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Selling an N#

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Someone from King Aviation Title Company left me a message saying they had a customer that would like to buy my N#.  The message peaked my interest.  I thought before calling back I'd ask if anyone knows what a N #'s going rate is?  or any other info on this subject.

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I reserved a tail number once (it's a rare one where it's three numerical digits only).  I got it just in case I ever bought a plane that had a bad tail number or if I wanted something different on a repaint.


A guy wrote me a letter saying he really wanted that number for his homebuilt airplane.


I sold it to him for $100 to pay for my time and the expense of reserving another number I liked.


For anything else, I'd probably sell a tail number for a new paint job.

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Aside from the first instinct of being incredibly greedy I think you can reasonably assert two things:


Your plane will need to be repainted.

You will be inconvenienced by the entire process.


I would let them know that you expect reasonable compensation for both.

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I just got off the phone with them.  My N# is N728CP. It's my experimental.  It was a previous N# of a Gulfstream G3.  Anyway the broker told me there's not to many CP's available.  I told them 10K.  I'll let you know if they accept.

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You know who Chuck Prince worked for...? (Former CEO of Citi bank)

1) It may really help to know your customer before setting the price.

2) The limit to the pricing plan will be there are other CPs in the register for competition.

3) have an idea of how much hassle you are willing to go through?

Best regards,


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I've got 77MR reserved - most time I talk to ATC with 9640M I get "say again" - don't know if its my Wisconsin/Texas accent or if it's just a weird grouping of numbers... besides I like the idea of associating Mike Ropers to Mike Romeo  :P  :P kinda rolls off the tongue!!

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I know it costs right around 10k to change a registration number on a Jet. Mode S dip switches changes, ELT beacon dip switches, repaint of tail, waiting for all the paperwork to go through. The number can't be on two aircraft at the same time, so letters between owners. Letters authorizing the release of the number to another party. The list goes on. We missed a trip due to a paperwork glitch.

If owners had a clue on the cost, I don't think they would do it.

All said, I'd ask for at least 10k for the number!


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