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Justin Schmidt

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  1. Additionally, adhere to all regulations pertaining to planes for hire.
  2. One must be able to understand labor, overhead, and business financials.
  3. What if your CHTs are only mid to high 200s, max 320s in a climb with cowl flap closed. Been keeping power in 70%s.
  4. I never remove cowling (side only)...hook up hose to quick drain and out the cowl flap
  5. The shaft in the switch was corroded pretty badly. Just broke when pulling out
  6. I have anecdotal experience with this (not a crash but damn near it). When I first got my F, I was still a student with 20 hours. Taking off, first flight with this CFI (80s with many thousands of hrs) the gear switch broke, didn't move the gear, still verified the mechanical lock. He freaked out took control from me, I initially, said no I have it, it isn't an emergency. I relented as he kept taking control. He took us 300 FEET AGL MAX around the pattern with the stall warning BLARING. There was no reason for that. I say age and experience cannot say how good or bad someone is in an area only their behavior/actions. Insurance companies do need to go off something though. I did find a great CFI to do my training He lost it up there...hopefully, he turned in his wings
  7. Don't know about you but I am poor BECAUSE I own a plane...100% of nothing is still nothing lol
  8. Probably, the same shop west houston that worked on my plane (previous owner) and pencil whipped an annual when I bought it
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