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Great day to fly. Not so great outcome. Wing and Rudder damage.

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Today I flew my well loved C from my home airport to L08, (Borrego Springs) for a nice short flight and to get some fuel..  While waiting outside of the aircraft for the fuel pump to vacate a Super Cub taxied right into the back of the Mooney.  His right wing hit my rudder and then the aircraft pivoted and his prop hit my left aileron.  I saw the whole thing from about 20 feet away.  Surreal.  Metal everywhere.  Luckily no one was hurt.


I need a bit of advice.  I am not sure how extensive the damage really is but the rudder will need some work and of course I'll need at least an aileron to get the aircraft anywhere close to ferry-able.  There is an IA that does some work at this airport (but that is about it, no other maintenance that I know of...just one guy and I have no idea about his skill level or experience).  I would like to get this fixed my someone who is familiar with Mooneys, preferably a Service Center.  A ferry permit seems like the best option.  I do not have any experience with anything like this.  He has insurance (so he says).  Can I demand from his insurance company that I want my aircraft repaired at a Mooney Service Center?  Do I call MY insurance company and let them handle the details?  IF I do, will this be an issue with my insurance rates (this was obviously NOT my fault)?  My insurance carrier is a weekday operation so Monday will be the earliest I can get anything of substance done.


I love my airplane.  She was fast stock C and flew straight and true.  Somehow I don't think she will ever be the same ......but I sure hope so.....sad day.




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Were I you, I would start with my own insurance company. You pay for protection, the insurers deal with these situations every day. Use their expertise. Check your policy. While your agent won't be available until Monday, the underwriter may have a 24 hour contact number.

(Aren't you glad you have hull insurance!)

I'm so glad no one was hurt. So sorry to hear about the mishap.

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He felt really bad about it.  Looking at his airplane there isn't really much damage but apparently he will need an engine tear down (O-320) and he said that he won't be able to get a ferry permit to have the work done elsewhere.  There are worse airports for this kind of thing to happen but this also isn't a great place to get stuck..  Looks like the local IA is going to have a bit of work to do.


The Cub driver was nice enough to give me I ride in his Baron back to KTNP.  That saved me a 2 1/2 hour drive and a serious rental car issue.  I did sit in the co pilot seat in the Baron.  Things like this can shake people up a bit.

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He felt really bad about it. Looking at his airplane there isn't really much damage but apparently he will need an engine tear down (O-320) and he said that he won't be able to get a ferry permit to have the work done elsewhere. There are worse airports for this kind of thing to happen but this also isn't a great place to get stuck.. Looks like the local IA is going to have a bit of work to do.

The Cub driver was nice enough to give me I ride in his Baron back to KTNP. That saved me a 2 1/2 hour drive and a serious rental car issue. I did sit in the co pilot seat in the Baron. Things like this can shake people up a bit.

Twenty-Nine Palms? OOORAH!

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This happened to me about 25 years ago. The plane was based at Coronado Airport in Albuquerque and a Bonanza taxied into my wingtip. I told my adjuster that I wanted the plane repaired at Beagels Aircraft in Colorado. The man who hit me went nuts and said that there were plenty of places locally that could do the work. The adjuster said the shop I wanted was one of their favorites and they had no problem with me taking it there.

The bottom line is the adjuster had no problem with taking the plane to a quality shop.

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I would start with his insurance company as there will be no deductible. You may or may not have a not in motion deductible on your own policy. I would only use my insurance if I ran into problems with his. Is the damage contained to the aileron or did it get into the wing also?

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A new aileron from Mooney is now 3800$, I just picked two new ones up from the factory 2 days ago.  Fortunately for you I have a serviceable aileron to get you flying again until the 6 weeks it takes Mooney to build you a new one.


Its difficult to tell, but if it scratched the rear spar or any of the wing skin that gets hella more expensive. Any more, it doesnt take much to total a C model. Keep us informed.

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I have a zero deductible insurance policy.  I just don't want my rates to go up if I contact them. This was not my fault and it seems that if my rates go up it is incredibly unfair it they do.  I just want my airplane to be the way it was before the incident and nothing more.  This issue will (and has even its relative short time frame) and by its nature invoke a lot of work on my part and HIS insurance company should bear the brunt of all of my inconvenience.  The way I see it they should not hold me accountable for any issue I have that will not get my aircraft back to its pre-incident state.  Like I have said previously I do not have any experience with issues like this.   It think that if my insurance company has to do some work it will reflect badly on me. I sure hope not but I need some guidance.


I use this aircraft often for transportation to employment.  It will be interesting to see how the parties handle this.  Frankly, they better do it right.


Thanks to everyone on this forum for for their support and humor.   Makes the issue a bit more tolerable......

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A number of years ago, a genius in the T hangar where my plane was adjoining decided to paint his plane in his hangar. My plane was covered with overspray. I contacted my insurance who handled the interface with the genius's insurance company. No increase and the genius's insurance company covered the cost to make it right.

How much hull coverage do you have?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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$30K.....there is no way I can replace my a/c for than amount......but why should I have to if this was not my fault.....i am pretty depressed about this whole thing.....maybe I should of had more but this should be not be an issue......give me back my A/C as is was.....and right now.....with no BS........

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Start making a list of all the costs you will bare. They all belong to the other guy's insurance company.

The list may include renting a plane while yours is out of commission.

Be cautious, or at least be aware... The cost to fix may approach the value of the plane, quickly.

It's unlikely that you have won the lottery, but your real out of pocket expenses should be covered.

I'm no expert, but I've seen taxi accidents up close...

I don't think I could speak with someone that taxied into my plane, never mind fly with them. Your a good man!

Best regards,


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