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N201MKTurbo last won the day on February 3

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About N201MKTurbo

  • Birthday 04/06/1957

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    Tempe, AZ
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  1. I have a friend Lori who was in my old speed skating club. She was a serious competitor. After 9/11 she was mad and joined the Army. She was almost 30 years old at the time. She trained like crazy before going to basic training. She was crazy buff right before she left. We emailed a bit while she was training. She said she finished all the running and hiking ahead of all the guys. If anybody would have been carrying anybody else’s stuff, it would be her. Last I heard she had been to Afghanistan 5 times. She told me the story of her first deployment. They didn’t have separate tents or facilities and her group was coed. They did everything together sleep, eat dress and use the latrine all coed. She said there were no issues. If someone would have tried something with her, she would have kicked their ass. About a month later some officer came by and insisted they have separate tents and facilities. She said there were more problems being separate. She also told me the story about her rifle. She said about every other month some officer would say either all the women must carry a rifle or cannot carry a rifle. She said whenever she got into a HUMVEE or a helicopter, somebody would hand her a rifle. She ended up running the post office for the Army in Afghanistan. She told me once that she knew more about where everybody was deployed than the generals did. She told me once she was really pissed because the bad guys were shelling her base and blew up the new Pizza Hut.
  2. I would pull the handle just a little bit with the latch in the emergency position. It may have got jammed trying to use the motor to raise them with the latch in the wrong position.
  3. Thanks for the story. It sounds like you did the right thing. You knew there was no ice below and behind you and you immediately turned there. That’s what you have to do. Did you notice the OATs? If ATC tried to send me to altitudes with ice, I would tell them I was unable.
  4. If there are no cracks, I would let it go. If the holes are ovaled, it is most likely from improper installation. If you need a new spinner. it is a McCauley part. I would look for a used one too. There are a few spinner shops that will weld them.
  5. I got a tire grinding disk from JEGS that fit in my 4" grinder. I jacked the plane and set on the ground in front of the wheels and ran the grinder back and forth across the face of the tire. It is kind of like running a floor polisher, you steer it by which quadrant you put pressure on. if you put pressure on the right side of the grinder it would spin the wheel towards you and if you put pressure on the left side of the grinder it would slow it down and reverse direction. It doesn't take long to get the hang of it and you can control the wheel speed with precision. It took about 20 minutes per tire to remove 1/4 inch of rubber. It made an awful mess, but it was dry rubber dust and it swept up easy enough. BTW, I still have those tires on the plane. It appears they will last forever. https://www.jegs.com/i/Allstar-Performance/049/ALL44181/10002/-1 Wow, that's a big picture.
  6. When you started picking up this ice, what did you do? What were the weather conditions? What phase of flight?
  7. I looked a bit, you can get 5 RPM 12V gear motor for $50. you will need to make some type of turntable and a 10/1 belt drive. I would get a lab power supply to fine tune the speed. You can calibrate it with a stopwatch. Or you can spend big bucks: https://www.ideal-aerosmith.com/products/1-2-or-3-axis-rate-and-positioning-tables/
  8. You could build a rate table for about $100 on Amazon.
  9. http://www.berkshireinstrument.com/price_autopilot3.html https://www.kelleyinstruments.com/capabilities.html
  10. There could be a small piece of dirt that got past the air filter and got stuck in the side of your piston. It rode up and down a few thousand times. It could be scratching the cylinder wall until lit went away. This can make debris like that. The rings will scrape it all smooth after it is gone.
  11. When it rains in the caldera, where can it go?
  12. They say it is cylinder metals. I wouldn’t worry about that. What would you do? Change out all your cylinders? It would be good to take a look at them to see if anything is happening. Which you did, so be happy your cylinders are still doing fine and sleep well.
  13. I’m sure they abuse it worse than that in development.
  14. Do you have a pic of the specs?
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