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  1. I'm a ninja with telepathic powers. And you have the circuit breaker. I look at people's panels carefully. For new ideas. If you decide to sell it, hmu.
  2. I guess you checked that but the coupling barrel does not get in the way when it moves all the way to the "right" on your picture, right?
  3. I'm looking for a system but never get to find all the components in one place. Mix and match gets expensive.
  4. I think the real problem is the diminishing number of planes and pilots. If we keep our numbers high, we can still keep this going.
  5. The world used to be flat back then and there used to be the hells below and heavens above, which didn't belong to the world as it is. I think the rotundization of the earth might explain this transition.
  6. Every country is different. My Chinese colleagues get stunned by the fact that private citizens can own and operate small airplanes. One of them sheepishly asked "how long does it take you to gather all the necessary permits for one flight?" I said "I can fly from here to California without ever talking to anybody." How much truly does the GA weigh on the entire ATC costs? Of the 9bln ATC cost, how much do our 100,000 turbo bugsmashers weigh in? Mind you, I don't enjoy getting flight followings and talking to big brother. I do that to not be a pest. If you say no public money should be spent on GA, then I'll find tons of venues where my taxes are spent on - which I don't care about and deem to be a total waste. Good. Let's kill GA. And have all the people working in&around GA collect government welfare. That's why we can't have good things. To quote Sage from "The Boys" who said "I could cure cancer, reverse global warming, but what's the point? Humans are animals. And the lines at Voughtland are too long as it is." https://the-boys.fandom.com/wiki/Sister_Sage
  7. Well, then maybe this bill isn't going to hurt just us 0.1% lucky bastards who own fancy toys. It will mean that each and every live&love&laugh dude and gal out there will pay more to travel, while their taxes do not drop. How about we release this insight to the social media and let the algorithms do their thing?
  8. Wouldn't this bill mean that ALL airline tickets will get more pricey? Taxes for sure won't come down.
  9. The problem is not whether it's comfortable or painful... The real problem is what if you like it...
  10. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pdf/edm830manual.pdf It contains all the answers
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