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DCarlton last won the day on March 12

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    Carlsbad, CA
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  • Model
    1967 M20F
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  1. Uh oh. Now I've gotta go read about this thing called "VARMA".
  2. Based on experiences, I'd like to know and understand in advance what will be wrenched on or disassembled and why, and I'd like to be there for final inspection when that work area is closed out. I'm caring less about assisting these days, but I'd prefer complete awareness of what work is being done and what quality assurance steps are taken to make sure the work is done properly. Once bitten, twice shy...
  3. I'll have three Shaw caps with Flurosilicone O-rings and Marsh washers for sale early next year. Expect to receive bladders around the first of the year.
  4. I’ll take a look at a B Kool. We drove over for the ASU game Saturday night and my wife started feeling bad after the wind died down. It was hot. I couldn’t see flying her out of Phoenix when it was going to be a 100 early. I’ve done it many times solo but it wasn’t fun and I was 10 years younger.
  5. Flew up to Camarillo a few weeks ago and there was a line out the door and down the sidewalk for the restaurant. I may try one more time on a day other than Sunday.
  6. Soul searching. Had plans to fly more this summer and I find myself once again pursuing other hobbies when it's hot. Had a chance to fly to Phoenix this week and aborted due to the forecast 100 deg temps on my departure day. Ended up driving and enjoying the A/C. Chose bladders over a tank reseal to avoid monsoon season and the triple digit journey to MN through NM and TX. Starting to wonder if it's time to hang it up. Planning to see what happens between now and my annual but it's making less and less sense to hang on to the plane just to maintain it and maintain flight currency. What are folks doing around the rest of the country in this heat?
  7. Why? I try not to pull on anything that hard made in 1967.
  8. There have been a few threads like this one, and I always wonder what I’m overlooking. I usually take off with the trim set exactly where it was when I landed. It seems to work fine. No hard pulls, no wheelbarrowing. Don’t know what I’m missing.
  9. I received the following today from Frank Crawford at Mooney. This should be sufficient to support the swap. Go Mooney! 1. Original 610161 LH Outboard is now 610243-003 (same as the M20J) 2. Original 610160 RH Outboard is now 610243-001 (same as the M20J) 3. Original 610168-001 both inboard is now 610242-001 (same as the M20J)
  10. It seems like a no brainer to me; form, fit and function are the same. Folks are cautious these days. Any idea how to support the fact that these are a "legal" exchange? You'd think an IA could do it as a minor alternation. So far I've asked, Griggs and Air Parts of Lockhaven. It'll be a bummer if I have to have my old F senders overhauled. I may end up with four J senders that haven't been installed. I'm thinking about calling a West Coast MSC to see if they will do it.
  11. Almost every expensive project we’ve undertaken at home recently has required rework even when we tried to hire the best and offer a blank check. My last annual inspection required rework….twice. My confidence is low. Sealing these tanks is an art. At this point, if I had a leak and required warranty repair work 13 flying hours away, I think I’d light a match to the airplane and walk away. Hopefully the bladders will be a permanent solution that is installed correctly the first time. If so they should easily outlast me and the airplane. And… if repairs are required it can be accomplished locally.
  12. Does anyone have any suggestions or evidence that could support installing J model senders in an F model Mooney? I have four overhauled J model senders in a box ready for installation. Is there a process that could support this change? The J senders were a significant improvement but form, fit and function should be the same. If you know of any shops in SOCAL that would do the work, that could be helpful too. Thanks.
  13. How do the regs work in this case? What if you ignore the "recall" or drag your feet? Without an AD, what enforces the action? Insurance liability? Audits could be a moving target.
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