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  2. Maybe this guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Px-YZ_N2Tg
  3. That’s not even all of them. Again. I don’t think this is going to be an issue.
  4. $250 each. Any takers?
  5. I keep the seat in my Altima all the way down; my wife raises it to see over the steering wheel. Just rented a Ford Escape, couldn't get the seat low enough that my knees were bent less than 90°, like I was sitting at the kitchen table--hated it! The seat in my truck goes lower than this! (Honda Ridgeline) The seats in my C only adjust fore and aft, and have almost a whole inch of wasted vertical space under them--just perfect! Plenty of room to wear any hat I like and still not hit the ceiling in turbulence.
  6. LOL! You are smarter than that; don't resort to acting like you don't know exactly the point of my post. Thanks, captain obvious, for pointing out that the two situations differ because one has already made it through to claims payouts and the other hasn't had a claim filed; no kidding the "predicates" differ.
  7. LOL! Yeah, the weirdest one pulled on me was the CFI that kept changing the code on the transponder from 1200 before we took off! Like four times! I just kept casually resetting it to 1200 and never let on that I knew he was doing it. Thankfully, he was not so inclined once we were airborne. Seemed kind of a stupid 'distraction' as taxiing was about as far from a critical moment as you can get!
  8. Today
  9. But you asked "Please explain how this G100UL situation differs from the class action lawsuit claims paid when Mobil AV-1 synthetic aviation oil caused engine issues." You are changing predicates. You wanted me to compare the present situation with G100UL in which there are accusations on social media to a situation of litigation. If you want to compare how the G100UL situation now compares to the situation of AV-1 before litigation was filed please say so. Please don't change predicates to denigrate the answer you got.
  10. You will not find anyone more honest or knowledgeable. he is an all around solid guy and doesn’t mind if you get your hands dirty with him.
  11. That guy’s probably a great neighbor and a hoot at parties.
  12. I never saw documents showing that 67F has two different Flap extension speeds, all should be 105 mph. You might saw at the 1968 module built in 1967; that should have 125mph. I am quite certain that type certificate defines the speeds that way. The best way you can see the structural difference is to look at IPC for 67 and 68 (available in downloads section) and compare. Good luck
  13. What happened with the outcome of this? I am looking in the same area. Recent commercial pilot cert working on multi but looking to build 300 hours or so and would love to join a partnership or start one. I have been looking in the 110,000-150,000 range with $120,000 or so being a sweet spot for what I would like avionics wise.
  14. And, how do you suppose this started with the Mobil AV-1 issue? Exactly the same way: with reports from the field first labeled as mere opinions and accusations, then data that initially gets labeled as false or fabricated, then enough multiple examples that the data can no longer be ignored as wrong. We can differ in opinion on where in this continuum we are, but to deny that parallels exist between the two situations is deliberately looking the other way. I do agree with @A64Pilot's analysis on the likely outcome financially due to the size and structure differences between Mobil and GAMI.
  15. Seating position is variable. What you like may be different than what I like. And the view from 6' will be different than the view from 5'5". I fly a friend's ovation. He like being low; I like being high. I can't believe he like his position and he can't believe I like mine. We could be talking about cars
  16. It seems that Mr Scott Iceberg is addicted to lawsuits: https://casetext.com/case/iceberg-v-brookstone-landscape-design-llc, https://casetext.com/case/iceberg-v-whole-foods-mkt-grp-inc?q=scott iceberg&sort=relevance&p=1&type=case, https://casetext.com/case/iceberg-v-martin?q=scott iceberg&sort=relevance&p=1&type=case, and many more...
  17. Some people just enjoy filing lawsuits. https://casetext.com/case/iceberg-v-king-cnty-superior-court-1 https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/USCOURTS-waed-2_22-cv-00332/USCOURTS-waed-2_22-cv-00332-0 https://trellis.law/case/53061/24-2-08710-31/scott-iceberg-vs-grandview-management-services-inc https://case-law.vlex.com/vid/iceberg-v-martin-case-885597779 https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/51609048/Iceberg_v_Brookstone_Landscape__Design_LLC_et_al https://www.leagle.com/decision/infdco20210426j05
  18. Definitely going to try and book something with Brian kenndricks
  19. That guy files at least 3 frivolous lawsuits a year. I wouldn’t worry about this one. if I were the defendant I’d be counter suing for anything related to filing a frivolous lawsuit citing all of his other frivolous suits that have been dismissed.
  20. The seating position was not at all what I was expecting. I have heard "it sits like a corvette"..etc. but, I did not find the position to be all that different from an Arrow..I didn't really mess with the seating position much so I am sure I could have gotten it more "locked in" to my liking. I think it had vertical articulation, but I didn't mess with it. Ricardo is probably an inch or so taller than I and he had room above his head, so I am sure it is workable. That is the part I should have adjusted, because it was a bit tight through head and shoulder area...again, that was my fault for not playing with the adjustment more. The panel is kinda tall, but I didn't find that to be a problem once you level out at cruise and it did not seem an issue during landing flare either. The sloped windscreen and tall panel does make for a smaller view than a Cessna for sure, but again I didn't see where that was really an issue. I have heard where they are "hard to slow down" and you need to be on speeds for a decent landing, etc. Did not notice that either, although I was not the one landing it so maybe he just made it look easy. Lol. The speed brakes do make it slow and descend quite well if you find yourself in need of that.
  21. Avweb is reporting on some neighbor of Arlington Airport WA suing owner of C172 for flying and "spreading" lead. He wants lead emissions from aircraft stopped... More details: https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/airport-neighbour-cites-lead-pollution-in-suit/?MailingID=FLY250120003&utm_campaign=avwebflash&utm_medium=newsletter&oly_enc_id=6133D2714401E4Z This is in my neck of woods and I've been flying occasional approach or two to KAWO. Not sure what's next. It could be anyone. Crazy
  22. All this points to the fact we need unleaded fuel pronto. Noise we can fight, lead would be an impossible slog.
  23. Your specific engine and appropriate crankshaft, conrod, bearing,etc part numbers are listed on the next to last line on page 6 below: https://data.ntsb.gov/Docket/Document/docBLOB?ID=40464099&FileExtension=.PDF&FileName=Service Bulletin - SB00-3A-Master.PDF Cont crankshaft set - part no . 649898 https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/eppages/continentalnewcrankshaft_07-08865.php https://www.airpowerinc.com/649898?srsltid=AfmBOorlxr3hcT9PckYJD6iSw8P5lq-kp4a9Ovm5S3IR5XkNx614uWFH https://www.aviationpartsinc.com/product/tcm-crankshaft-damper-asm-649898/
  24. So, how well did you fit? The front seats of all Mooneys are the same, except the panel of so.e long bodies is extra tall, and vintage Mooney seats have no vertical adjustment.
  25. Was finally able to hook up with member Ricky_231 and get a tag along in his M20S Eagle last week. What a great plane and a good day for flying. He showed me around the plane and answered any questions I had. We went for a flight and the "S" did in fact climb like an eagle. I am used to little Cessnas, so the climb at 1800+ fpm that never seemed to drop was amazing. We cruised out over the coast for a bit and talked about planes. What could be better than that? Thanks so much for your time Ricardo. It was an enjoyable flight.
  26. Been at least 50 years ago and I do not have personal first hand knowledge of this, this is second hand from a Bell Helicopter employee. But a wealthy person purchased a brand new Bell 206, being as it was a military derivative aircraft the low fuel warning lights said 20 min fuel on the Caution warning segment because the Army reg required a fuel warning when 20 min of fuel remained at normal cruise, during the factory training this individual received at the factory he signed forms three times attesting that it had been explained to him that this light was an indication of low fuel and depending on rate of fuel consumption that the fuel remaining may not be 20 mins worth. The POH of course had warnings and stated how much fuel quantity was remaining when the light illuminated. Well on the way home the aircraft ran out of fuel, he froze never reducing the collective or taking any apparent action so he crashed and died. The grieving Widow sued of course, the basis of the Lawsuit was the aircraft ran out of fuel 15 min after he reported to ATC that he had a low fuel indication. The Widow got a Huge settlement. The pilot was shown to be grossly negligent of course, all he had to do was land in any of the open fields he was flying over, he wasn’t IMC, didn’t execute an Autototation etc. But Bell Helicopter had DEEP pockets and I’m sure the Jury felt sorry for the Widow. Outcome of the Lawsuit had nothing to do with any fault of Bell Helicopter
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