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At those prices you could also just go buy a decent 150 in good condition to get your license in and then sell for around what you paid for it.

  • Like 6

i looked into that as well; the trainers do not sell well out here. Which is why i have resisted so much in buying one. I asked about one on the tarmac on Friday (free bagel day at the club); they said its been for sale for 12 months and only 2 people have looked at it. 

I dont want to sound racist, but this area is filled with people working on H1's or temporary visa's. So they come in, join a club and get their license and go back to their home country. So the clubs are filled, but the planes dont sell, at least thats what the front desk lady was telling me (not the visa part, i know that from just living here); This is why any plane that i buy, i want it to be a plane i can live with for years, just in case i get stuck with it.

Not trying to be difficult as it seems i have an excuse for everything. Just trying to convey how much effort has gone into getting this far.



  • Like 1

Looking on their website I see that have a sky catcher that rents for $89 hr in 20 hr blocks, so $3600 would get you 40 hrs in it. A min of 20 hrs of instruction is required so throw in 20 hrs at $70 hr and that's only $1400 for the instructor. $5000 total plus another $1000 for the incidentals.

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, Samurai Husky said:

. I asked about one on the tarmac on Friday (free bagel day at the club); they said its been for sale for 12 months and only 2 people have looked at it.



That wasn't N638TS, was it?

56 minutes ago, Samurai Husky said:

i looked into that as well; the trainers do not sell well out here. Which is why i have resisted so much in buying one. I asked about one on the tarmac on Friday (free bagel day at the club); they said its been for sale for 12 months and only 2 people have looked at it.

Planes are fungible assets they move about the country quite easily.  It is in their nature

  • Like 2
10 hours ago, Samurai Husky said:

and people call me a troll...

Seriously.  Change your aircraft to a 172 or PA-28.  Relearn everything, internalize it, get muscle menory, then transition to a Cirrcus, Moonry, or 182.

I don't usually post where I sounds this way. However reading all these, making these recommendations now multiple times, and being ignored is bothering me.

You came came here for advice!  Here it is again.  You want to be a pilot of a high performance aircraft.  We love the enthusiasm.

Get in a 172 or PA-28.  A TRAINER.  Learn the basics.  Internalize the basics.  Solo.  Get your PPL. 

Then buy your airplane and attain your IFR OR transition back to the Cirrus at that time and start your IFR training until you buy your first aircraft and complete.

$30,000 for a PPL is (expliclative) redicoluous.  I'm a financial advisor and my first piece of advice to my pilot clients is to sell their airplanes.  But really I say I understand the passion, but it's a lifestyle choice and if I ever say you need to sell, then sell!!

I am a level headed guy and good friend as many on MoonySpace can attest, and I hope this doesn't sound harsh, but I don't want to hear another post period until you have booked an hour in a 172, PA-28, or other actual trainer.

Just book it and let us know; doesn't have to be flown. Just booked.  We will help and assist with what you need to know about the trainer aircraft you book.  

You are doing yourself a HUGE disservice flying the Cirrus at this point.  Transition back to it later after you have internalized maneuvers, take offs, and landings on an actual trainer.  Stay ahead of the aircraft.  Slower speeds help that!!!!!!

I do not wish to see another post from you until your booking of the training aircraft is complete.  Exeption:  if you have a variety is training aircraft and want recommendations or suggestions, that is permissible.  That's the only exception.  Book the darn trainer.

I am young at 34, have over 1100 hours and am on my second Mooney that cruises at 180+ knots.  First cruised at 148 knots.  Bought it at 120 hours.

Get into a trainer.  Let us know once it's booked.  I love your enthusiasm - we all do.  Get into a gosh darn trainer and learn how to fly then transition to a high performance aircraft.

Crawl before you walk, walk before you run. Then win the 100 yard dash.

Post back once you've booked a training aircraft.  PM me if you want to chat by phone or by email.  I do not want to see another post, not even an "ok" unless it say "booking a trainer," "trainer booked," or "which trainer to book."  We want you to succeed and are happy to share advice.

Take care,














  • Like 2
13 hours ago, jclemens said:

Last time I checked an SR20 was a training aircraft, you'll be fine.

I disagree.  It's an advanced trainer.  That's saying an M20J or 182 is a trainer.

2 seat trike trainers:



Pipee Tomahawk 

Beechcraft Skipper

Libertty XL-2


2 Seat Tailwheel Trainers





4 Seat Trainers




High performwnce/Complex/cruiser

Cirrus SR-20


Any Mooney

PA-28R Aarow






  • Like 1
8 hours ago, cnoe said:

I blame Yetti for my being sucked back into this conversation. After enduring an intensive 12-step program for internet addiction I'd managed to avoid reading the original post (What should I get?) but now I'm posting on THIS thread. I obviously have my own issues.

But I have to say that around here $30K will get you 150 hours in a newer C172 with a top-notch professional instructor. And if you can't pass a checkride after 150 hours of quality dual instruction you weren't meant to be a pilot.

One more thing, I'd avoid training in a PA36, unless of course you're going for the crop-duster rating. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

I'm guessing he meant PA-38 which would be much better to train on than a Cirrus through ugh primary and solo.

And I've never flown one.



  • Like 1

I will not tell how much I have wrapped up in my ppl but I wish somebody like bonal had told me to take a few weeks and go to a part 61 school and just get it done . I prolly should have a ppl , IR and a commercial rating for what i have spent . I have read both threads and I also think you have an instructor problem , I have been to a part 141 school and I don't recommend them but a good part 61 school is priceless . I wish I found a part 61 school like I am using to finish up about 20000$ ago amd six months ago. I think you don't know what you don't know about different instructors and I would head the advice that is being offered here . Even if it means you thinking it would be a waste of time . trust me you don't want to be in my shoes dollar wise

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  • Like 3

Im reallly tired so forgive what follows.

I wrote a nice long rant post and just deleted it. Here is the jist in a not so bitchy manor:

1. You are not being ignored

2. I cannot switch CFI's at my current club because they have a non compete. This is new information i just learned today because i was trying to get into 'something' else today just to make people leave me alone. If I want to switch CFI's i can, but i have to fire my current one, fill out a form as to why i want to switch and all that BS. I have no reason to go through all of that and put a red mark on someone record at the club just because i want to try a different plane.

3. I have called about 8 other clubs today alone, they do not have available CFI's. I have even been posting the rejection emails i have been getting.

4. I cannot rent a plane with out a CFI Until I solo. Even then, It has to be marked as a 'trainer' or state no minimum requirements. 

4a. You are not being ignored

5. Even when I solo the planes that can be checked out are limited and already booked; (the $89 skycatcher is available in August!) The only current available trainer is a PA28, but i still need a CFI to rent it and i would need to do a check ride before i can rent it on my own.

6. I called a part 61 school, they are mostly for commercial purposes and not for just getting a PPL. They wanted $60k for a 6mo program.

I am literally trapped right now. I spent a good 4 hours on the phone today calling places and CFI's; Either they dont want to take on a 'part time' student, or they are booked or they dont even teach anymore and they left their contact info on the website. Maybe that will change tomorrow because i left a number of VM's as well.

I'm sick of people saying I am ignoring them. Its not like I can wave a wand and just make a CFI show up who can rent a plane for me. You are more than welcome to fly out here and rent a plane for me; I would be happy to spend the day in a 172 even if i cant log it, just for the experience.

You are not being ignored. 

I spent the last 40 mins adding up my credit card bills; $6500 will get me to 20hrs dual. About $12000 total will get me to 40hrs dual (maybe less it depends on the amount of class work that needs to be done); Out side of plane and CFI, I have spent about $1500 for medical, headset, books and other things for the knowledge test.

So I am firmly on track for the 18k mark; might be less even if i stay in the cirrus. That gets me to 70hrs which is the average i am told. My goal is to be a safe pilot, not to just pass my PPL as quick as possible. I am sure there are plenty of students that will say when they got their PPL that they weren't really ready to be out on their own.

So I give up. Thats how i feel right now.


14 hours ago, cnoe said:

I blame Yetti for my being sucked back into this conversation. After enduring an intensive 12-step program for internet addiction I'd managed to avoid reading the original post (What should I get?) but now I'm posting on THIS thread. I obviously have my own issues.

Hi Everyone I am Yetti and I have a Mooney addiction.  They are fast and they fly like I think a fighter jet would fly, not that I will ever get the chance.  They also move around the country almost like being in a business jet(done that several times) but not quite as fast, but we get to pilot them to where they are going.  It costs lots of money, and is not a rational decision either financially or from what our friends tell us about strapping on a small plane. I hide my plane from most of my informal friends so that I don't have to deal with the comments. I come to this group because y'all get me and teach me it is OK to be like I am and just lean into it.

  • Like 6
6 hours ago, Samurai Husky said:

Im reallly tired so forgive what follows.

I wrote a nice long rant post and just deleted it. Here is the jist in a not so bitchy manor:

1. You are not being ignored

2. I cannot switch CFI's at my current club because they have a non compete. This is new information i just learned today because i was trying to get into 'something' else today just to make people leave me alone. If I want to switch CFI's i can, but i have to fire my current one, fill out a form as to why i want to switch and all that BS. I have no reason to go through all of that and put a red mark on someone record at the club just because i want to try a different plane.

3. I have called about 8 other clubs today alone, they do not have available CFI's. I have even been posting the rejection emails i have been getting.

4. I cannot rent a plane with out a CFI Until I solo. Even then, It has to be marked as a 'trainer' or state no minimum requirements. 

4a. You are not being ignored

5. Even when I solo the planes that can be checked out are limited and already booked; (the $89 skycatcher is available in August!) The only current available trainer is a PA28, but i still need a CFI to rent it and i would need to do a check ride before i can rent it on my own.

6. I called a part 61 school, they are mostly for commercial purposes and not for just getting a PPL. They wanted $60k for a 6mo program.

I am literally trapped right now. I spent a good 4 hours on the phone today calling places and CFI's; Either they dont want to take on a 'part time' student, or they are booked or they dont even teach anymore and they left their contact info on the website. Maybe that will change tomorrow because i left a number of VM's as well.

I'm sick of people saying I am ignoring them. Its not like I can wave a wand and just make a CFI show up who can rent a plane for me. You are more than welcome to fly out here and rent a plane for me; I would be happy to spend the day in a 172 even if i cant log it, just for the experience.

You are not being ignored. 

I spent the last 40 mins adding up my credit card bills; $6500 will get me to 20hrs dual. About $12000 total will get me to 40hrs dual (maybe less it depends on the amount of class work that needs to be done); Out side of plane and CFI, I have spent about $1500 for medical, headset, books and other things for the knowledge test.

So I am firmly on track for the 18k mark; might be less even if i stay in the cirrus. That gets me to 70hrs which is the average i am told. My goal is to be a safe pilot, not to just pass my PPL as quick as possible. I am sure there are plenty of students that will say when they got their PPL that they weren't really ready to be out on their own.

So I give up. Thats how i feel right now.



Didn't realize the situation.  That's difficult.

Almost everywhere else in the country that I know has a small flight school at one of the local airports where a 172, 152, or PA-28 can be rented.  If they are booked solid, there's a spot 3 days later max.

Sorry you are feeling trapped.  I would change airports/flying clubs/schools and learn to fly.

Didn't realize it was that difficult to find a good school in the Bay Area with such a large population.

Hope you find the right fit.

All of us do want to see you fly.


  • Like 1
9 hours ago, Seth said:

I disagree.  It's an advanced trainer.  That's saying an M20J or 182 is a trainer.

2 seat trike trainers:



Pipee Tomahawk 

Beechcraft Skipper

Libertty XL-2


2 Seat Tailwheel Trainers





4 Seat Trainers




High performwnce/Complex

You Cirrus SR-20


Any Mooney

PA-28R Aarow




I respectfully will have to disagree with your high performance/complex list.  A SR20 doesn't meet the criteria for either, being not over 200 HP with no retractable gear.  a 182 is high performance, but not complex.  Mooney's, depending on which one, are all complex, but only half are high performance.  DA40's are also not high performance or complex. 

Just now, jclemens said:

I respectfully will have to disagree with your high performance/complex list.  A SR20 doesn't meet the criteria for either, being not over 200 HP with no retractable gear.  a 182 is high performance, but not complex.  Mooney's, depending on which one, are all complex, but only half are high performance.  DA40's are also not high performance or complex. 

You are technically correct.  I have updated my list to state "cruiser" as well.  They are still cruisers and not primary trainers.  Well thought out response.  Thanks!


I've started a new thread to help SH find a better rental/flight school in the Bay Area.  Post what you know so we can get him flying.



Sh , just for fun I looked at one of my old log books to see how long it took to get my PPL. I would have thought the numbers were different mine were 24.3 hours to solo, one small caveat was a had a fire on an aborted takeoff on my first solo attempt they put the fire out while I ran off the tarmac saying f@$#k that plane and soloed 6 hours later.I received my ticket at 73.2 hours of which 25.5 were PIC. I bought my Mooney at 146.0 hours, I soloed my Mooney at 28.5 hours of Mooney Training, received my IFR at 277.2. It took six months to get my PPL, calendar wise 3 months to solo (took lessons through tax season) almost another 3 months for PPL and another 16 months to get my IFR.

Just for kicks   


I would buy a C150, or a Champ. (Get a nice one so you get some reliability out of it. 30k?) Find an instructor outside the Bay Area. Then once you have your endorcment to solo, continue flying out to your instructor.  Screw the SR's and the Bay Area for training. 

Maybe head down to SNS. Tucker has a nice Cub and 150 as well as 2 Pitts specials , and 2 extras all for rent probably cheaper than your SR. His instructors are the best in the world. Their focus is on Acro, but in 1hr in the Cub, you will learn more about FLYING than you ever did in the SR. They try not to teach In customer aircraft, but they might know of another pool of CFI's that might. Now you are commuting to SNS, to finish your training and possibly work with the best upset training program in the country!

The Bay Area is screwing you.



The fact that a club holds the ball$ (or ovarie$)of its students in part by having a non compete between its instructors is high reason to seek instruction elsewhere.  I wouldn't care how many GPS videos were sent out of that shop.  Part of the experience of getting your PPL is learning from different instructors with different styles and sometimes switching when you need to get over a hump.  Especially when there is a shortage of instructors.   Where I learned a primary student would probably fly with 3-4 out of the 5 total instructors at the outfit prior to check ride.  That is nonsense.  Does a Silicon Valley flight school make its students sign NDAs for the industry secret FAA flight standards?  Total BS.

  • Like 1

The check ride part is different. For that I am allowed to go up with several CFI's who I am not familiar with on a simulated check ride.

Once I solo, i can do what ever i want, so long as the plane is marked as a trainer. 

FYI, Its not just bay area airports I have called. I went as far as San Martin, East as far as Tracy, North as far as... Well SQL because the next airport past that is past SF and screw going though the city for a flight lesson.



Sounds about the same track I am on. I have 15hrs right now. We still need to do the X country and the 3 hrs night flight. So i still have some time to get landings.

The club has a 182RG, im going to see about complexing in that. Then getting my own plane to IFR/Mooney train in. The club has a nice Mooney, and its finally back from the shop, so its available, but in order to rent it i also need IFR. So it kind of defeats the purpose of renting it to train in. IDK, I think i would be fine getting a 'j' for a while and puttsing around in that for 200 hrs or more.


Wow, you've hit the perfect storm of Silicon Valley craziness combined with the pilot (and thus CFI) shortage. Sucks.

If you had the time off work to go somewhere else and knock it out you could save a lot of money and time...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Dude, you have no idea what its like out here right now. The housing market has gone beyond bannana's, they are trying to build on every scrap of land that wont sink if their is a earthquake. The last i checked, a 900sqft house in my area is going for 650k and its not even considered a desirable neighborhood. Palo Alto started offering financial assistance to households making under 300k/y; Its that crazy.

There is just a ton of cash floating around the bay area. Every doctor, every lawyer and every new CEO wants a plane. 

LOL, at my little flying club one day we had a McLaren, a 911 turbo and a Benz S class all parked in a row....I thought i was at the auto show. I was going to take a picture, but the guy was in the car staring at me....

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