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  1. When I was looking at airplanes I noticed the official merchandise is or was sourced from the same place as “counterfeit” merchandise. upload an image to a website and they spit out a bunch of mugs with that image.
  2. What’s great about someone else choosing how to own their property is that it has nothing to do with me. I don’t let other peoples decisions about the way they own and maintain their own property bother me, and it seems a bit odd that someone should be so seemingly disturbed over someone else’s ownership decisions. solid mind your own business situation here.
  3. @Rwsavory You cannot buy or install an owner produced part that was produced for a different aircraft or serial number. not sure why you chose to react that way but it’s very clearly written in 20-62e.
  4. You can’t just slap someone else’s panel on your airplane. When I looked into this even the ones from Lasar were considered owner produced part. you have to make or have it made for your airplane unless you can find an STCd unit.
  5. The fact that there are 99 mooneys for sale, many of which have been listed for quite a long time, eludes to the fact that they aren’t worth what people selling think they are. looking at what’s listed tells you nothing. looking at recent sales does. But that data isn’t as easy to get.
  6. Even if it were true it still wouldn’t matter.
  7. I believe it was said to be fuel exhaustion. 1980 said it was because it had been sitting and it crashed because it was in poor condition.
  8. Is that the one where Mike made wild assumptions and then when someone involved showed up he told them they didn’t know what they were talking about and nobody actually knows what happened?
  9. If you’re tall you are going to struggle to get in and out. Maybe that’s ok 99% of the time, but in an emergency it is not. if you are tall shoulder width may be an issue at least for the older mooneys, the fuel selector is in the floor between your legs. For the tall with the seat back especially, it is NOT easy to get to every half hour or however often you change tanks.
  10. The Mooney is not for big people. I’ve been down this road and found it to not be safe or comfortable to me even if Al Mooney is 8ft tall.
  11. How is it you manage to leave your house everyday with all the unknowns of the world? let the man make his thing and help provide a future for an aging abandoned fleet. some people should not fly airplanes. Judging from what I have seen in this group, you are one of the most short sighted, arrogant, unimaginative people I’ve come across on the internet, and unless your online persona is some sort of game or joke, you are absolutely one of those people.
  12. It seems Mr “oh” is not really capable of considering anything other than a specific thing he is fixated on at the time. In my short time here I've seen this from him many times, most notably in the ADSB thread and this one. I applaud your efforts and encourage you to continue your journey for this part. It’s an airworthiness item that’s not available and is capable of grounding an otherwise perfectly good airplane for an unknown and lengthy period of time. It’s sad that Mooney doesn’t have the funds or capabilities to produce this part at a scale needed to maintain the fleet, and it’s my understanding that it’s exactly what OPP was meant for. as an engineer myself I say onwards and upwards. When you think you have it, test it further and completely and then get it out there.
  13. I’m becoming more glad I didn’t go with a Mooney and get stereotyped with whatever nonsense this group is. WTF is happening in this thread? Do people here REALLY think this way or are heads stuck so far up your tails that you don’t think it’s possible to look out the window AND use ADSB. sheesh! I belong to most aviation online groups and this one easily has the most hostile, closed minded bums I wish I didn’t share the sky with. wow. the public reputation of this group precedes it, and it’s not good.
  14. Probably less than it would have cost to go to a Mooney specific avionics shop….
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