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redbaron1982 last won the day on January 9 2022

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  1. Is there any news re FAA investigation into this? Is G100UL still available at the two Kali airports? Are there any new aircraft having issues?
  2. If you have the data from the engine monitor, you can calculate your GAMI spread (the FF at which the leanest cylinder peaks - the richest cylinder peaks). Anything 0.5 gal or lower is ok and will let you run LOP smoothly. GAMI spread is what really matters to know how well "tuned" the injectors are.
  3. The SA states: "While some aspects of the initial Cirrus testing of the GAMI G100UL fuel are encouraging, Cirrus has identified specific concerns regarding material compatibility. Lab and on-aircraft testing, in coordination with FAA representatives, revealed degradation of tank sealant when in contact with GAMI G100UL fuel that could result in airworthiness concerns." So I guess this information is not new, but GAMI elected to push G100UL forward I assume trying to get 100LL banned. It is borderline criminal, I really hope that we don't end up with a fatal accident as result of G100UL.
  4. Those would be fuel samples? Or samples from the panels / sealant that were damaged?
  5. I'm glad we have people like @mluvara that take the time to do this analysis and videos. I wish we would have a few more to dissipate concerns about "it's just one person. The results were not replicated by anyone else" I wish I would have the time to do some tests myself.
  6. Related, but unrelated, do I need an X account now to keep updated on NTSB investigations? I know I can access X without an account, but it seems that the posts are not sorted chronologically, so it is kind of useless.
  7. The FAR's states for mode C transpoder (91.217 (a) (2)): "Unless, as installed, that equipment was tested and calibrated to transmit altitude data corresponding within 125 feet (on a 95 percent probability basis) of the indicated or calibrated datum of the altimeter normally used to maintain flight altitude, with that altimeter referenced to 29.92 inches of mercury for altitudes from sea level to the maximum operating altitude of the aircraft" A serviceable mode C transpoder (I understand that's the altitude reporting equipment on board of the black hawk) would have an error of +/- 125 ft.
  8. Yes, 100%; it doesn't make sense to have a published helicopter route that crosses the short final of a class B airport in the same altitude block as any aircraft landing. If everyone had been flying with 0 deviations and with a perfectly accurate baro height, then the helo would be at 200ft and the landing traffic at ~300 ft and descending. 100 ft is the altitude granularity that the controller sees on their screen; it makes no sense at all.
  9. Yep, this doesn't make sense to me either. The RNAV RWY 33 shows a 3 degree slope.
  10. Yeah, I think it was down for everyone. I was having issues posting messages, too. And I didn't see any new message like in 18 hours, so I guess everyone was having issues.
  11. It is amazing that they allow non-IFR operations to cross short final on a class B airspace. I never thought they would clear someone to do that. Forcing all operations to be IFR within 5 miles and below 2000 AGL of any departure/arrival runway end in a class B airspace makes sense. I'm not sure if 5 miles and 2000 AGL are the best numbers, maybe smaller, maybe larger.... but doesn't make sense at all to have VFR operations messing around in short final to a class B airport.
  12. @CAV Ice might help
  13. That's odd. If that were from 100LL, I would expect to see some blue staining, but instead, there is some brown residue. It is disturbing that the same photos are in the PAFI document of Lessons Learned. Providing the source of these pictures could help clear up the confusion.
  14. What you have missing there is a Camloc. I don't know exactly the size for the M20R, taking a look at the IPC. You can get the Camlocs from Aircraft Spruce. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/categories/aircraft_parts/ap/menus/ha/fast_1camloc.html If you don't feel comfortable going through the Illustrated Part Catalog, I guess many here in MS or your AP could tell you which size you need.
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