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I just bought my first plane, a 1968 Mooney M20C, and it's currently 3 states away. I was supposed to be flying out to get it with my CFI tomorrow but in the last 2 days the forecast has gone from clear the whole way to IFR with turbulence and icing. The local weather actually says "ice pellets".  :(  Needless to say we made the decision to postpone. I've been working on this deal for well over a month now and I just want my plane! I might be going a little crazy right now.

Meanwhile here at home it was warm enough today that I went for a short motorcycle ride in a T-shirt  :P 

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Way to go, hope you get the weather you need to get her home and your experience with your new Mooney is all good. Please take a moment to post your trip on my post "today's flight" and don't forget the pictures. Have a safe flight.


Good luck. Don't be afraid to reach out to the users here for local weather updates and flight planning if you are unfamiliar with the route. VFR winter flying can be both challenging and rewarding. You will also find that "VFR flight not recommended" is the common statement from flight briefings in the Intermountain West most of the winter. It should mean you proceed with caution, but don't be afraid to fly with good planning and alternate routes and airports set. I would never get anywhere in midwinter if I only flew on days when I didn't get the "VFR flight not recommended" caution.


I rescheduled my flight to Texas for next wednesday. Hoping to fly it home thursday. Currently the weather forecast looks good, but a week ago I could say the same for today. I'm in the process of getting my IR right now, and my CFI is joining me for the trip so doing it IFR isn't a problem, but ice on the wings is. I told my CFI it was his call, cause I'm obviously excited to get the plane and I'd rather he be the one to give the go-no go since his only priority is getting home safe. Talking to the seller this morning it sounds like we made the right choice, cause it's raining and near freezing there this morning.


+1  Another non-commercial pilot wants to know the source and destination.   And I am in Texas.  At least near Austin, the next two days you will not want to be flying.  Icing will start about 1 foot AGL


It looks like a fun trip.  Nothing much to worry about until you get past Phoenix AZ, then some restricted airspace.  I would think this trip is possible in one day if you start early in the morning, it looks like it will be about 8 hours of flying.  --But of course, with a new to you plane, I would be cautious about pushing any limits (fuel, night, etc).


Well wish me luck everyone! Looks like the weather is gonna cooperate this week. Flying out to Texas tomorrow afternoon and we're gonna fly back on thursday. my CFI wont be getting in til Thursday morning, so we probably wont be able to do the flight all in one day, but I'm not too worried about rushing things. 


Well wish me luck everyone! Looks like the weather is gonna cooperate this week. Flying out to Texas tomorrow afternoon and we're gonna fly back on thursday. my CFI wont be getting in til Thursday morning, so we probably wont be able to do the flight all in one day, but I'm not too worried about rushing things.

Good luck and safe travels. And remember, without pictures as proof, we are going to consider you a 12 year old troll playing on the internet ;)

Be careful out there!

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Preacing to the choir but enjoy that scenery and enjoy the plane.


Oh yeah and your homework is to carefully log your performance on the way home and report back ;)


Good luck! I have done that flight several times. KDMN is a good place to stop. If you stay the night the Grand Motor Inn & Restruant is about 3/4 of a mile walk. If you get there before the FBO closes the guy will give you a ride but I liked to walk after sitting in the plane for 4 hrs. The Restruant is great, Pies are fantastic, and the beer is cold! Safe travels and see you Sunday at KSMO.


Well wish me luck everyone! Looks like the weather is gonna cooperate this week. Flying out to Texas tomorrow afternoon and we're gonna fly back on thursday. my CFI wont be getting in til Thursday morning, so we probably wont be able to do the flight all in one day, but I'm not too worried about rushing things. 


Thursday (tomorrow) is looking good.  Friday is even better Good luck on the flight back. 




StinkBug you might just have a rare occasion of having a tail wind flying back to California. Virtually eveytime I have flown how from Texas I have had butal head wind.

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