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16 hours ago, Tony Armour said:

Chasing me down to Naples Florida today. Pretty impressive 1000nm+ at 190+knots. He would have had a touch of tailwind but not a lot, 6-7kts ?


I know its just normal Mooney performance. After all the years I'm still impressed though.

I was just a day behind you guys.  



I had the benefit of a nice tailwind. :-)



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The first time you fly a long body, your transition trainer tells you '200 knot ground speeds are not always the norm'

it is a bit confusing when you see it the first time on some unfamiliar instruments in an unfamiliar plane. But the smile is memorable!

Best regards,


  • Like 2
2 hours ago, Tony Armour said:

What does everyone use for winds ? I've gotten lazy and have only been looking at what Foreflight says. I should at least verify it. I used to just go by Duats. 

The two that seem most accurate to me are FlyQ and FltPln Go. Of course FltPln Go is free and FlyQ was, I think $29 for a year for CFIs. I like to have all of the free or reasonably priced apps on my iPad and have at least some familiarity with them all when speaking to and advising students on aviation related apps. I think to only have one app as an instructor does them a disservice.


I've been using the foreflight winds for picking altitudes and planning.  But I would say that they have usually underestimated the speed, in my experience.   Once enroute on longer trips, I pull up the winds on the XM weather to see if there is a better altitude for my current segment. 

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I also landed at Xo1 Everglades earlier today. Due to the 10 knot cross wind and little strip I was just going to fly over it and check it out but once there I couldn't help myself :D

18 hours ago, KLRDMD said:

I like to have all of the free or reasonably priced apps on my iPad and have at least some familiarity with them all when speaking to and advising students on aviation related apps. I think to only have one app as an instructor does them a disservice.

OMG! I could have written that post, word for word, except I include the Android ones too.

21 hours ago, Tony Armour said:

What does everyone use for winds ? I've gotten lazy and have only been looking at what Foreflight says. I should at least verify it. I used to just go by Duats. 

Here is my trip down Thursday. Maybe a 5-6 knot push.


For planning purpose, all you are getting, DUAT, FireFlight, FltPlan,  whatever app or site you use, is a forecast. If it's an aviation app, it's probably based on the standard one. 

What were the winds for real exactly where you were? That's not a website. That's your E6B (or a programmed equivalent - some panel displays do it for you)  calculating the winds based on you TAS and GS, the reverse of the planning exercise.

Or a nice net average by simple arithmetic. My TAS was170. My GS was 200. I had 30 kt tailwind.

12 hours ago, Tony Armour said:

Any feller' driving an Acclaim should have bought my dinner ! :P





Great pictures, you found me!   Heading back north today.  @Tony Armour next time, dinner is on me.  I'll be back at the end of December.  





We decided to go to Fort Meyers for dinner (Melting Pot) what better way than to fly ! Looks like I departed 1:15 before you this morning. I kept looking on ADSB to see if I could find you.

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