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What are your favorite moments during a flight?


Mine is that moment on short final when the Mooney is dialed in on the perfect glideslope and I'm nearly hands free on a stable approach.  The runway backgrounds that perfect picture that says "I'm a badass pilot and am about to grease this landing".  Brings a big smile to my face every time!  


BTW- At it's best just after I checked "Gear Down" one more time! :D




Each time I press all those horses into service!

0 to flying in 800' (something like that)

0 to giant smile in a few seconds...lasts all day.

Thanks for asking,



My favorite moments (in no particular order) are:

  1. Flying an ILS to minimums and looking up to see that the runway is really there. That feeling never gets old.  :)
  2. The feeling of "levitation" you get when you punch through a cloud deck at about 4,000 fpm. Believe it or not, the only other time I get that same sensation is when I'm working strong lift in a sailplane. 
  3. The sunsets.
  4. The sunrises.
  5. Northern Lights
  6. The feeling of acceleration when you stand the power levers up in a lightly loaded jet.
  7. Hearing the traffic on the highway below you when you fly overhead in a sailplane. 
  8. Doing anything in a Supercub with the door and window open.
  9. And the list goes on and on and on... 

So many great bits of just about every flight

 - that slight tenseness as you get to the airport

 - the first cough, bang , splutter as the engine wakes up from its slumber and settles to a fast idle

 - all the lights and screens coming on with the avionic master

 - the first bit of movement after releasing the brakes

 - pouring in the power and accelerating down the runway

 - watching the ground pull away from underneath

 - top of climb when the speed winds up, followed by the fuel flow going down

 - looking at the traffic jams below, or imagining the people stuck below an overcast or in the rain

 - sitting in the sun on top of an overcast

 - finding the destination airport on time in the right place (or even early!)

 - breaking out at minimums after a stable approach

 - greasing it on (erm, don't manage that quite as often as I would like)

 - that quiet moment when it is just the gyros winding down

I think it is a variation on a military saying, that you can't beat a good sh*t, a good orgasm and a good night landing - with an approach to minimums in a howling crosswind, you can do all three at the same time!

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I love takeoff, the acceleration and sight/feel of the ground dropping away.

Breaking out on top of the layer is nice, too. So is weaving between the clouds VFR.

A smooth landing on a calm evening is pretty nice, too. Night currency flights always energize me.


I love the feeling when you walk up to your plane to pre-flight it and think "Yep...it's all mine and it's paid for". Troy

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Since all the good ones are taken... Pulling up to the gas pump to find a Bo pilot left his receipt in the self serve pump. His has one more digit than my receipt.

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Not all of them Marauder. One of my favorites moments is coming out alive in the clear after going through a nasty bumpy thunderstorm. I am sure some of you know the exhilaration feeling.



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....finally getting all the screws back into the belly panels and finishing the annual......

Spoken by a man that's just starting his annual :lol:


Rolling it on to the runway and not being aware that I have landed. Only happened a few times in 35 years of flying. No bounce no tire sounds at all


I don't know if I have a favorite but here's a few:

  • When I first open the hangar doors and my plane is sitting there asking me to go flying
  • When I sit in the left seat and start to get myself situated
  • Starting from cold in 2 blades (if I prime it appropriately for the OAT)
  • Throttling up on takeoff - the power is awesome!
  • Consistent ROC up to (so far) FL210
  • 200 KTAS on 16.5 GPH at FL210 with power to spare
  • Departing from a high altitude airport and not having a major concern about density altitude
  • Stability on a precision approach
  • Landing at night with landing, taxi and recognition lights on (one guy at the airport said he thought I was flying a Pilatus PC12 :))
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Landing on the step on glassy water - you can't see the horizon (best described as flying into a bottomless mirror) so you set up a <100 fpm descent rate and a slight nose up attitude and wait for contact with the water. It's really magic.


Landing on the step on glassy water - you can't see the horizon (best described as flying into a bottomless mirror) so you set up a <100 fpm descent rate and a slight nose up attitude and wait for contact with the water. It's really magic.

Hopefully not in your Mooney.  :D 

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