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Synthetic vision


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I have it without a Stratus 2, so no pitch and bank information.


My impression is that it's an excellent addition for emergency use. If I had a vacuum failure in the clouds with no back-up, I would turn to it in a second to provide me with heading information until I was in visual conditions  (since I don't have a Stratus 2, I don't know how reliable the AHARS data translation is but reliable heading information takes care of 90% of my troubles with partial panel flight).


Beyond that it's a toy. Fun and pretty, but I like looking outside better. I tried it as soon as I upgraded and haven't looked at it since.

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Dude- it's as good as the synthetic vision on an Aspen, and waaaaayyyyyy less expensive. I'm hoping this knocks some sense into the "affordable" avionics company, and they start offering their synthetic vision unlock for a reasonable amount... Like $500.00.

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I agree with others, in normal flights, it just an additional tool, but not one that I would base my decision solely on. It looks pretty...

In the fine print, even on the panel mounts w/ synthetic vision, it specifically states that it's for situational awareness only, not primary navigation. In that regard, the foreflight version is just as capable as the Garmin and Aspen offerings.... Just 1/3-1/4 the price (much less if you already have a stratus 2)

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We departed Juneau, AK on a solid IMC day in our Gulfstream G550 with synthetic vision. On that day, it was helpful. Sure, the aircraft can automatically follow the flight plan between the mountains. And we can always manually follow the magenta line on the moving map. However, forming a mental image of the mountains ahead, using the lines on a moving map, is not the same as actually seeing them on the big display. Necessary, no. Really nice to have, you bet. We made sure to climb at 5000+ FPM to be clear of the mountains rapidly. However, "if" we had an engine loss, a flight through the valley would have been required. The Syn-Vis would have been a very powerful tool in that situation. 


My point: I'm a fan. It may not be necessary, right up until it is. 



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I think it is fantastic that fore flight has their svt split screen to other functions.


For now I am married to Garmin Pilot since I have the GDL39-3d.  It also has a superb synthetic vision - but for one thing that makes it entirely a toy and so not as useful.  It cannot run split screen to any other function.  I can view an approach plate split screen to a chart.  Or anything else - but svt requires a dedicated full screen.  So in a regular approach in IMC, of course you need to have your approach plate out.  This trumps the svt.  So just when it would be nice to have it most- in imc on an approach I don't get to use it.  So its just a toy to oogle at for a minute or two enroute when nothing much is going on.  Too bad.  Hopefully they will improve this oversight soon.  Or maybe I will eventually unmarry the garmin and cozy up to the stratus.

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I think it is fantastic that fore flight has their svt split screen to other functions.

For now I am married to Garmin Pilot since I have the GDL39-3d. It also has a superb synthetic vision - but for one thing that makes it entirely a toy and so not as useful. It cannot run split screen to any other function. I can view an approach plate split screen to a chart. Or anything else - but svt requires a dedicated full screen. So in a regular approach in IMC, of course you need to have your approach plate out. This trumps the svt. So just when it would be nice to have it most- in imc on an approach I don't get to use it. So its just a toy to oogle at for a minute or two enroute when nothing much is going on. Too bad. Hopefully they will improve this oversight soon. Or maybe I will eventually unmarry the garmin and cozy up to the stratus.

On Black Friday I made a splurge impulse purchase and bought the lifetime subscription to FLYQ EFB for the iPad. $400.00 total for the IFR subscription. It has a split screen synthetic vision option, where you can still manipulate the chart / route (to include overlaying approach plates, etc). Admittedly, I don't own the ilevil... But I'm very tempted to sell my Aera 560 and GDL 39 now that I see how powerful that the FlyQ efb is....

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Well I guess I am one of those Pilots who has gone off the Deep End!  I have the Garmin GTN 750, 650 with G500 with SVT their synthetic vision technology as Garmin refers to it as.  


I also fly with and have since it was in Beta Seattle Avionics(SA) FLYQ.  I flew with SAs Window based program Voyager before that and still use it for flight planning.   I have no interest in SA. I have more than a few complaints but overall it is the platform I have chosen at this point.  Mainly because I have been with SA so long and one thing I wont do is go with a Software Program that severely limits my hardware options as does Foreflight.  From what I know of Foreflight it is a great software and the company seems to be doing a great job of support with a stable program. 


As I said I fly with the IPAD Air and the Clarity SV AHARS / ADS-B always on as a hot backup and I have used it in a real world event twice now.  I believe SA has had Synthetic vision longer than other company but could be wrong about that.   Another reason I probably will stay with FLYQ unless something really better comes along is I have a lifetime subscription for the data and approach charts for both FLYQ & Voyager products.  SA at least did offer a lifetime subscription purchase option from time to time, I don't know if they still or will offer it again.  Never heard of Foreflight offering a lifetime subscription.


I have had and use the iLevel, Clarity SV, Garmin portable GPS and a couple more I have laying around plus every Garmin portable from the 296 to the 696!


I fly a lot in IMC and use the SVT as situation awareness mostly but have now used it twice in real world situations and was very glad to have it both times.  Once landed on a unfamiliar runway when my landing lights decided to both go south about a second after I turn them on!  Like watching a video came with the center line of the runway dead on.  Another time in IMC in my previous plane that did not have the Glass Panel we hit ICE, all the Pitot tube instruments quit within a couple minutes even with Pitot heat on, later found the Pitot heater to be unreliable!!!.   Both times it was good to have, the rest of the time it is just there in case!


So I am a big fan of SV, sure we can fly without it but why not with the low cost of the portable solutions like FLYQ and Foreflight etc.  


Fly safe,




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I also use WingX and love it. I have an iPad mini on the yoke and an iPhone mounted on my panel. Using WingX and my Skyradar with ahrs, I display maps/plates and weather on the mini and either attitude indicator or sv on my iPhone.

Btw, I also use app called Lab Timer on my iPhone with timer 1 for left tank, timer 2 for right tank, timer 3 for approaches, and timer 4 for "time to switch tanks" reminder. The app allows you to label each timer. Iphone is blue toothed into my pma8000bt, so timer beeper goes off in my headset. So, if I am displaying WingX on iPhone, timer telling me to switch tanks still beeps in my headset.

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I've the 796 as well as WingX and find it very comforting knowing that when you're on an approach down to minimums that the 3D vision on the 796 is showing the runway ahead of you. I know it's a portable but at least it confirms you're flying the CDI /GS properly. The WingX pro is handy but it's sometimes too busy to look at it also.  

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Used it today from row 32 in a B757. You need to have it close to the window but it works as good as in my Mooney. Watched us come into rwy 35C at DFW using split screen. Graphics are fantastic and love the synthetic runway. Just not use to seeing 37000 ft and 406 knots on the tapes at cruise!

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Used it today from row 32 in a B757. You need to have it close to the window but it works as good as in my Mooney. Watched us come into rwy 35C at DFW using split screen. Graphics are fantastic and love the synthetic runway. Just not use to seeing 37000 ft and 406 knots on the tapes at cruise!

I'll have to try this today!

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Flew into Colorado Thursday running Foreflight's SV on my backup iPad (mini) mounted on the right yoke. It's nice to have when navigating through the peaks. Mine is driven by the Stratus 2 AHRS and is quite accurate. Here's a shot from my VFR approach into Durango (KDRO). The southern approach is easy but I wouldn't want to fly too far north.






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You're right of course.


Just being a Smart Ass, sorry.


FF Syn Vision is awesome and I can't wait to get it.  I can't imagine using that kind of picture shooting an IMC approach or at night.  It's like cheating.  It's almost a safety issue not to have it!

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You're right of course.


Just being a Smart Ass, sorry.


FF Syn Vision is awesome and I can't wait to get it.  I can't imagine using that kind of picture shooting an IMC approach or at night.  It's like cheating.  It's almost a safety issue not to have it!


I just KNEW somebody would comment on my being one dot right of the course-line. :)  You know it's pretty hard to do a 45 entry to downwind keeping the CDI centered.


You're right about the display giving you added comfort during IMC approaches or at night. During recent practice approaches I'd glance at the SV but, of course, didn't "focus" on it. Still the red and yellow really stands out when it's in front of your track. I found it especially nice at night when dark hills and unlighted towers could be a concern.



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