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Fly Boomer

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Fly Boomer last won the day on August 18

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  1. As noted above, Concorde RG-35AXC. Friends don't let friends buy Gill batteries. That battery will not magically fix problems with your alternator, regulator, starter, or cables, but if everything else is working correctly, it will last quite a long time.
  2. And when those don't work, switch to abrasives.
  3. If that was at Penn State in 1990, Leary was only 70 at the time, and Liddy even younger. They just THOUGHT they were old.
  4. From the horse's mouth: TCM Engine Model Numbers.pdf
  5. Nah, they won't get any minerals, but it won't hurt them--it's just distilled water.
  6. Not my comment.
  7. This is the first I have heard of ADs, bugs, or recalls on the G100UL. Can you point me to the documentation?
  8. That stuff confuses me too (not that hard). I'm thinking "Didn't I just read this a couple of hours ago?"
  9. In my experience, when fuel stains are brown like that, it's 100LL that has been there for months or years.
  10. I would also try Don Maxwell in Longview TX (world's most renowned Mooney shop). He used to rebuild them. I assume you have bench tested it to eliminate switches, breaker, wiring, etc.?
  11. Give LASAR a call. Sometimes their web site isn't accurate.
  12. How about Vertical Measuring Equipment--companion to Distance Measuring Equipment?
  13. Welcome! How about LASAR? https://lasar.com/fuel-system-1/fuel-boost-pump-regulator-880047-503
  14. I didn't go back to read previous posts again, but first, the app is called "WeatherMap+" -- the "plus" is important because without it, you get a bunch of other things when you search. On my iPad, the meteogram view is the default when you open the app. If not, you get there by tapping the icon that looks like 3 layers, and that's exactly what is shown on that view--cloud cover, temperature, and wind speed. There is also an icon for each of those views individually if the combined view is too busy. At the top is a bar showing day of the week and time. The times are every 3 hours--3,6,9,12,15,18 etc. It's not the only thing I look at, but it has become the first thing I look at.
  15. I have grown to love that view.
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