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Someone Made an Oopsie


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Saw this post on POA: http://www.pilotsofamerica.com/forum/showthread.php?t=81477

Followed the link, "content not available." Not uncommon.

Then I saw the name, and I'm worried. "Did anyone gear an oh Shi-" is alarming.

-is this our Byron?

-did he do something regrettable?

-was it on video, posted then removed?

I hope it's just someone else with a similar name.


I'm also curious . . . . .

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Mike crushed me, then Bob saved me. "Aborted" gear up sounds like it might be better, unless it was an aborted takeoff ending gear up. As long as it wasn't his sweet Baron!

No, it wasn't better. The fool flying what appears to be an Aerostar, touched down with gear up, it appeared the props struck the ground but he applied power and flew away Presumable to land somewhere else, Q tip props and all!



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No. This was a random video, undated, that had been viewed several thousand times. Byron passed it on including the comment that the guy managed to continue on and land at another airport. Were you able to find the Facebook clip?

I wasn't able to find it.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I don't get it.  Was it your original contention that Byron "aborted" this belly landing then flew to an alternate airport, then later took the initiative to find the guy who recorded the incident (or at least the footage), requested the footage so he could then post it to his own facebook page, but then made his page unavailable so people would not see the video that he posted of himself "aborting" a gear up?  Whew!...


That totally seems legitimate. 

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No, Ross. I saw the link on POA, couldn't open it but noticed that Byron's name was in the address. My first thought was that he had made a gear up [shudder!], then realized he wouldn't post that on his own page. So I began to wonder what kind of gear up could involve him.


Eventually some kind soul on POA reposted the video for us all to admire, so I copied his link here, too. Interesting landing, yes? Full belly contact, both props messed up, and he went full throttle with insane prop-banging noises and took off again . . . There is no indication of when or where this event happened, though; was it recent or years ago? in the U.S. or overseas?


My main concern initially was for Byron, but I now know he was not involved and his plane is fine. Someone else, though, has a really big check to write!

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hDgtyIbD-M   They didn't get the props, but did the same sort of go around after a gear up.


There's all sorts of stupid in that one. It says they were students; was there an instructor on board? You've got a camera crew at the end of the runway filming the landing and nobody calls the guy up to tell him to go around? Or is it that nobody had a handheld radio to monitor traffic, even though the camera crew is on the runway. 

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There's all sorts of stupid in that one. It says they were students; was there an instructor on board? You've got a camera crew at the end of the runway filming the landing and nobody calls the guy up to tell him to go around? Or is it that nobody had a handheld radio to monitor traffic, even though the camera crew is on the runway. 


It looks like a reality TV set up to me.  Anyone else find it odd that those guys were immediately crawling around under an aircraft with potentially damaged hydraulics with the gear "unbraced"... 

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Yea, the damage was already done. Don't know what would possess someone to add power


I doubt he thought it through.  Imagine combination of the site picture of the runway edge just a few thousand feet away rushing toward  you, while having no brakes nor steering at the precise moment that you realize you've screwed the pooch big time. I think the go around impulse would be strong. 

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The touch and go landing without gear is not as rare as you might think. I've one in my client base, it is amazing how banged up a plane can be and still fly.


I'd actually bet that when it comes to a surprise belly landing, more often than not, the pilot attempts to "abort".

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The touch and go landing without gear is not as rare as you might think. I've one in my client base, it is amazing how banged up a plane can be and still fly.


It's not how banged up the plane is . . . It's how banged up the props are, and what happened inside the engines when he went full throttle and slammed the bent / broken stumps into the concrete at high power.

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