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The EI thread had some discussion about a Mooney named "Minnie" so that got me to thinking about what others have named their planes.  My kids named ours "Mo" after the character in the movie Wall-E (although it could be short for Mooney as well).  We also have Eva because my wife drives a Civic Hybrid with EVA in the license plate.  By default, my Freestyle then became Wall-E....

So what are your stories?





My friend's wife came up with it when she saw the photo on facebook the first time as I was going to pick it up.  The name stuck I guess.

Like you, my vehicles acquire their names or get some plain name that's easily associated with them.

Xterra I used to have = The X

My Tacoma = The Taco

My Ranger = Ranger


My wife calls it "the airplane". I call it "my airplane". I guess I would name it once I got two. If I had to pick a name, I'd choose Mike (last letter of my call sign). It seems more like a male airplane than female for some reason.

...though on a completely unrelated note, it would be retro cool to paint some racy nose art on a GA airplane some time along with a suggestive name, similar to what was done in WW-II.


When I lived in Japan, I drove a car that was affectionetly known as the "honey bun."  it was a toyota corolla hatchback painted a sort of goldish color.  You could almost picture a huge pad of melting butter on top......



Quote: Immelman

...though on a completely unrelated note, it would be retro cool to paint some racy nose art on a GA airplane some time along with a suggestive name, similar to what was done in WW-II.


Well, my plane's name was "Victor" for a couple months until we realized it was a girl!  Now, she's Victoria, or "Vicki" for short.  It was a simple mistake...I hadn't cleaned under the belly yet.


Well, my E model is Maggie II.  In the 70s my father got the M20C/D that I named Maggie. If I remember I named her Maggie because it started with an "M" for Mooney.  When we lost Maggie I in August 2003, my father transferred her N-number to me.  In November of 2003 Maggie II was born and N5747Q became N6619U. 


"La Otra Mujer"  AkA "The Other Woman!" There is even a pin up girl on the landing girl with her name. My girlfriend says "You mean the machine!" haha at least she enjoys going up in her, and I always warn her to treat her/speak of her nicely as she does hold her life in hand! :)


My Warrior got the name "Jugs" because immediately after I bought it we had to remove a cylinder to get a rusted stud drilled out. Somehow the name just stuck. So far I haven't found a moniker for the Mooney yet.


I refer to my Mooney as "The second love of my life". My wife occupies the first slot (and she's very clear that that WILL NOT change!)


My wife had some nose art (well, tail art actually) commissioned for '48Q, so she's now "Carolina Girl".  Victory Girl did some really nice work!


"Tweety Bird"    -  wife's name is pronounced "Twee".  One of these days will have a "G" rated nose art affixed (disney will get his cut); will have to forgo the all yellow paint job though, as I don't want to be confused with "Big Bird" !!


Funny post, I thought it strang that people don't give there planes a name like they do there boats. People did years ago, well I did and put the name on the tale, "Nikki". I thing we need to bring it back.


When I bought mine, I wanted to change the registration from C-FSWR to C-GDBE and call her "Debbie."  I had to buy the registration from a parted out Arrow that used to belong to our 11-people partnership.  When I originally floated the idea, our Chief Flying Instructor opined that resurrecting an old registration was bad luck although I read Jolie's entry with interest and her resurrection of "Maggie's" registration.

So today I have a mental block to giving her a name. 

My girl, Ute, calls her "Baby" and that is OK with me.  But my baby is Ute, so that won't be my name for our Mooney.

I did name the first 5 cars I owned (1971-2003) and we all called the Arrow "Debbie."  C-FSWR's previous owner calls her "Swear" and I am not really keen on that name.  But I would probably like to name her.   Just haven't decided what name to give yet.

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