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So- as I build up my experience and start stretching some of my comfort zones-

I'm used to adding 1/2 the gust factor to my approaches. Usually not a problem, as there is usually part of the wind component coming down the runway. Last flight, the wind was 90 degrees to the runway. I accepted that I would have some extra speed, and touched down further down the runway. (no other runway options)  Any tidbits on what you do when presented with this situation?




Everybody's got their favorite technique. I usually approach with takeoff flaps if it's gusty. This allows a higher deck angle for less flare, less drag and a higher approach speed. I add 5 knots above what I would use with full flaps at my weight and if it's gusty and the airspeed is bouncing around I adjust so that the lowest airspeed hits my planned approach speed. I fly a crabbed approach until about 50 feet where I adjust to a wing low attitude to test if I have enough rudder to straighten out. There is a limit to how low you drop a wing since the tips are not very far above the ground.

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Slowly expand your envelope, the Mooney can be landed safely at much higher crosswinds than the 12 kt listed in most POHs if the runway is long enough, you land the upwind wheel first

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As mentioned, techniques vary.I don’t add speed for direct crosswinds with no headwind gust factor. And I gave up the reduced flaps 26 years ago in favor of a slower touchdown.

Beyond that it depends on how strong a crosswind. With most, a simple crab down to  the runway, transitioning to a slip in the earliest part of the round out. Stronger winds might have me test out the slip higher as a reality check. 

And don’t forget the most important part - movement to full taxi crosswind correction in touchdown. That’s where most crosswind landing accidents happen. The pilot neutralizes the controls and gets pushed off the runway,

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Skip and Mark pretty much nailed it for basically what I do, I also fly utilizing the crab and kick method in gusty conditions I try to do an extended final to ascertain that I have enough crab built in and then slip the remaining. On the long final you’ll know the amount of crab when slipping to landing you should have a good idea of the amount or wing correction needed to maintain centerline, stay on top of it once transited to the runway don’t be afraid to use quite a bit of rudder if necessary to stay centered, if your losing it go around. Thinking of speeds with the equipment we have AOAmeters, etc I don’t really pay a lot of attention to speeds any more. Good idea to go out on a blustery day and play


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Here's a useful (to me) drill to get comfortable with crosswind landings:

On a good X-wind day,  do a normal approach, in landing configuration, crab or slip, and keep a little power in during the flare. Fly down the runway centerline, maintaining centerline with the slip.  then go around and repeat or land.  It may feel strange at first, but it should really raise your comfort level with your ability to be pilot-in-command rather than subject to the x-wind.


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As others are mentioning, I just fly it and compensate for whatever drift is happening with either a crab (at higher altitude) and either kick it out at the end of the flare or transition to a slip, whatever seems to be best at the time.   I usually use full flaps even in heavy crosswinds.  If you add speed, it'll have to come off, anyway, for the airplane to land, and you want a fairly firm landing rather than skipping along with too much speed, so it's kind of a tradeoff to add speed for gusts.   Just don't slow down too much until you're low if there is a gusty headwind component.

Coming back from a long cross-country we landed in the remains of Hurricane Hillary as it was passing over Deer Valley, and it was something like 23 kits gusting 35 directly across the runway.   That's the only time I've used the *entire* runway, and I landed on the upwind side of the centerline, but it wasn't nearly as dramatic or difficult as I'd anticipated.   Landed in 21 kts gusting 27 directly across the runway the other day and the GF thought it was a normal landing...so I felt like I did my job okay.  ;)

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If there is a Gusty part to the cross wind (Spring flying in Texas) then having the upwing wing level to the ground and doing a one wheel landing seems to keep the gust from picking that wing up.   The low profile of the Mooney makes it so it does not get thrown around as much as some planes with a larger side profile.

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18 hours ago, EricJ said:

As others are mentioning, I just fly it and compensate for whatever drift is happening

This is an important point that wasn’t mentioned enough. I’ve seen too many pilot set up based on theory and then fly with what I call blinders, flying the theory rather than the conditions. I’ve watched pilot land in one main when the crosswind disappeared, as though landing in the upwind main first were the goal rather than the result of good technique. 

Once moving to the slip, whether on  long final or the last moment (two ends of a continuum), it’s centerline square to the chest* with whatever rudder and aileron input is necessary to keep it there. For every landing. (Crab is the same - center of the chest, although not square.)

*square to the chest - people use different visuals. Between the legs, between the eyes, square to the yoke. They all do the same thing.

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As others are mentioning, I just fly it and compensate for whatever drift is happening with either a crab (at higher altitude) and either kick it out at the end of the flare or transition to a slip, whatever seems to be best at the time.   I usually use full flaps even in heavy crosswinds.  If you add speed, it'll have to come off, anyway, for the airplane to land, and you want a fairly firm landing rather than skipping along with too much speed, so it's kind of a tradeoff to add speed for gusts.   Just don't slow down too much until you're low if there is a gusty headwind component.

Coming back from a long cross-country we landed in the remains of Hurricane Hillary as it was passing over Deer Valley, and it was something like 23 kits gusting 35 directly across the runway.   That's the only time I've used the *entire* runway, and I landed on the upwind side of the centerline, but it wasn't nearly as dramatic or difficult as I'd anticipated.   Landed in 21 kts gusting 27 directly across the runway the other day and the GF thought it was a normal landing...so I felt like I did my job okay. 

Aren’t the winds measured by an anemometer on a pole 30’ or higher? So usually the winds should be less on the runway surface especially if cross winds because they’re blocked by buildings and trees.

I am of the askew flaps club.  The Mooney wing makes a lot of lift with flaps.  A normal wind down the runway landing and you tap the brakes with the flaps on, it’s easy to scuff a tire.  
This goes to what @midlifeflyer is saying.  You get it down and a peak gust comes it is just going to push you off the runway if the wing is still flying.     

I am of the askew flaps club.  The Mooney wing makes a lot of lift with flaps.  A normal wind down the runway landing and you tap the brakes with the flaps on, it’s easy to scuff a tire.  
This goes to what [mention=11034]midlifeflyer[/mention] is saying.  You get it down and a peak gust comes it is just going to push you off the runway if the wing is still flying.     

And if still airborne near the runway and the gusting wind abruptly stops you’re going to be drop testing the Mooneys landing gear.

I landed once when winds were variable 7-29 knots from 230-330, I went from a perfect landing to bronco ride in a second, not so much fun.
4 hours ago, M20F said:

This goes to what @midlifeflyer is saying.  You get it down and a peak gust comes it is just going to push you off the runway if the wing is still flying.

True, but I was referring to the very common error of a pilot neutralizing the crosswind correction on touchdown instead of going to full crosswind correction. It makes a difference even with a light crosswind. I can't count the number of times I've seen a pilot having trouble while rolling down the runway after landing, trouble which disappears as soon as I remind hem to turn those ailerons into the wind.

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On 3/21/2025 at 11:54 AM, exM20K said:

Here's a useful (to me) drill to get comfortable with crosswind landings:

On a good X-wind day,  do a normal approach, in landing configuration, crab or slip, and keep a little power in during the flare. Fly down the runway centerline, maintaining centerline with the slip.  then go around and repeat or land.  It may feel strange at first, but it should really raise your comfort level with your ability to be pilot-in-command rather than subject to the x-wind.


My instructor had me do this when working on cross wind landings pre-solo.   I had a tendency to freeze the controls in the flare rather than continuing to fly the plane.

I tend to switch to slip fairly far out on final to get everything stabilized.

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7 minutes ago, Pinecone said:

My instructor had me do this when working on cross wind landings pre-solo.   I had a tendency to freeze the controls in the flare rather than continuing to fly the plane.

I tend to switch to slip fairly far out on final to get everything stabilized.

I really like exM20K's suggestion.  I don't remember doing this (35 years ago).  I'm gonna work on it when I have a good crosswind day (when I get my plane out of the shop).  I need to get tail dragger endorsement.  


.. in one smooth poetic motion, round out, rudder to get your wheels straight with the world, bank to stop the drift, touch down and as speed decreases maintain full aileron into the wind.  Practice again, especially the smooth poetic motion part..

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9 hours ago, Keith20EH said:

.. in one smooth poetic motion, round out, rudder to get your wheels straight with the world, bank to stop the drift, touch down and as speed decreases maintain full aileron into the wind.  Practice again, especially the smooth poetic motion part..

Love the poetic phrasing.

In fact, et's offer a Mooneyspace prize to the best Haiku about good smooth peaceful confident landings to tell to ourselves while landing.

2 hours ago, HIghpockets said:

Crosswind not to fear.

Keep the upwind wing low bro'.

True, but that actually leads to an error I repeatedly see. The pilot figures they have to keep the upwind wing low and land on the upwind main. They do so even if the crosswind disappears or worse, shifts the other way. So I try to move people away from that - away from theory to responding to actual conditions. We need to understand the theory in order to anticipate what may be necessary but need to fly the conditions that exist, which can change quite a bit on a gusty crosswind day, even along final.


It's very simple and direct, sadly without the syllabic flow found in classic Japanese haiku, nor the rhythmic patterns of English poetry:

To land in crosswinds 

Wing low to align with runway

Rudder to go straight

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1 hour ago, Hank said:

It's very simple and direct, sadly without the syllabic flow found in classic Japanese haiku, nor the rhythmic patterns of English poetry:

To land in crosswinds 

Wing low to align with runway

Rudder to go straight

That used to be my mantra, but after several tailwheel lessons I reversed it.

align with rudder
manage all drifting with aileron
crosswind landing joy

Better, @Andy95W?


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