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N201MKTurbo last won the day on July 26

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  1. I was parked just north of the end of RWY 09 last time I was there. There was a shower trailer about 100 yards east of me. That was 2013. I guess I should go back some time.
  2. I’ve never wrapped my head around that either. Grease seems dumb. l stuck the cleaned chain in a can and hosed it down with paraffin chain lube, worked it in then hung it up to dry. After it was dry, I wiped the paraffin off the surface. The chain looks brand new and is super limber. BTW, that chain is standard chain, you can buy it for cheap on line.
  3. It should get some attention at every annual.
  4. Last time I had my chain off, I cleaned it and re-lubed it with a high quality bicycle paraffin lube. It is smooth as silk and not all yucked up with grease.
  5. I have landed at Oshkosh three times. It is an intense bit of flying for an experienced pilot. There are a lot of less experienced pilots who make the trek. It's a wonder there aren't more accidents. On my last trip there I got damaged taxiing. It bent the crap out of my lower gear door. I noticed that my airspeeds were low, but continued IFR to my first fuel stop two hours away. I borrowed a pair of pliers and straightened it out. It flew fine after that. BTW, I have driven there once. I flew into Wisconsin Dells with the family and drove to Oshkosh twice. And I flew into Fond Du Lac and took the bus once.
  6. That is very unlikely, unless the pseudo cold junction in the instrument has gone haywire. A thermocouple makes a current between a hot junction and a cold junction. Most modern thermocouple instruments have a temperature sensor in the instrument to correct the thermocouple reading for the cold junction. this makes a pseudo cold junction. if that temperature sensor isn't reading right, it could affect all of the readings. It would most likely affect all the readings not just the CHT readings. the best way to check is to look at the readings with the engine stone cold. all your thermocouples should be reading OAT. https://www.omega.com/en-us/resources/thermocouple-junction-principles# https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/what-is-cold-junction-compensation-in-thermocouple/
  7. The Ovation must not have the standard stall detector. It must be a DIY design from Mooney. I will have to take a look next time I'm near an Ovation.
  8. Thermocouples measure temperature at the junction where the two wires are connected together. The failure mode that will make them "lazy" is a breakdown in the insulation upstream from the intended junction. This allows the thermocouple wires to touch forming a junction at a cooler place then the end of the probe. The reading now becomes the average of the two junctions.
  9. O1V was a wonderful little airport back in the day. there is a road where the runway used to be. I have a lot of fond memories about this place.
  10. So, who can anyone tell me what two airports those were?
  11. A motorcycle inner tube, some rubber cement and some creative cutting and folding.
  12. My method for wrapping servos with tape. Get yourself a steel rod, about 1/8 inch in diameter and about 8 inches long. Wrap one end with electrical tape till it is about 7/16 in diameter. Use this tape dispenser to tape up the servos. It will get into tight places and you can put good tension on the tape. You cannot do that with a roll of tape.
  13. And after all these years, my insurance is still due on July 25.
  14. Its easier to suck from inside the plane. There is usually black rubber tubing hooked to the plastic tubing. Unless you have the older system with the gyro in the tail, then you will need to do the suckage in the tail cone.
  15. My redneck servo troubleshooting method. There are two plastic tubes that terminate under the panel on the left side. They are red and green. Take the rubber hose off them one at a time so you don’t mix them up. Put another rubber hose onto the tubes about 2 feet long. Stick the hose in your mouth and suck as hard as you can until you cannot suck any more air out of the hose. (Your airplane will love you for it) The yoke will turn. Then stick your tongue on the hose. If the suction persists, your servos are good. If the suction bleeds off, you have leaky servos. Some suggest using one of those hand operated vacuum pumps from the auto parts store. It will work too, but it is wasted money.
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