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Pinecone last won the day on June 23

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  1. Hmm, I wonder if this means the composite 3 blade for M20Ks will be coming soon.
  2. YES, feel free to write and submit articles. I did a couple, and next thing I knew, I was listed on the masthead as a Contributor. They do not have to be technical things. They can be about a nice trip your took. Or even things of aviation interest that are not Mooney specific.
  3. But does that include the resale on the 330? Or just the cost to install the 345?
  4. That is egregious. I have seen -MB converted 231s advertised as a 252. Still no. Not 24 volts and probably not dual alternators. Same with 252s converted to Encore specs. Doesn't make them an Encore.
  5. This ^^^^^^ But the FIRST step is to contact the broker and explain the situation and see the response. I see you did this. Over what time frame did you send the emails? And how long ago. This is summer time when families go on vacation trips, so they may just be away from it all. If more than 2 weeks without a response, I would be on the phone.
  6. I wonder if we could spec a generic label gauge. Or one without a label and without the ears, that comes with the cover off that we could order directly???? They will not sell us the Mooney version, but maybe we can get close enough.
  7. The problem is, what paint was used. If you are talking a classic car, it was lacquer or enamel, and restoring oils may work. Modern planes (and cars) are painted with catalyzed paints that cross link and are a whole different animal.
  8. Just wondering what people think of Mooney Flyer. Not too much feedback from readers with letters to the editor.
  9. Gipps GA-8 Air Van. It is not an airplane, it is the box the airplane came in.
  10. I use a full size iPad, but in CAP C-182s. In my Mooney, it is a Mini6 on a RAM yoke mount.
  11. RAM makes a PMAd version. But their PMA is only for the big bore engines. But the package has the Continental part number that includes the TSIO-30 models
  12. I need a chart of all the possibilities. Just to discuss them with my shop of course.
  13. As others have said, there are two sets of gains. You use one set or the other, but they are not in the system, you have to set them individually. There is nothing physically stopping someone from tweaking the gains slightly. Other that compliance with the STC. And who would check that?
  14. Agreed. It never made any sense that Garmin had specific gains in the STC. I would have thought they would have starting gains and an allowable range. Other that maybe the glass planes, each one is an individual
  15. My first Oshkosh was 1999. Had just arrived with the mass T-34 arrival and was standing on the wing. I had not even gotten off the plane. Looked up and saw the smoke. Later learned it was an online friend from AVSIG in his GlasAir. RIP Ben
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