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Do you think Man has significantly raised Co2 on earth?

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56 minutes ago, Shadrach said:

That's a nice sentiment but I think it fuels the notion that America can withstand any cultural, political or economic storm. Which I don't think is true. It requires some degree of cohesion and agreement on values that has been evaporating for quite sometime.  Success has never been guaranteed for any country. Cynics on both sides have been prognosticating the demise of the Republic since it's birth. There will come a time when they're right.  I hope that I am long gone by then.

The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.  Mark Twain

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1 hour ago, flyboy0681 said:

Why go back to the 19th century? Comparing the Republicans of today from those of the Reagan era is like night and day.

Unrecognizable.  In fact Reagan himself would have been laughed out of todays party with a stupid name like little horse stinky pants.

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4 hours ago, aviatoreb said:

I wish I could find the article in the newspaper from early this week - but it was an interesting forecast that was citing how Chinas population already peaked at something like 1.5B and was forecast to drop below 750M by 2050, but the article was about how India is supposed to pass China during this next month!

India's Demos are much better than China's. Decades of male favored, one child policy combined with "Persuasive" family planning has taken its toll.

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3 hours ago, flyboy0681 said:

I always think of the scene from the film "Apollo 13" where the co2 dial is increasing. While the space that they were confined to was not tremendous, who would think that simply exhaling would actually cause their own deaths? Thankfully the techno-dweebs on the ground put their heads together to come up with a workable solution.

I resemble that remark.

May the  techno-dweebs inherit the Earth!

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3 hours ago, aviatoreb said:

2-3 deg won't kill "us" as in kill the entirety of humanity.  Some/many/millions or billions will still live.  But there will be tremendous hardship and famine and drought, and storms, and sea level rise destroying cities, and death and destruction and locusts and angel of death and billions dying.  And all sorts of other nasty stuff.  :-O  Anyway even if "we will survive" it won't be fun. 

Somewhere between it aint happening, to it aint man's fault and it would happened anyway because we are just minuscule and couldn't do anything to the whole planet, and its not something we want to think about fixing because doing something means awful authoritarianism will rain upon us and that would be a cure worse than the problem, is, maybe just some, just a little, good old neighborly lets each do something about it, each our part? A little?  A little bit a little bit if everyone does something on their own then I think that does something that adds up.

There are a lot of positive results of climate change that get ignored.  One is plants now grow more easily which helps with feeding people and climate deaths are down because more people die from cold than heat.  So far the doomsday predictions have all fallen short.  It’s an open question whether the overall result will be good or bad.  Good doesn’t get people to give you their vote or money though so you don’t hear about it.  

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14 minutes ago, rbp said:

Or technological determinism? 

I picked Malthus because he’s the idiom

I've never seen idiom used to describe an individual but I think I understand what you mean.

I think technological determinism is too reductive to encapsulate the drop in birth rates over the last 4 decades. However, maybe not too reductive for the next significant drop not only in birth rates but in marriage in general that I expect we will see as AI based pornography becomes widely available...which is just on the horizon. 

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5 hours ago, flyboy0681 said:

I always think of the scene from the film "Apollo 13" where the co2 dial is increasing. While the space that they were confined to was not tremendous, who would think that simply exhaling would actually cause their own deaths? Thankfully the techno-dweebs on the ground put their heads together to come up with a workable solution.

To be fair, NOT exhaling would have also killed them! :P

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On 4/18/2023 at 9:42 AM, ilovecornfields said:

Maybe we should rename this site Conspiracyspace? I’d offer to do it, but I’m too busy attending my Woke Word Domination meetings and figuring out how to make the world look like 1984 + Idiocracy. 

Say "Hi" to AOC

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11 hours ago, flyboy0681 said:

This does not qualify as an answer to my question because it hasn't been proven to be true (yet).  What I was looking for are long held conspiracy theories that proved to be actually true. For example, if the CIA was found to have been behind the JFK assassination, or that little green men were found to have landed in Roswell. Those would have satisfied my question.

Sounds like you are only interested in facts you find palatable and reserve the right to dismiss anything that contradicts your bias.

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10 hours ago, rbp said:

We (Americans) as a people used to talk about  "commonweal" --  the promotion of "happiness, health, and safety of all of the people of a community or nation -- and "public policy," -- laws and regulations for the commonweal.  Federalism gave us the notion that each State could have its own public policy, which means we have things state health insurance, state taxes, state drivers licensees, state gun regulations, state education.

Energy is a very local topic -- gas, oil, coal, sunlight, wind, pipelines all have deep local implications. 

But national security, foreign policy, defense, pollution, transportation, commerce and economic issues make energy a national issue. 

It also turns out that extraction, production and distribution  of oil, gas, and coal find themselves in Red states and consumption (and therefore pollution) in (populous northeast and California)Blue states. Texas notably is both. 

So there is an innate geographic tension to this, and politicians at the Federal level are contending with this, specially in the Senate which is not truly representative.

So what one person might call "national public energy policy" another person will call it "authoritarian."

If honest open debate were allowed, perhaps there would not be a perception of authoritarianism. However any push back against what the wise men allow is subjected to ridicule. If you disagree with their agenda you are a “Conspiracist”.

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10 hours ago, Shadrach said:

That's a nice sentiment but I think it fuels the notion that America can withstand any cultural, political or economic storm. Which I don't think is true. It requires some degree of cohesion and agreement on basic national values and that has been evaporating for quite sometime.  Success has never been guaranteed for any country. Cynics on both sides have been prognosticating the demise of the Republic since its birth. There will come a time when they're right.  I hope that I am long gone by then.

It is obvious that tyranny is the rule of history and liberty the exception. What we have and have had in this great nation is an utter anomaly against the backdrop of history. Our forefathers warned us of the fragility of liberty exhorting that “eternal vigilance” is the price of retaining it. But now our youth are openly encouraged to despise their nation and they have done so in spades.

 I tremble for my country. I wholeheartedly agree, “There will come a time when they’re right.”
Our issues stem from a spiritual void. There is no philosophical, economic, scientific or educational solution. Our heart is the issue.

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On 4/17/2023 at 1:56 AM, ArtVandelay said:

One thing is for sure if you saw Los Angeles air back in the 60s versus today, you can see how much better the air is today. Personally I like cleaner air.

I did. I flew from ABQ to LAX with an uncle in a C55 in the late 60s. Met the fellow who started the Flying Tiger restaurant, don’t remember the name (it was not Claire Chennault himself). The smog was so bad we had to do an instrument approach. When we were above the runway my uncle asked the tower to turn up the runway lights because we could not see it. They said they were already up full. Very old memory, but we were very low before we could make out the runway somewhere around 50-100 feet. Everything was orange. Things have changed massively. Unfortunately, clean air has become an industry on its own wanting to be fed to the exclusion of everything else in the nest. 

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10 hours ago, 1980Mooney said:

Thread drift.  I thought we were discussing Man's contribution to the rise in CO2 levels......not making individual contributions to the rise in "Hot Air" levels.

Lol! Some have wondered that since hot air makes things go up, what holds Torrey down! Criticism accepted! But I still affirm my statements/quotes, to which I will add one more at which you may poke fun. “A man’s philosophy tends to be guided more by his morality than his intellect.”

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On 4/16/2023 at 11:56 PM, ArtVandelay said:

You talk about CO2 we’re producing, don’t forget the deforestation that reduces the conversion of CO2 to O2.

The problem for climate scientists is they’ve been making dire predictions that haven’t come true. Yeah, we’re a little warmer and there seems to be more severe storms but that’s it. BTW, they have been talking about climate change since 70s or earlier, on YouTube you can find Carl Sagan testified before congress about all changes that would occur.

Then you have idiots (Al Gore) that’s still use the hockey stick graph that was shown to be wrong and “scientists” being given grants to study climate change. So if someone gives you money to study climate change, and you want more money, guess what you’re going to find.

CC has been politicized, it’s just too difficult to get real facts.

You can’t have 7+ billion people and claim we’re not having a impact, just a question of how much.

One thing is for sure if you saw Los Angeles air back in the 60s versus today, you can see how much better the air is today. Personally I like cleaner air.

I think everyone can agree that we should try to limit our impact, the question is how and what sacrifices we should make. We haven’t built a nuclear reactor in decades. China, India and Russia need to join the world efforts otherwise we’re not going to have much impact.

I also like clean air.  And 20 years in SoCal trying to explain to visitirs that the haze layer is not the same as the smog of 70's, got exhausting. 

I think there is a difference between "clean air" type of pollution (contamination of the Earth) and the "climate change"  control of CO2 (changing the atmosphere's balance).  I do not know of anyone pushing a return to leaded car fuel, eliminating car NOx, HC, and particle emission controls, encouraging an increase in Asian countries dumping plastic waste into the oceans or any of the other pollution issues.  

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2 hours ago, Bolter said:

I also like clean air.  And 20 years in SoCal trying to explain to visitirs that the haze layer is not the same as the smog of 70's, got exhausting. 

I think there is a difference between "clean air" type of pollution (contamination of the Earth) and the "climate change"  control of CO2 (changing the atmosphere's balance).  I do not know of anyone pushing a return to leaded car fuel, eliminating car NOx, HC, and particle emission controls, encouraging an increase in Asian countries dumping plastic waste into the oceans or any of the other pollution issues.  

Oh, I remember visiting Orange CO in the 70s. If you parked your car overnight it would be covered in soot in the morning. Some days the vis was about two blocks.

They fixed it! You can see the mountains on most days now.

The problem is all the underemployed environmentalists trying to keep busy now that there is no more air pollution.

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On 4/18/2023 at 2:32 PM, aviatoreb said:

I used to consider myself center right.  Before that I used to consider myself center left.  But left right, up down, liberal conservative, conspiraciasm is another thing as well.  Somehow, currently, conspiraciasm (I'm rather proud of that word there that I just made up), seems to have found a home in what was the right.  Especially extreme right.  But conservative and right need not be synonyms, even though they often associate and now also, conspiraciasm need not at all be associated with right and certainly not conservatism although they seem to associate these days.  MOST definitely conspiraciasm can and does live on the far left too and in some times and places is more associated with far left.

Examples of said conspiracies please.

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On 4/18/2023 at 2:41 PM, flyboy0681 said:

For those conspiraciasmists out there, let me be the first to break the news to you that Fox is being sued by Dominion Voting Systems and the trial started today.  The trial has something to do with Fox not reporting all of the facts that it knew were to be true about the 2020 election. Fox hasn't uttered a single word about this over the past 18 months (and employees were forbidden to mention it),  so there was absolutely no way of you knowing about it. But do not fret because they are still reporting on the situation at the border at the top of each hour.

The great Joseph Biden earned more votes than Berry Obama.  Riiiiiiiigt.  

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On 4/18/2023 at 12:54 PM, flyboy0681 said:

I think I'm the only other person here with you. For the past decade I've been fascinated by the sheer number of MS members that lean towards the right. It may be that left leaning members just don't post, but based on the content here, I would say 95% of contributors are conservative. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

But you are vocal enough for 20 and never miss a chance to unfurl the flag.  Enjoy all your winning and the positives that are engulfing the country.  You are literally killin' it.  Bravo.  Encore Encore, ( not the one some fly in)

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