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LANCECASPER last won the day on November 5 2024

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  1. Thanks, that's very helpful.
  2. I am already running 401.37 software. Page D27 Rev 9 comes from the link you posted.
  3. Figure D-18 is on page D27 and shows the connection between the GTX345/345R and the FS210.
  4. If I already have the GTX345R will this need to be re-loaded?
  5. Avionik Straubing in Germany is also telling me that there is a Cirrus config file that needs to be downloaded from the Garmin DRC (Dealer Resource Center?). Do you know which file that would be?
  6. You need to quote his post like I did yours or ping @dhawkes so that he gets a notification
  7. I had the exact same thing happen twice on an Ovation I owned ten years ago. The fuel setup was checked by someone that knows the IO-550 intimately. We tested the Champion (massives) that we took out and all of them failed, with very high resistance. We ended up changing all of the spark plugs and it never did it again. If your fuel set-up hasn't been done by someone that really knows these engines you might start there. Although it wouldn't hurt to check the resistance on your plugs. On troubleshooting it's not always just one thing. Example, you might have been off for a long time on the fuel but your plugs were ok so it was working out. Now if the plugs are higher resistance it's to the point that you can't keep it running at low power settings.
  8. You can fight and try to get it covered by someone else while your airplane sits there many more months or you can just accept it as a cost of flying a nice airplane and take charge and get it done. Those six digit part numbers are all Continental parts. They should be able to be ordered from any Continental distributor, such as https://www.airpowerinc.com/ or https://www.aircraftspruce.com/. Whether they are in stock or backordered is another challenge.
  9. You're correct - I fixed that and revised the .pdf. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0o5glcfw7eezmv2tjir1e/G1000-Legacy-to-FS210-Possible-Solution-revised.pdf?rlkey=3v1vyvyjoz4hgckauxbio1ydu&dl=0
  10. I took the references in @PaulM ‘s post and made a pdf to follow. Hopefully this will help when I find the time to get it over to Brian Kendrick or the Mooney Service Center to see about this installation. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0o5glcfw7eezmv2tjir1e/G1000-Legacy-to-FS210-Possible-Solution-revised.pdf?rlkey=3v1vyvyjoz4hgckauxbio1ydu&dl=0
  11. On this link the Table of Contents only goes to 24-50-05 Edit: It looks like 34-50-08 applies
  12. Thank you for all of the effort you put into this. There is no page D37 in the GTX345R install manual. Page D27 maybe?
  13. The post you’re quoting was from almost nine years ago.
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