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Echo last won the day on September 20 2023

Echo had the most liked content!

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  1. I bought a set of aviation jumper cables as I have the external power port on my plane. What is the process for stating by the book? I have not found information on that.
  2. Those near are REALLY close to that taxiway. Definitly an exposure. Agree with you on flying into Oshkosh. Seth's incident while being ground guided made me think twice about Oshkosh as a bucket list item. I had flown into Appleton that year. Have done it a couple times, but didn't like the grass tie downs. I have family in nearby Randolph. Oshkosh always seems to be a week with a severe evening thunderstorm. Juice not worth the squeeze for me.
  3. Impressive! Congrats. Here's to 20 more.
  4. Mississippi by Prairie du Chien, WI frm 8500'.
  5. Let my clarify for the weisenhammer (kidding)...I do not normally have my gaer alarm sound while flying. My gear is down BEFORE i alarms...
  6. Vitriol? Complaining? I just see thin skins. Man up. If you dish crap at others you might have some slung back. This is not rocket science. Distractions happen. Love being made fun of and called crazy on forums. Just always wish they were across table when it occurs. High minded trope is always entertaining. Keep it coming. 182’s for less than a Mooney? It depends…
  7. It’s called triple redundancy. It’s kinda a thing especially for serious humans. It prevents needing luck.
  8. If I gear up my plane is totaled ($85k) in hull coverage. That was a strong motivation for me to spend on audible alarm in headsets. It is tied to gear horn. Just a small investment for not being that guy again. Love the stall! Stall! In flare too. She has a pleasant, but forceful voice. I tell her I cheated death again. Thanks much.
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