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Pinecone last won the day on September 10

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  1. Anyone have the VFR arrival to Peter O Knight that they published last year? Or will it be added to the website????
  2. I have to check with them also. I transferred from KY.
  3. No. ALL O2 these days comes from liquid O2. Virtually NO H20. ABO used to be less moisture that medical due to the risk of freezing. But now it all comes from boiling off liquid O2. Notice in the hospital they put a bubbler on the O2 to add moisture. https://www.avweb.com/features/pelicans-perch-13getting-high-on-welders-oxygen/
  4. They don't remove them to FILL the bottle. Just to do the hydrostatic test. But they may have to change the hose or fitting to fill an aviation bottle versus medical bottle. But that should be 5 minutes max.
  5. Now, how about an airplane on a treadmill.
  6. They ask because you didn't say. At least in the USAF, there is a call turning base or at the FAF that included "Gear Down." Better is the Landing Height System. Gives you altitude call outs (makes night landings a breeze) and at 200 feet AGL says Check Gear if it does not sense the gear handle in the Down position.
  7. IN USAF training, there is a student pilot in the runway supervisory unit that controls the runway that has the job of checking for gear and flaps for every landing. In Tactical Air Command, we had a pilot at the end of the runway doing the same for every landing.
  8. So the air coming out of the wheel is different from ALL the air around the LG?
  9. I have the power packs (three, one for each strobe) off my 86 252 that are available. But 28 volt.
  10. There are two values. 1) What you could sell it for today. 2) What it would cost for you replace it as it sits (engine time, avionics, paint, interior). They are likely not the same.
  11. Jonny Pollack video called into the banquet. He said he thinks there are near a deal with some investors for a large cash infusion. And that one of the priorities is getting those hard to find, but needed parts from vendors. He also addressed the pre-paid group order idea and said that the issue was the 4 - 6 month lead time, and they have not had the funding to guarantee that Mooney would be open to receive, inspect and deliver the parts.
  12. If you put the plate low enough, maybe just a ramp to run up. And the ramp could be hinged to be the rear chock
  13. No need for a prescription, you are not buying medical O2. Welding O2 is the same stuff.
  14. Check with local dive shops, compressed gas dealers, and fire extinguisher companies.
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