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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. I know of a case where a float plane flipped (Cessna 185) and the pilot opened the door, climbed out, climbed up to stand on the floats waiting for a boat to come get him. Didn't even get his shoes wet. And the airplane was saved (freshwater lake).
  2. I think it is a good thing. It stops agencies from making up things. Some agencies are known for making regulation via interpretations that do not agree with the law or the regulations.
  3. For the Mid Atlantic, Sensenich at KLNS is an MT dealer.
  4. https://www.avweb.com/ownership/shock-cooling-time-to-kill-the-myth/
  5. This is now changed based on a recent Supreme Court decision. In the past, if the action ended up in court, the court was required to defer to the agency's interpretion. No longer, the court can now go against the agency interpretation.
  6. To be a bit pedantic. FAA cannot change a LAW. Congress passes bills that when signed by the President (or override of veto by Congress) and becomes a LAW. FAA promulgates REGULATIONS based on the LAWS in effect. So Congress says something broadly, and the agency writes regulations how that will be done day to day. Like the LAW that created states that each employer will provide a safe and healthy workplace. From the statement you get the myriad of OSHA regulations. In the past, instead of changing the regulations, agencies would "interpret" the regulations instead of actually changing the regs. But a recent Supreme Court decision may change that process. In many cases, regulations were written somewhat vaguely to allow then to interpret them later. To change a regulation, the agency must publish the proposed changes and allow a comment period. Then they must address all comments and then publish the changed regulation. This does not include all the internal process to get to the proposed rule change. At times, agencies do promulgate regulations that are not in accordance with the overriding law. These end up in court and get changed, evenutally.
  7. There are some good shops out there. Where are you located?
  8. Is your wife coming along? Cherry is trying to find out of others non-pilots will be coming, so they can go do things together. Also any other non-pilots coming along?
  9. I run mine off a panel mount Garmin USB. But I have the cable routed to the left and then between the edge of the panel and the side wall. Behind the panel, then a few turns around the yoke shaft. I found a cable that is almost flush, so you don't have that connector sticking out. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CCJLS4R5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
  10. Not owning a problem is not the same thing as finger pointing. But yes, Garmin is not immune from issues. But then factor in a non-Garmin device and that allows them to totally ignore an issue as not their problem,
  11. Yes, leave NOW. By 8Am tomorrow, tropical storm force winds will be hitting the coast. And it is supposed to hit with over 110 MPH winds on Wednesday night to Thursday morning.
  12. I have noticed that FF is flagging important NOTAMS (such as closed runways) at the departure and destination airports.
  13. The one I got from RAM has the 653337 part number on the bag.
  14. Any specifics on performance gains? Ad is still up:
  15. I was going into Sarasota to swap my 650 to 650Xi. Then wanted to clear me for the visual, but I just wasn't seeing the airport. So the controller gave me a heading for vectors to the ILS. He sounded miffed. So he left me cruising east a good bit, but left me at about 1300 feet. Problem is, there are towers out there taller than that. And I see one, just to the right of my nose. As I am getting close to the tower, he realizes what he has done and directs an immediate right turn. INTO the tower. I decline, and he insists. I tell him I will turn right after I pass the tower as a right turn would have me hit the tower. He climbed me to 2000 and was a changed person giving me actual vectors to the ILS.
  16. Just realize that when you mix and match, you have the possibility of things not playing nice. That is one reason I went all Garmin. Garmin can only point fingers at themselves.
  17. For a couple of years, I had a cigarette light plug in. I used both an Anker (I have had very good service out of Anker products) and a built in USB-A in a Mid Continent clock. I also used a plug in that I got from Mountain High (the O2 people) that worked well. When I did my panel upgrade I had Garmin USB-15 dual USB-C power outlets installed. One on each side.
  18. The data breaches are of companies that have your info because you gave it to them. Like the insurance company, banks, etc.
  19. Paint shops are hard to recommend. If you plane was just painted, you have no idea of how it will hold up long term. If you had your plane painted a while ago, you have no idea is the shop is still as good. Mine was painted by Hawk in 2014 and looks great. @jetdriven had his plane painted there at the same time and is happy.
  20. I am using RAM also. Yoke clamp, arm with a rotating joint in the middle and the iPad holder.
  21. I was wondering why it did not have a 252 N-number. My plane is 10 later.
  22. Another hurricane about to hit FL and the Tampa area. I guess Mooney Summit X will not happen soon.
  23. If you have only two servos, the autopilot does not adjust the trim, you need to do that manually. There IS a pitch servo the drives the elevator directly in all installs.
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