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Noticed lately that the PC is pulling to one side even with the turn coordinator maxed. Started checking vac lines and saw a few that were looking dry so we replaced those and thought we had things straight..Flew the other day and looks like it is still pulling.


Started checking the boots and the left boot has leaks and visible tear. Without doing a major search on all the PC forum posts does anybody know whre the best source is for replacement boots..I'm assuming Brittian, but did not know if someone had bought any lately and how much they cost?. I don't suppose there is any quick temporary fix until I get it in for annual next month and they can really get in and check all four boots. If they are not too expensive I may buy an extra for the inevitable later. Is it very complex to replace the boot? I may get my AP to work w/ me and sign off if I can get most of it started/done.





They used to be available for field replacement, but no longer. You will have to send the pot to Brittian for replacement.



I had a recent tear in the similar Step Boot. Brittian says that step boot is not available for a number of months yet. I used a small piece of clear Gorilla tape (advertised for patching air mattresses) over the tear itself with maybe 1/2 inch margin. Then I overlaid that with longer overlapped layers of black electrical tape. I had a little leak still right at the lower end. A tight wrap of the stretch electric tape all around that lower disc seemed to get it stopped. It is very difficult to identify leak location with the vacumn test. I attached a separate tube to the nipple, coated the suspect area with a dish soap/water solution and used my lungs to slightly inflate the bellows. The smallest leak showed right up with bubbles. Rinsed with fresh water and dried carefully as I went. Also, is your pilot valve working properly. This can throw off the apparent trim center. I had mine rebuilt by Brittain and the trim centered right up, yoke disconnect switch also works now.

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You need a small arm and hand to get the ones in the wings out. The 2 in the tail are easier to get out. You may want to look at all 4 carefully and see if there are other tears or perhaps some of the others may need retaping also.

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Hey David,


Just checking the forum..  I'll send you a PM.


Thanks guys. I'll dig deeper in the morning, just discovered it late in the day and plan to look harder in the morning.




I use a "brake bleeder and vacumn pump" from Harbor Freight (about $25).  With my 65E you can easily isolate and disconnect the red or green  tube going to each of the four bellows.  You can use the pump to draw each down  and see if it holds without further pumping.  You might need a cut-off valve or not, check pump to see if vac holds on a clamped off tube.    If the wing units hold the aileron down without leak, I think I would leave them to later.  As I recall, one of the tricks to removing the wing unit is to do part of the work through the adjacent, inboard inspection port.   


I sent an aileron servo to Brittain in Dec 12 because it had a tear > 1". My cost for OH was $124 + shipping [uPS, ~$10].


Cant be beat!

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There are AccuFlite units available. Mine will probably be on the market in two or three decades.

What's more rare than spotted monkeys are the Altitude Hold units (B6?).

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Should ask if he has a gold bar. Better chance of getting one of those. :)

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Unfortunately I don't have any gold bars sitting around, but do have a complete Accutrac and a couple of gold servo valves setting around.  Perhaps I can trade them for a gold bar?

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David is great to work with..Boots arrived today and look great! This is why forums work. Now time to get small handed. It's darn tight in those wings. :wacko:

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got the servo boot on the pilots side wing R/R and all I can say is wow!! Before changing the boot I had replaced all the vac lines under the dash (many were dry-rotted, I'm surprised it held any vacuum at all). That did not solve the PC problem, the next step was checking the servos. Found a leaking servo boot in the wing on pilot's side. Replaced the one servo and checked the others. All looked good and took it up yesterday for a test run.. WOW!!. The PC, Accutrak and Stec Alt Hold are working in perfect harmony. Thanks for the input and parts from the forum members. Not sure it has ever worked good as it does now, dead on accurate and so smooth. It was a tight reach in the wing inspection panel..the arm is still recovering. Don't want to do it again real soon. My A/P was glad that all he had to do was inspect, make the entry and sign.


I have a long vacation cross-country planned next week (weather permitting) from west Tennessee to Maine. My longest cross country to date. Sure going to be nice to having everything working right.





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