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  2. I was thinking about the grease some more. While lubing the chain with a good chain lube is better for the chain, grease is probably better for the sprockets. So adding a few dabs of grease to the inside of the chain would reduce ware on the sprockets.
  3. Today
  4. Kevin, thank you for offering to help. That's very nice that you are willing to share your expertise. What ever happen to the company? The last time I talked to Cici (years ago), she told me a buyer bought the company and was going to set up somewhere in the carolina's. I guess that never happened.....
  5. @Grant_Waite and @bcg - it's now mid-summer and just checking to see how the Eco Wave Flow 2 is working out. I really like the size of the Eco. Would welcome your observations,.
  6. Hmm, I wonder if this means the composite 3 blade for M20Ks will be coming soon.
  7. YES, feel free to write and submit articles. I did a couple, and next thing I knew, I was listed on the masthead as a Contributor. They do not have to be technical things. They can be about a nice trip your took. Or even things of aviation interest that are not Mooney specific.
  8. But does that include the resale on the 330? Or just the cost to install the 345?
  9. I use fltplan go as it’s free and the only other app besides FF and garmin pilot that will interface with my garmin 345 via bluetooth to show traffic and weather info on fltplan go charts in the app.
  10. I think i would have pressed the no news response. Like what have you been doing this past year from the last time i was here asking this question. I’m sure something has been done like an email sent or a phone call to check on the status ? anyway thanks for asking. At least they know one person is interested in when the AP will be approved/ available.
  11. Martin i own a 252 and also read mike bush philosophy on operations and i agree with mike that i have not had any problems with my turbo it has been very reliable. Also the turbo is easier to operate than the non turbo engine as you keep all knobs forward all the way to cruise altitude unlike the non turbo where you have to keep adjusting the mixture knob, note the 231 mooney does need throttle management / adjustment in takeoff and the climb but it’s a different turbo compared to the other turbo moonies. There is this new pesky AD the FAA put out for turbo V-band clamps that we now have to inspect more frequently and replace every 500 hours, and because this effects all turbos not just mooney but cessna cirrus piper beech etc there is no stock so getting one takes a ling time to procure and is expensive for that mandatory replacement. My dad had a non turbo J and i have the turbo 252 so I have experienced both and i would not give up my turbo even if i did get more useful load in doing so. Back when mooney was selling both it was a 20-30k premium for a turbo version over the NA version. Thanks to all the bad press the 231 got for mismanaging the engine which was easy to do back then with no full engine monitoring of each cylinder and 425 degrees at 1650 tit was considered normal operating range. there were some expensive lessons learned and fear put into the public. Anyway that fear of mismanaging a turbo has translated to turbo used models at one time going for only slightly higher than non turbo which makes the turbo version even better of a deal IMO. We now know for longevity no higher then 380 cht in cruise and i try to stay at 1550 tit. Some will say 1600tit is ok. The closer you get to the limit the quicker you will need an overhaul. Good luck with the hunt.
  12. I subscribe to several of these magazines, all former Belvoir publications like Aviation Consumer. I’m not sure why they decided to start printing Flying on cardstock, but the magazine is strange now. They skipped a whole print run for the Belvoir set, saying instead that they would send everyone a magazine they didn’t want and didn’t ask for - an “Ultimate” issue of Flying that came wrapped in plastic and I never opened. They must be pretty confident that Flying is the future of the business, and the key revenue driver. I’ve always been very happy with Belvoir, but I let my Flying subscription lapse a long time ago, and haven’t seen any compelling reason to renew.
  13. I heard from someone that was at Oshkosh and talked to a Dynon rep that the documentation has been submitted to the FAA and now waiting approval. I'm not sure if that means a signature and all is good to go or if a signature leads to the next step. In any case, I'm hanging in there...
  14. I have had issues with the magnetometer saying it needs to be recalibrated which I did. Is that the smoking gun? Anyway to validate magnetometer?
  15. I like the buttonhook tails. I've always thought they look unique and interesting.
  16. Congratulations, my first plane was wa 68 G, C is excellent bang for the buck
  17. I quit lining the birdcage with that rag over a decade ago.
  18. Circulation just be way, way down . . . . Digital subscriptions, too.
  19. Just out of annual , my right front seatbelt was twisted. I tried to un twist it and buckle came off belt. I put it on the seat to work on it later. Came back to airplane and buckle and one Bose headset was gone. Lots of search did not turn up missing buckle and headset. We really looked everywhere. So...Any ideas how to find a replacement??? Frank Crawford at Mooney had none and Lasar in Oregon had none. For Mooney Ovation...2008...seatbelt has airbag. it is a goofy two piece buckle with main latch and slider behind that belt loops around. Anyone know where I can replace it?? Thanks Alan
  20. It’s the test engineer in me that appreciated being able to pull 6” exactly and hold it. Why make it easy when you can nuke it. Would have needed an extension tube anyway to reach the back of the turn coordinator with my organic sucker. It was a lot easier than building a test rig with a vacuum gage to mimic the Brittain test procedures which I think requires holding a vacuum for an extended period. And I like tools … and data.
  21. This year’s contest is pretty “meh” compared to last year. For 2024, they had a picture of an Icon A5, and if you won, you had your choice of an Icon, a Tecnam, or a pile of cash. Their communication and messaging was abysmal, but apparently they named the winner at Sun N Fun. Anyway - for 2025, the grand prize is $100k toward the purchase of an aircraft listed in the Flying airplane classifieds. So you pick any plane they have listed for sale, and they give you $100k towards that purchase. They also have a $50k cash option, in addition to smaller monthly prizes. I was excited about winning my Icon A5, and spent some time daydreaming about that win. It’s harder to daydream about winning a discount on a used aircraft purchase. https://www.flyingmag.com/news/flying-magazine-announces-2025-ultimate-flying-giveaway/ https://www.flyingmag.com/2025-ultimate-flying-giveaway-official-rules/
  22. On the Mooney G1000 airplanes there's no GDL90 installed that's why there's a red X over it. Your ADS-B out comes from your transponder. I think it's your GMU44 magnetometer. Once you lose your heading you lose your traffic.
  23. Flew the Bravo from Pierre SD to Bozeman MT today at FL200, TIT 1580, hottest CHT 385, OAT -10C, 29" 2400 FF 21Gph, TAS 188KT, for my Bravo this is about normal, from all I have read this is pretty good for a TKS Bravo, as you said check all probes in boiling water, they are reading low, what does your probe on the Moritz read if you still have one? , call JPI and see what they come up with
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