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From all the reasons one might be grounded, I think I had the stupidest one today.

I had an IFR training flight scheduled this afternoon and a trip to Ottawa for some formation flying practice tomorrow. Getting to the airport today, I noticed there was no electricity in my hanger, trying the breakers and figure out what was going on.

The 2 flight schools on the airport had electricity as well as the runway and other hangers near me, but not my hanger, so no way to open the freaking hanger door, called my partner that owns the hanger and trying to get an electrician, but tomorrow is Canada day, so everyone is off and it is going to cost a bunch if even we can find one.

There are good reasons to be grounded, such as weather and aircraft snags, but the freaking electricity at the hanger would have been the last reason I would have thought would ground me.

Sorry, just pissed off....

What was the stupidest reason you were grounded ?

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+2,Oscar another stupid reason was I was taking my wife out to dinner for a $100 hamburger.. I forgot my wife yikes..

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Exactly why we have a portable generator in the hangar..  We used it alot before we got wired electricity, now only in emergencies.  We're at the end of the line on a 50AMP line so oftern there is no power and I have to hunt for which breaker is tripped. Now, I fire up the generator, flip the main breaker off and turn on the changeover switch.



how about elecrtic to the airplane..... last month I flew a local flight, I usally do not fire up the GDL-39 but I wanted to apdate it and play with my garmin pilot app. that in its self is not a problem, the problem is that circuit is on circuit that bypasses the master switch for operation if I have an electrial failure where I need to secure the master. Yes you guessed it, I forgot to shut down the outlet after the flight and my GDL-39 drained my battery so bad that I had to replace it. I found it when I went to fly to the next town for a meeting, I ened up having to drive and arrive a few minutes late.


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Exactly why we have a portable generator in the hangar.. We used it alot before we got wired electricity, now only in emergencies. We're at the end of the line on a 50AMP line so oftern there is no power and I have to hunt for which breaker is tripped. Now, I fire up the generator, flip the main breaker off and turn on the changeover switch.


Well I do have a portable Honda Generator, but the hanger door are big horizontal half door covereing the entire opening of the hanger, no way to do it by hand. So I was thinking if I could have the hanger door motor wired to a plug and then I could use a generator, but since the hanger dos'nt belong to me and I only pay rent, I don't want to make any major changes or dammage something.

someone in Boulder had gotten ahold of my credit card number and went on a spending spree so we cancelled the card. so I had no card for two days / so no fuel as our field has only a self pay pump

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Yes I do...



damn! I didn't stop you in time.

what? you took your lady friend ms to sizzler and tried to keep up at the all you can eat buffet?

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damn! I didn't stop you in time.

what? you took your lady friend ms to sizzler and tried to keep up at the all you can eat buffet?

Good try there Professor EriK!
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I was at If I remember correctly Santa Monica , waiting for the Van to take me out to the Sanyo Airship.....At that moment my wife threw a hissy fit because she and my daughter would have nothing to do for 45 minutes....I suggested she take my daughter to lunch....She was having none of it....I gave away my ticket....and watched the Sanyo van drive out to the Sanyo airship......I swear everytime I looked up for the next hour , I saw that blimp mocking me......Its still a sore spot 10 years later...

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My worst was baseing my aircraft 9.5 miles from a nuclear plant during 9/11. There was a 10 mile halo of no flights for several months. I couldn't even take off and quickly get out to move to another airport in the area.

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Airport badge in wrong car multiple times. At least now it's only a 5 minute drive. Keys at least once. Charts once (old days). Wife scared of the clouds, sky, wind, ground, other airplanes, karma, me, etc......too many times to count.


Yes I do...



Is there a way to block pictures posted by a particular Mooneyspace member?  I like his posts.... hate his pictures...   

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