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and by physically convincing me he/she is giving me earnest money BEFORE the seat comes out. If you are NOT a "pro" you are not taking out interior to do an inspection pre-buy...as a would be buyer. If you want to take it to a Mooney Pro, on your dime, to confirm it is "good to go"...knock yourself out.


have to agree with Scott on this one.  I don't want to be left with a damaged interior.


and by physically convincing me he/she is giving me earnest money BEFORE the seat comes out. If you are NOT a "pro" you are not taking out interior to do an inspection pre-buy...as a would be buyer. If you want to take it to a Mooney Pro, on your dime, to confirm it is "good to go"...knock yourself out.

+1... This my sound harsh but my planes not coming apart for any tire kickers. They are free to look at scanned logbooks, take a test flight (with me) but that's it unless there's a contract and some earnest money put up first. I might be talked into removing the side access panel if they seem serious but that's it. Removing panels, cowling's, seats will only happen at the pre-buy. If that's not acceptable, too bad. This planes not for you.

  • Like 2

Excellent advice!  And I might add that it would be beneficial to take the plane to an IA with Mooney experience (Dugosh, Maxwell, etc).  

Having said that, there is certainly value in identifying problems before spending money on a pre-purchase / annual.  As a buyer, I would not have a problem asking a seller to pull the back seat for an inspection. And I would make sure the seller knew the exact reason for this request.   As a seller, I would not pull the back seat until the buyer physically showed up to convince me he was serious.  At that point, I would pull the seat on my plane.  I would never let the buyer pull the seat on his own, unless he was an A&P.

+1 on Maxwell 

Prebuys were 1/2 of an annual, that could be converted to an annual after the "discrepancies" were negotiated between buyer and seller. Don can literally save you what he costs you for the prebuy in getting a few things "dealt" with before it becomes yours and it has to come from your pocket book. He will ding everything, and point out the airworthiness items that have to be addressed. The rest is negotiation.

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

The shop doing the annual said it would likely be $15,000 to repair, and they wouldn't do it. I have no idea of the legal options if any exist. Perhaps it would be a good idea to explore that with an aviation specific attorney?

$15K? You made it sound like it was something serious. A $15K repair, although not super common, it's uncommon In aviation. I just spent over $40K on an unexpected engine issue. I've certainly spent close to $15K on a few annuals in the 15 years I've had the plane.



to some Mooney pilots 15 amu is a lot...

To others 15 amu IS a lot...

Spreading it out over several years isn't the problem the OP had.

He got it early on in airplane ownership...

A typical time when 15 amu is hard to come buy.

Best regards,



Just thought I'd bump this thread to see how your doing?




Seeing as how Dave last signed on back in October and N6586U hasn't been flying, I am thinking it is not good news. Hate to see a Mooney down, for any reason.


As I have indicated on other posts my first Annual set me back over 16 AMUs and was only 1 month after purchase. Certainly if I could have added that to the purchase price I might have ended up with a more well equipped airplane it really sucked getting through that but what else could I do ( my own fault for not doing a PPI ) no matter what this kind of thing is painful on many levels I was luck in that after it all I ended up with a great airplane. I feel for all that are making a huge effort and commitment to be apart of this flying community. for many of us it takes all we can spare to do this and offer encouragement to those that hang in there with this crazy passion called flight.

I have often wondered what was happening on this one and hope it has a happy result.

  • Like 2

I am at 6k +++ but doing a lot of upgrades. Shoulder harness, alt stc, radio work, addressing some minor surface corrosion on a few tubes, the famous upgraded parmetheus landing light etc. Overhauled tail pipe, ACK 406 ELT ,new hoses firewall forward and then some. Almost all new scat. Overhauled mag. Address an oil leak.

All new fine wire plugs

New headliner new carpet. I know my checkbook tells me I am missing much more.

Plane has been down since November 1st. Tried to have it all done at a MSC but that is and was a story for another thread.

Should have bought an acclaim vs this C.


I feel for you, Jim. Did a full tank reseal 3 years into ownership.

Last time I looked, my C plus 6AMU isn't a downpayment on an Acclaim. Good luck your upgrades!


$15K? You made it sound like it was something serious. A $15K repair, although not super common, it's uncommon In aviation. I just spent over $40K on an unexpected engine issue. I've certainly spent close to $15K on a few annuals in the 15 years I've had the plane.


Just curious what $40k into an F engine involves....

Care to break that down for me?


Just curious what $40k into an F engine involves....

Care to break that down for me?


I would suspect he opted for a brand new engine and then all new accessories and such, plus install. It could easily be $40k


I am a little sad about this thread. I had encouraged Dave to tackle this project himself to save the money, learn about his plane and have rewarding project. It sounded like he was going to do that. I was looking forward to the photos and the progress report. It likely sounds like that didn't happen.


Oh well... :(


I would suspect he opted for a brand new engine and then all new accessories and such, plus install. It could easily be $40k


Not opted. Engine disassembled in flight with 1000 hours since Factory New. Forget overhaul cost if you don't have a usable core. The crank alone adds about $12K to the price of a normal overhaul. The lack of core adds $8-20K to the cost of the overhaul depending on where you go.

Don't make the mistake of thinking the cost of an overhaul is the worst case scenario.


Also, when the engine comes apart it sprays metal in the prop, gov, cooler, etc. All require overhaul at that point.


I did the install labor mostly myself so I didn't have much expense in that.




You can get a brand new io360A1A crank for $4500 so it's really only about a $3800 difference vs grinding and rectifying the old one.

Yea, I hear the a1a crank is cheaper. Unfortunately they don't make whole a1a motors anymore. My crank had chucks that broke off during the failure so it wasn't going to be reused. Lycoming's total charge for core is $20K. Since it was a factory new engine they waved that or I'd have been closer to $60K.



Don't make the mistake of thinking the cost of an overhaul is the worst case scenario.


Trust me, I don't. My engine is so old and has been welded in the past, so if I have to ground it due to some engine failure that requires rebuild, I will be getting another engine altogether. Only question would be, rebuilt A1A, or a roller cam motor? Since I don't know the answer to that, I plan for the most expensive. I hope never to go into debt to keep my bird flying, so I vow to keep at least $40,000 in cash waiting just in case.

  • Like 1

Should have bought an acclaim vs this C.


Not nearly as much fun. Heck, you could have had an E.


since we havent heard back from Dave..I assume he is 1,in litigation and cant talk about it. 2,decided to part the bird out ,pay off the loan and move on,or is attempting the repair on his own and is realizing how much work it was...The question that came to my mind is the timing of the discovery of corroision so severe that rivets are failing in tension from structural overload.He states the ppi and purchase was done 18 months prior to discovery of corrosion by current shop doing annual.That was in april but presupposes the last annual inspection was done at that time..or that c model would have been seriously out of annual 18 months later when the corrosion was found.If the last annual was sooner..say 12 months after he purchased the c..who did it?My question was when was the last annual done..assuming this c has been inspected every 12 months ,I do not understand how it got this bad without a logbook entry..hope it turned out well and I believe the last ap/IA is doing a carpet dance at his local flight standards office..kpc


Anyone tried sending him a PM?


Has not signed on since October and unlikely he has forwarding enabled.

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