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Room for tall pilot and passengers?


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I just joined this forum. I'm starting to shop for a plane now and right now the top two options on my list are a Piper Arrow or a Mooney M20(C-F?). I'm very intrigued by the performance and efficiency of a Mooney, but I've never been in one. I have mostly been flying a club Piper Warrior lately.

My main dilemma is that I'm very tall with long legs, especially for a woman (6'4"), and don't know whether I would fit in a Mooney. I also have a grown son who is 6'9". While he is married and 1500 miles away, it would be nice to be able to give him or other tall relatives a ride (I realize he'll be tight in about any plane, including commercial). Do any of you have a sense of how the fit is for tall pilots and passengers?

I'm hoping to find something for under $60k with a nice IFR panel.



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Welcome! I am a 6'3" male with long legs and am quite comfortable in my M20E. I don't even fly with the seat all the way at the rear-most stop (there are a couple left). There is also plenty of extra room for my head, so were I another inch or two taller I still don't think there would be any problem (I can't say this about my or my wife's Japanese cars, though!).

I'd heard that the Mooney was designed by a tall/slender Texan man, and that seems to make sense with how they 'fit'.

As far as your son goes, I really can't say. I've never taken anyone that tall for a ride (in fact I think I've only known one fellow that tall in my life). You might have to get him to sit in one once. Most of the Mooney folk are very friendly and happy to show off their airplanes - try to find one locally to try out for size with you and your son.

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I'm sure you won't have any issues with fit, and would guess that it will be tight for your son, but better than most other light GA planes.  Some of the later model Mooneys (mid 80s+) have vertically adjustable seats that may be able to get "lower" than a stock vintage seat, but I'm not sure.  The newer seats are easily installed in the older Mooneys, but they're very hard and/or expensive to find.

One option might be to get the seats re-built with new, modern memory foam and use less of it in the seat bottom, and have a booster cushion upholstered to match that can used with shorter passengers.

Definitely try to find a local Mooney owner and try one on for size!  Most of us are happy to share the infection!

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Thanks for all the feedback! That's sounds great. My 6'9" son is the extreme, and he would not be a regular passion, but I'd like to be able to give him a ride (not likely cross-country).

If there is someone here in the New England area or reasonable day-trip flying distance for a Warrior, I'd love to pay for gas in exchange for a ride. I live in western MA.

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Within a day's trip.....would you consider flying to NJ?

Check out http://www.airmodsandrepair.com/forsale/main This is an MSC in Robbinsville, NJ (outside of Trenton).  There are always several mooneys being maintained.  You can see many mooneys up close.

There is also an M20F for sale at nearby Princeton Airport http://www.princetonairport.com/N3490N.html

Flying the Hudson river corridor would make it worth the trip.  (get the FAA training on line first and a TAC)

Best regards,


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I am 6'4" and my son is also 6'9", so this is not a unique issue.  :-)

I barely fit in my M-20M, and it's all I can do to keep my feet off of the toe brakes. The recently re-upholstered seat may have some to do with the sitting height problem.


Chuck M.

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