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bigmo last won the day on December 14 2024

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  1. My wife likes to fly up for shows in Chicago. I use KLOT. The uber is only 15 extra mins vice KMDW and it’s really easy logistics. That being said, I’d file IFR and just cancel if you start getting dorked around.
  2. I can never get my #1 & #4 to 300F in cruise during the winter. Oil temps are totally fine. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Lycoming specs 150F-400F as the range for continued operations??? I've not been at all concerned with CHTs around 250F (especially when it's -10C out - or colder).
  3. I also have the A1A and almost always cruise between 6K - 10K. Your numbers look pretty close to mine (your ROP are a hair higher, but nothing weird). I do not have GAMI injectors, but have a pretty tight spread. I tend to run 50 LOP as it seems to yield the best bang for the buck. I have notes scribbled down, but think at 6K I was right at 9 even. For each 1K higher in altitude, that number drops about .1 gph. I know that at 12K, I'm right at 8.5 gph. I honestly don't obsess to much now as I know what the plane likes. I get settled in a cruise, then pull back to a bit above what I know the numbers will be, watch my 'icicles' and lock in around 50.
  4. Plane is FIXED. And the winner is? Culprit # 3 - left mag! We replaced the switch with a new one. No dice. At least I have a new switch now. Next least invasive was pulling the mag, I talked to the owner at Shrike Aero (stellar guy) and he promised me he'd have me turned around in 3 days. Fun fact, getting the left mag off takes a bit of patience (and removing the oil filter and a few other parts). Mag was overhauled 4 years ago and only had 100 hours on it. Shrike called, said the internal timing was way off and the retard points had some kind of film on them preventing firing. No rebuild needed. VERY affordable repair and 1 day shipping. Mounted it up today (faster than removing). Triple checked timing. I turned the key pretty much expecting no joy and it kicked on the 4th or 5th blade. Did a nice thorough runup and drove around the ground movement area since I could touch the cloud bases. Let it sit for 15 mins while we wrapped up some loose ends and then tried the dreaded "refuel start". Again, 4th or 5th blade and purring. Amen. FWIW, he mentioned the egap being way off is pretty common. I'm going off memory, but the internal timing is set to 10 degrees +/- 4 degrees. Mine was more like 6 degrees off. He said he always gets them to +/- 1. My educated guess is that they were not even firing and I was only getting starts after releasing my key and catching a start on the right mag as it ungrounded.
  5. By FAR the worst condition I can recall was bringing my F back from Seattle. We got a late start, and made the trip mostly at night. New Moon (that's no moon for the rest of us), a thin cirrus layer enough to block the stars. Somewhere over Idaho and into western Montana, we lost literally every sense of orientation. It was literally like barreling through space. I routinely fly in some pretty legit IMC and this was the worst I've had - the constant motion with no sense of any reference was extremely nauseating. It's hard to describe, but it was "darkroom dark".
  6. The Aircraft Spruce list looks to be really inaccurate. Both the states I regularly ship to are except from state sales tax on aviation parts - and both are on their list. Normally, I'd just eat the incompetency or lack of effort to know state tax rules. But when you're buying a $8K or $14K piece of equipment, it makes a big difference.
  7. I'm installing my new switch tomo (well, my mechanic is). I'm troubleshooting a starting issue - only fires when I let off the key. It's either the SOS, the ignition switch, or the left mag. The switch is original, so I figured 55 years it deserved a retirement. I was able to locate a new old stock (but appears to be the latest version). Seller was asking $450, and I offered $300 which he accepted. I CAN tell you the new switch feels SO different. The exact/precise way it enters each position is honestly something I've not felt on ANY Bendix switch plane. I know, duh, it's brand new - but shows me how clapped out my switch is. I could still have a mag issue, but I'll at least have a new switch. It does seem like 50 years is a fail period. I mean, that's a hell of a run.
  8. Any chance you have a low cost option for an AOA? I don't want to say the stall horn doesn't serve a purpose, but a properly configured AOA is a phenomenal tool. To me, sort of a full set of gauges vs a check engine light (maybe not a great analogy).
  9. This is from Mcfarlane - and it seems PRETTY accurate (but it’s missing WI). And like mentioned above, some also tax exempt labor on aviation too. I’m fortunate as my state exempts both. It’s not trivial on big upgrades. Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia or Wyoming
  10. Aviation parts are tax exempt in many states. Ive bought a few aviation things on eBay and as long as they’re categorized right, eBay’s tax calculation generally works correctly.
  11. Thanks! I had a hard time locating the repair kit and scored a "new old stock" - but in the box switch. I can;t recall what revision, but it was made in the early 2000's. It was -2F this morning, so as soon as the weather breaks, we're going to get after this. The switch will go in regardless.
  12. Yep. See if this link works, if not it’s under the downloads section.
  13. My POH has takeoff and landing data at SL, 2.5K, 5K, and 7.5K feet. It's not super hard to extrapolate from those figures. Climb performance goes up to something like 16K if I recall.
  14. This is a short video on Tecnam’s TDI. Ive seen a couple of these in the wild now…this isn’t a “coming soon” plane. If an uncle dies and leaves me a couple hundo, I’m a buyer! There’s no overhaul options yet, but the TBR cost is $90K which isn’t THAT bad. I think TBR is 1800, but elected to climb to 2100 soon. 130 knots on 6ish gph of Jet-A is pretty amazing. Again, I think this is a GREAT idea where markets don’t support 100LL. And, I mean, this engine is made by Continental - not Bob’s Engines.
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