to answer it, but to start the 'obtuse game' rather than answer my question.
  11. Where did I say that you did?
  12. This is the Forensics model I've used: https://www.forensicsdetectors.com/products/car-vehicle-aircraft. It's actually the second one I've purchased as the first one was past its expiration date.
  13. How does a Subpart F (Large and turbine powered multi-engine airplanes) regulation apply to the OP?
  14. Any reasonably statistical basis for that comment, or just your opinion?
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