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LANCECASPER last won the day on September 9

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  1. Wool is the nicest. 1. Aero Comfort's wool carpet is a tad over $2000. (aerocomfort.com) You'd have to call Hector for an exact quote. 2. Once you add the Ensolite foam backing the SCS wool option is in the same ball park. https://scs-interiors.com/collections/mooney-m20/products/mooney-m20j-pre-cut-carpet-kit
  2. They finished an Acclaim Ultra and sold it in November 2021 and as @donkaye mentions serial #0001 of the Acclaim Ultra could be ready soon. There is one airframe off to the side of the assembly line that they stopped right at the point where it would have progressed either as an Acclaim Ultra or Ovation Ultra. That one could also be finished as either model if they had an order and deposit.
  3. Recent posts in the past few days on this thread seem to indicate that it won't be useful for General Aviation anymore. https://www.beechtalk.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=231282
  4. This webpage is really to encourage you to buy a car wash but the points made are valid when it comes to engines and paint: https://www.autowashco.com/post/how-smoke-can-damage-your-paint This has more to do with turbines however the principles still apply to us to a certain degree because of the abrasive action:
  5. Another possibility is if you have high resistance Champion spark plugs. The last Bravo I had never stumbled at low power settings once I put in Tempest fine wire plugs.
  6. First thing I would do is take it to someone who really knows whether your Mooney is in rig and flying straight. After that I would blame some cruise speed loss on your three blade prop - 3 to 5 knots. Then figure out if you want to give up the looks and the climb performance of the 3 blade prop for a better cruise 2 blade prop. Finally it's your expectation - when your airplane was being built there was a lot of competition in General Aviation: Cessna, Piper, Beechcraft, Grumman, etc, etc. were all competing for sales. Very few airplanes that ever left any of these factories did what the POH said they would do. Expecting POH numbers for airplanes built in the 60's-80's leads to some disappointment. (Example: How many 201's did 201mph? Same goes for the 231 and 252? It was kind of understood that those were marketing numbers not what you were going to actually see.)
  7. That would have been nice to have the owners of N252KM (number 32), 252VM (number 57) and N252XM (number26) in the same picture, along with an Encore owner N308MA. I understand that the owner of N252YF (number 71) was also there.
  8. Gluing it in once and getting it right the first time is not going to happen with most doors since each of them are a little different. I used RTV107 so that I could peel it back and adjust it after I went up and test flew it to see where it was still leaking. That's the product that came with the Bob Fields Seal. But probably best not to turn this into a door seal thread - my apologies - since he's looking for ideas other than the door seal. There has been a lot written about this:https://mooneyspace.com/search/?q="inflatable door seal"&quick=1&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy&search_and_or=or
  9. PDF of the article: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6h5ajhhswxuz7izhtmbut/MAPA-ARTICLE-BOB-KROMER-Mooney-252.pdf?rlkey=pmv3aznrkei94mni1ffdxlvdq&dl=0
  10. Sorry. Actually I tried, we took the picture right by your seat, but you were gone by that point.
  11. I know the first post started out with "Aside from a tight door seal, are there any real ways to reduce the decibel level in the Mooney?", however that's still where the vast majority of the noise is coming from. On my last airplane I painstakingly put in a Bob Fields Inflatable Door Deal and, once I did some test flights and adjusted it a few times, it was the quietest piston airplane I've ever been in. One caveat - I don't know of a shop that would be willing to spend as much time as I did getting it right, or any owner including myself that would have been willing to pay a shop that many hours to get it right. I could actually have a conversation without a headset. Had I kept that airplane the next project would have been improving the baggage door deal.
  12. It was great to see everyone - hope I'm not missing anyone: @Pinecone @RoundTwo @DonMuncy @donkaye @Parker_Woodruff @Pmaxwell @Dmax @Jan Maxwell @MarcJohnson @Marc_B @shawnd @douglaspatete @Bryce E @hubcap @ta2too I have toured the factory a few times but have never had a chance to really look around like I did on Saturday. We came around the corner and saw a Mooney poster of Bob Kromer flying a 252 almost 40 years ago. That was a neat unexpected moment. Later that evening Bob and three 252 owners @MarcJohnson, @Marc_B (Encore) and @shawnd got a picture with the father of the 252, Bob Kromer, at the banquet.
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