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Stratus 2

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Played with it some today here at sun n fun. Even better, I talked to the ForeFlight guys and in not so many words they have big plans for the built-in AHRS. I think we are likely to see synthetic vision and other improvements in the near future. The new stratus is very nice, enough that I will be purchasing one. Weather, traffic, AHRS AND GPS all in a smaller form factor than the previous unit. Very nice indeed!!

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I'm actually torn between my current floreflight subscription and purchasing a stratus 2, or going wingx and the new ilevel sw.  wingx and ilevel sw already provide, weather, traffic, synthetic vision, dual screen with map and ahrs view.  I can buy the ilevel now, but have to wait for stratus 2 (didn't pre-purchase).  I do like FF capabilities but it looks like they are separating the AHRS capability into a new app call stratus horizon.  This makes me lean towards ilevel sw and wingx.




Also, this is going on my ipad mini that is being yoke mounted this week.

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Many of us who were early adopters of this technology are still struggling with what will be the "stable" state when this technology matures. I'm usually an early adopter of the hardware, but at the prices they are commanding (ex. Stratus 1 for $799, Stratus 2 for $899), I am finding it hard to invest now realizing that tomorrow will bring advancements and additonal cost. For a "nice to have" technology, it is expensive. Compounding things is that the players in this arena are in most cases holding to a proprietary stance (i.e. I cannot use a Stratus 2 to run my Garmin Pilot traffic capability). Whomever allows for an open hierarchy will get my business.

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Jim - will it work with the GDL39 and Appero stuff? For me, I started with ForeFlight, really never liked the GUI, picked up Garmin Pilot - like the GUI. I did try wingX on the trial but found I still liked the Garmin better. Maybe I should give it another try. I think the issue is the hardware, not the app. The hardware locks you into the app, at least for ForeFlight and Garmin. I want to be able to move to another app without re-investing in expensive hardware.

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I used WingX/SkyRadar ADS-B receiver for almost 2 years and recently moved to Garmin Pilot.

Search this site for WingX and flydave for my comments/rants. WingX was started in someone's basement, added to over the years but is not a coordinated, professionally developed app.

Ex: you can ONLY get NexRad, Airmets, Pireps and Notams when connected to an ADS-B receiver (that has reception). You CANNOT get these when connected to WiFi for flight planning. This is just one example of the amateurish development practices employed by Hilton Technologies.

I do like some features of WingX but Garmin will add features and they will work when implemented.

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foreflight is also lousy at flight planning. The AOPA flight planner is better at estimating enroute times and I heard good things about seattle avionics voyager software



A big thumbs up to wingx and their open architecture .. I am switching to them from foreflight regardless of whether I like their UI or not. I do like their dual screen view however - I have often wanted that in actual flight


I didn't like getting shafted with stratus 1 either - with no way to upgrade to stratus 2.

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I appreciate everyone's comments in this thread- I'm trying to figure out my way forward with all these apps and peripherals, too.

I currently use AOPA's free flight planning software (I like their log printouts). Cross fill from my Garmin 430W, then use the Aera as a sort of MFD (frequencies, runways, pattern info, flight timer / logging). Once I get to my destination it becomes my GPS for my rental car.

I have an iPhone and an iPad, though, and I just cancelled my XM/WX subscription because of the cost to benefit ratio just isn't there (I can always call the FSS for TAF's and a description of the picture, plus I downloaded a radar app that someone suggested on this site).

But now I'm considering selling the Aera and just using my iphone or iPad solely as my "mfd" type display. I dislike the subscription fees... But I like the capabilities these apps bring. Of course, I might find myself playing Angry Birds while aviating, which could be a problem!!!

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I appreciate everyone's comments in this thread- I'm trying to figure out my way forward with all these apps and peripherals, too.

I currently use AOPA's free flight planning software. Load the flight plan into my Aera 560 (which I bought on eBay for ~850.00). Cross fill into my Garmin 430W, then use the Aera as a sort of MFD (frequencies, runways, pattern info, flight timer / logging). Once I get to my destination it becomes my GPS for my rental car.

I have an iPhone and an iPad, though, and I just cancelled my XM/WX subscription because of the cost to benefit ratio just isn't there (I can always call the FSS for TAF's and a description of the picture, plus I downloaded a radar app that someone suggested on this site).

But now I'm considering selling the Aera and just using my iphone or iPad solely as my "mfd" type display. I dislike the subscription fees... But I like the capabilities these apps bring. Of course, I might find myself playing Angry Birds while aviating, which could be a problem!!!


I heard the crossfill is one way - from the 430 to the aera and not the other way round ..


It would have been really nice if it did both ways .. then we can use a touch device and control the 430 that way

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I heard the crossfill is one way - from the 430 to the aera and not the other way round ..

It would have been really nice if it did both ways .. then we can use a touch device and control the 430 that way

You're right, goes from the 430->handheld

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The best flight planner for me is www.fltplan.com . It has something that I have not found in any of the others, and that is the ability to build a profile for a specific aircraft. When I am going to the flight levels the climb time will be fairly long, over a half hour and maybe as long as 45 minutes from a near-sea level airport. I don't get accurate flight times from either Foreflight (which lets you put in one speed for the aircraft) or the AOPA product. www.fltplan.com factors in the winds aloft at every level, so the flight plan generally comes out as accurate within five minutes or so. I will use the FF altitude picking feature during the planning process though, because it is alot handier than the way www.fltplan does it. Probably different for normally aspirated flight where the climb is not as long.

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Talked to Sporty's about a trade up program for the original stratus to stratus 2, no plans right now.  They did say however, that a software upgrade to the original stratus is about to be released that adds traffic


That is good to hear, because for my needs, the Stratus 2 is overkill. I have no need nor desire to mount my iPad in the Mooney, so the whole AHRS and EFIS capability to me means nothing. I would like to experiment with the ADS-B traffic, however, so I look forward to that update.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another vote for SkyRadar.  I've been using the SkyRadar D-2 ADS-B receiver for over two years now and have been very happy with it.  It works great with numerous apps including WingX and has been very reliable.  I have it neatly hidden off the glareshield (found great spots in both my current M20K and my previous M20C) and using external suction cup antennas on the windshield.




Please PM me if you'd like more information, screenshots from previous flights, and if interested I can get you a discount through the referral.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I ordered the Stratus 2 last week but they aren't shipping until June 10th at the moment.  In the meantime I sold my Stratus 1 on eBay and it went for $500, so all in all the upgrade isn't costing that much.  I am also the first customer that will be receiving the SkyguardTWX ADS-B Out transmitter.  I will have it tomorrow 5/31 but unfortunately won't be able to try it out until I get my Stratus 2 as I had to ship off my Stratus 1 to the buyer.  I am also a Garmin Pilot subscriber so I may borrow my friends GDL39 just so I can see how the SkyguardTWX works.

I upgraded to the Stratus 2 as I wanted the AHRS option and also my Stratus 1 would overheat occasionally sitting on my glare shield.  The SkyguardTWX ADS-B Out box was designed though so that folks who have the Stratus 1 really don't need to upgrade in order to get the entire traffic picture.  This is a great invention IMO for those of us that don't have traffic and want a reliable cost effective solution.  The SkyguardTWX units have a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee.

The only thing that I am not real crazy about is that there is no battery power and it must be plugged into the power socket in the panel.  Does anybody have a power socket in their baggage area?  I wonder what it would take to get one installed?  Would it be possible/legal to hard wire the unit into the ships power?

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Thanks for being the Guinea Pig Brett! I also have subs to ForeFlight and Garmin Pilot but have been sitting on the sideline until this gets further evolved aka "sorted out". With the Aspens in the panel, the new ADSB offering they have makes it a no brainer for me to use this and have it port it the iPad. Only problem is that from what I can tell, it works only with ForeFlight. ForeFlight is okay, but I like the Pilot better. Let us less brave ones know how it works out. Pictures as always are helpful ;)

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I ordered the Stratus 2 last week but they aren't shipping until June 10th at the moment.  In the meantime I sold my Stratus 1 on eBay and it went for $500, so all in all the upgrade isn't costing that much.  I am also the first customer that will be receiving the Skyguard ADS-B Out transmitter.  I will have it tomorrow 5/31 but unfortunately won't be able to try it out until I get my Stratus 2 as I had to ship off my Stratus 1 to the buyer.  I am also a Garmin Pilot subscriber so I may borrow my friends GDL39 just so I can see how the Skyguard works.

I upgraded to the Stratus 2 as I wanted the AHRS option and also my Stratus 1 would overheat occasionally sitting on my glare shield.  The Skyguard ADS-B Out box was designed though so that folks who have the Stratus 1 really don't need to upgrade in order to get the entire traffic picture.  This is a great invention IMO for those of us that don't have traffic and want a reliable cost effective solution.  The Skyguard units have a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee.

The only thing that I am not real crazy about is that there is no battery power and it must be plugged into the power socket in the panel.  Does anybody have a power socket in their baggage area?  I wonder what it would take to get one installed?  Would it be possible/legal to hard wire the unit into the ships power?

I would not expect more than 10nm range for the transmitter with a portable antenna. How much power does the Skyguard put out? And how would you know when not in range or your signal is not getting received by the ground station. With the antenna on top of the glareshield there is a lot shadowing for ground stations below and behind, specially on low wing planes. For this to work consistenly you will need a belly mounted antenna.



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