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  1. Just in case chasing the grounds doesn't help, I had a similar experience with my Garmin 530. Just as I approached the airport I couldn't communicate with the tower. I could hear them, but they couldn't hear me. It happened on a couple longer flights. It turns out that the 530 was over heating. A dedicated air hose to the back of the 530 had fallen away from the radio. I hooked it back up and that solved the problem.
  2. Ed at https://www.kx-155.com may be making new displays for the 155. You can reach him at email at "ED@KX-155.com" or at the phone numbers on his website. If the 165 uses the same display, you might find what you're looking for with Ed. I bought a like new 155 from him. works great.
  3. I have used CAVU at RAL for several things. And always had a good experience at a fair price.
  4. Foothill Aircraft on cable is a MSC. Haven't used them so I have no opinion. I use Maintenance One on RAL. Not a MSC but they service my K, and before I bought the K, they maintained my C. Good guys.
  5. The other shop we looked at was in Texas, don't remember the name off hand, and they wanted $25K for the basic IRAN and it went up from there. The Visalia shop, LyCon was half that and very easy to work with. And they'll come get the engine. :)
  6. Tim's was my first thought and my mechanic's first call. They are going out of business and aren't accepting any more engines. Talked to LyCon and they sound great and reasonable. My mechanic also has heard good thing about them. Only apparent down-side is the projected 8 month time frame. Oh well.
  7. Corona Engines is close by but they aren't answering their phones or emails so not sure they're still around. I'll check out Ly-con in Visalia. Thanks for the suggestions.
  8. Looking for recommendations for an engine shop for an IRAN. I'm in SoCal but will go where I need to. I'm coming up empty so far.
  9. For your KFC 200 nightmare to end, contact Bevan. (Jake@BevanAviation)
  10. My 67 Camero has a diaphragm driven by a rod that ran off a cam on the crankshaft. (327 CI V8)
  11. My K (1980) has a CG of 44. From the factory was 43. The moment for your plane appears to be incorrect. It should be in the vicinity of 89,000. My from the factory moment was 89,337. So I question his nose figure of -9420. If the moment was actually positive (i.e. +9420), then the cg would be 37518 + 35550 + 9420 = 82488. Which would make an empty weight CG of 42.8. Well within the envelope. Looks like a typo in the Nose Arm. It should be plus 15, not negative. Just conjecture but it would make the numbers fit the factory specs.
  12. I didn't see that you had the intercooler, so yes, you're max MP would typically be in the 36"-37" range. I haven't seen the 38" figure before but if your POH says your max MP is 38", then I would run with that.
  13. Not the expert, but as a K owner without the Intercooler or Merlyn (but soon to have the Merlyn installed) it is my understanding that the reduction to 36" for recommended max MP is for the intercooler only and there is no reason to reduce to 36" with the Merlyn only. If you don't have the intercooler and you're running with 36" at take off, you are discarding 4 inches of MP that you could be using.
  14. If you want O2 training on the west coast, Edwards AFB installed a new high altitude chamber in 2017 (Bldg 1250) and it is available for civilians. Contact the training center at 661-277-3958/3978 for details/scheduling.
  15. I had that happen twice. As I approached the field after an hour's flight at night, I lost my primary radio (GNS 530). That gets your attention. The tower could not hear me, but I could hear them fine. Switched to secondary radio, an old King that I had refurbished, and landed no problem. Once on the ground, the tower could hear me fine. Turns out the 530 didnt have any fan connected to the fan port on the back. I had the fan hooked up and it hasn't happened again. My avionics guy thinks the radio got too hot.
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