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201er last won the day on April 19

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  1. Danbury tower completely losing it on everyone in the pattern:
  2. I’ve heard a fair amount of griping and chewing flying around NYC for many years, but this is on another level.
  3. Have you ever been chewed out on the radio by ATC or another pilot? Did you do something wrong? Was it deserved? How did it make you feel? Did it make you screw up or fly worse afterward from the tension it caused?
  4. Sounds like there's some history of multiple occasions not clearing the runway for N3277F...
  5. Yet another one! Dunno why it's such a trend for twins to have their doors popping open in flight for videos but not much different of a problem than in Mooneys. Kuddos to the pilot admitting it was his mistake/responsibility for not checking the door was properly closed before takeoff and making a safe landing. Dave Hirschman, AOPA Pilot Editor at Large, narrates "as pilot in command, this was my fault. I failed to ensure the Baron's passenger door was closed and locked before takeoff so it popped open in cruise." There is definitely a pattern of complacency across these videos and similar stories of the pilot in command failing to perform proper preflight action and pretakeoff checklist to ensure the door is properly closed. Too much trust in the passenger being able to close the door. But, worse yet, it makes you wonder what other pre-takeoff items they may be skipping if they are not checking the door per the checklist?
  6. You sure you weren’t looking for something to pull electrical wires? Or clear a drain? Or a sort of oil?
  7. Not really. Many people do speed mods just to get it to be closer to book value.
  8. What did they do to make the 68 model slower?
  9. You can’t go a week on Mooneyspace without someone complaining how theirs is slow or bragging theirs is fast. Then the responses pile in about how fast they cruise. I think we have a pretty good idea of real world numbers hanging around here.
  10. Let’s see how you size up compared to others. Does your Mooney make book value cruise or top speed? How does it compare to others of the same model (and year if relevant)? You know how yours compares cause everyone is always posting pics comparing. Discounting different altitudes and power settings, talking more about the airframe speed at comparable settings and environments. So be honest about how yours is.
  11. How much are they charging for it?
  12. Maybe the passengers… Mine takes 100 gallons and can go 8-10 hours. That’s 1000-1400nm realistically. Done it many times.
  13. I think 120kts ground speed is on the low side but really depends on a bunch of factors. I’ll usually see over 130 most of the way westbound. There was one time I didn’t go much over 100 with a 50 knot headwind going from Oklahoma City to Lubbock. Painful but I still got there. Much better to lose 1/3 your speed than 1/2 in most other planes.
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