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Hey guys,

As we get closer to compliance with the ADS-B compliance requirement I wanted to get ahead of the game with some research. I understand what it does; however, there are quite a few flavors out there and I'm not sure which one is the most well rounded one. Do you guys know what would give me the best bang for the buck? Would it be worth getting something certified over non-certified? What units out there are certified?


If you have an old transponder like the KT-76A, it will likely die on you because of the cavity vacuum tube in it. You will be better off replacing it with a solid state ADS-B transponder like the KT74 or GTX330ES. By 2020 the replacement cavity tube in the KT76A may no longer be in production or may be too expensive for worth replacing it.


One issue with ADS-B UAT 978 MHZ devices is how do you enter the Mode A squawk code? Unlike conventional transponders that have an entry panel for code that is not the case for UAT devices. You will need a remote entry panel for the UAT and verify the entered code is the same for the transponder. ATC will still require that you enter a squawk code to confirm traffic contact. Read on this on the FAA attached document. http://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/AC%2090-114.pdf



Mode A Code. 


(1) ATC automation relies on the Mode A code to identify aircraft under radar surveillance and to correlate the displayed target to a flight plan. The Mode A code is one element of the transmitted ADS-B message set. Because SSR and ADS-B surveillance will overlap in much of the NAS, correlation of the Mode A code between the transponder and the ADS-B message is necessary to ensure that a single target is resolved and correlated to a flight plan route. 
(2) It is imperative that the ATC-assigned transponder code is identical to the one in the ADS-B OUT message. A preferable design configuration is one that provides the pilot a single point of entry for the Mode A code in both the transponder and the ADS-B OUT avionics. If there is no single point of entry provided for the Mode A code into the transponder, then the AFM or operating handbook must address the requirement to enter the Mode A code into both systems separately. 
NOTE: Transmission of conflicting transponder and ADS-B Mode A codes will result in erroneous traffic conflict alerts within the ATC automation. 





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The Garmin solution (GDL-88) is that it senses your transponder code (due to its signal strength) and uses that. Brilliant and patented. I'm not sure how the others do it, but by the TSO it is supposed to be automatic without the pilot having to input the code twice.



The Garmin solution (GDL-88) is that it senses your transponder code (due to its signal strength) and uses that. Brilliant and patented. I'm not sure how the others do it, but by the TSO it is supposed to be automatic without the pilot having to input the code twice.

Garmin also doesn't require an airspeed switch to figure if it is on the ground

I'm going with a Freeflight ADSB in/out system next month. WAAS info from my 530w & keeping my old kt76 xpndr. Will bluetooth info to iPad w WingX on it. Requires a digital encoder & remote squwak display, but seems the cheapest, more versatile solution at the moment.

Technology prob going to get better/cheaper, but I fly in SoCal & want traffic info yesterday.


I'm going with a Freeflight ADSB in/out system next month. WAAS info from my 530w & keeping my old kt76 xpndr. Will bluetooth info to iPad w WingX on it. Requires a digital encoder & remote squwak display, but seems the cheapest, more versatile solution at the moment.

Technology prob going to get better/cheaper, but I fly in SoCal & want traffic info yesterday.


Just food for thought.  My kt76a was taking several minutes to start on cold days.  I guess it's a common problem, but some heating element was going bad.  It's a very expensive repair (>$800).  


Garmin also doesn't require an airspeed switch to figure if it is on the ground


I might be butchering the explanation, but my BK doesn't either.  I think they said they linked to to the GPS to determine groundspeed.


I might be butchering the explanation, but my BK doesn't either. I think they said they linked to to the GPS to determine groundspeed.

Hmmm, I believe the switch was required by the STC, no first hand knowledge, just what I read, what firmware level is your BK at?

The peregrine STC required an airspeed switch , (kt74) I think Garmin addressed that in the latest software upgrade to the GNS and GTN navigators...As far as replacing Cavity tubes , a bad cavity will economically kill any old transponder..... 

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Hmmm, I believe the switch was required by the STC, no first hand knowledge, just what I read, what firmware level is your BK at?


I'm not sure.  It was just installed 3 weeks ago.  I specifically asked about the airspeed switch b/c I'd seen people mention it here.  He was quick with his answer, so I figured he knew what he was talking about.  


When I called up the TT31 folks, I was told an air speed squat switch was required.    I believe this is part of the ADS-B mandate, so they can identify aircraft on the ground.  You would think an airspeed of 45kts or less would be adequate....   I'll find out in a few months if the existing airspeed switch can be used, or if I have to order the $100 kit.


ADS-B UAT coverage dilemma. If am not UAT out equipped but only with an old KT76A can I fly into the reserved air space for UAT in those areas where there is no UAT coverage?. Like San Juan, PR Class C, Alaska above FL 100 or the Bahamas FAA controlled airspace above FL100. No sense on requiring or equipping for UAT out on areas where there is no UAT coverage.



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