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PT20J last won the day on July 23

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    1994 M20J

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  1. I cannot for the life of me understand why Mooney says to lube the chain with grease. A chain needs a less viscous lube that gets into the rollers. On mine, I had to replace the hardened brass bushing for the trim wheel shaft that had worn from never being lubed. Also, there was some eccentricity between the top and bottom sprockets so the chain tension had to be adjusted as a compromise between too loose at one point and too tight 180 deg opposite.
  2. That’s a good thing, right? Have you calculated your ratio of maintenance hours to flight hours? (If not, don’t. It’s disheartening).
  3. You could check the p-lead shield. If it is only grounded at the mag and was not reconnected when the mag was reinstalled then it may be floating when it should be grounded.
  4. Sure. Set up charge plus minimum production run. Good luck. There’s another thread where someone is negotiating with Mooney for a run of 40:1 gears for Dukes actuators and most responses were along the lines of “I’m in unless they cost too much.” There is a reason why Mooney owners have a CB reputation.
  5. Stuff happens. Work it out. I think what @midlifeflyer’s point was is that there’s not going to be meaningful legal recourse. Sure it was an error - but if you had offered less knowing what you know now and the seller said no, would you have walked away from the deal? I’ve done a lot of business deals and a red flag for me is when emotions start to arise. Business is business. Cold and unemotional wins in the long run.
  6. That part noted at the end of the thread reference by @1980Mooney is the mechanical down stop. In the event of a failure of the down limit circuit, it keeps the motor from overrunning and bending the push-pull tubes. I know it is on the Avionics Products/Eaton actuators. I think it’s also on the Plessey actuators.
  7. Are they unable to service that type regulator, or was that particular unit damaged beyond repair? Was it an Electro-Delta or a Mooney regulator?
  8. Pretty cool. We’re all going to have to get creative about repairing our airframes since some of these original parts may never be available again.
  9. All the settings are not gains; some enable or disable optional items like trim servo and yaw damper, set the direction of rotation of the servos for different installations, etc. For pitch, the settings are max torque, servo gain, servo direction, clutch monitor enable, AP disconnect input polarity, min airpseed limit, max airspeed limit, vertical speed gain, vertical acceleration gain, airspeed gain, servo control mode, correction time, fine adjust amount, fine adjust time, vertical speed inertial gain, airspeed acceleration gain, airspeed tracking gain, airspeed gain schedule, altitude gain schedule. The bold ones are the ones that have optional settings. I think the reason for so much flexibility is that the GFC 500 was originally designed for experimental airplanes and there is probably a much wider range of flight characteristics in experimentals than certified airplanes that have to meet certifications standards.
  10. The gain table has 76 entries. The flight test procedure to determine settings is in the experimental G3X installation manual.
  11. Just download the experimental installation manual and pilot’s guide. Some items like flap position and gear warnings require modification to airframe systems and that’s where it gets sticky.
  12. The speed brake switch is a separate part that goes underneath the B-K part. Mine is black anodized aluminum. It's probably a Precise Flight part.
  13. Wings are swept for high speed characteristics. Someone needs to explain to me why they create more aerodynamic braking at low speed. Lots of stuff I don’t know, so I’m eager to learn. (BTW, Mooney wing is swept forward).
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