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FAA to Pilots: Keep Transponders On While Taxiing


Safety Alert for Operators 15006 was published by the FAA last week to ensure that pilots realize the need to keep their aircraft transponders turned on to the altitude-reporting mode even when operational on the ground in airport movement areas. The FAA uses runway safety systems, such as airport surface detection equipment model X (ASDE-X) and advanced surface movement guidance and control system (A-SMGCS), at many airports in the U.S. to determine aircraft and vehicle locations when operating on an airport surface.

Both of these systems use data from transponders to obtain accurate aircraft and vehicle locations to increase airport surface safety and efficiency. Nationwide, the agency said that airports with ASDE-X report an average of 20 non-compliance transponder events per day, even with explicit airport diagrams or ATIS notification, or both, directing pilots to operate with transponders on. To address these problems, aircraft operating on all airport movement areas at all airports—not just those that are ASDE-X equipped—must taxi with their transponders on in the altitude-reporting mode.



I think most of us know about this already....it's just a reminder.



I have a new Garmin 330 with extended squitter.  I believe it goes to standby when on the ground.  Can anyone offer guidance as how to set it up to operate in this environment.  

This transponder is new to me and I am still learning about it.



John Breda

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If you have a "Ground" mode, then that is good enough for SMGCS. If it has been wired up correctly, it will start in "Ground" mode, change itself to "airborne" at take off, and then switch back to ground after a delay. The switching can be done by GPS ground speed, a 'Weight on Wheels" (WOW) switch, or by an airspeed switch.


This recommendation is confusing.


For example: in the new Trig and Avidyne and BK transponders (all 3 FAA approved) a speed switch is required to distinguish when the A/C is on the ground (speed switch triggers the ALT mode when speed is over ~35 knots)

If the speed is less than that , the TXP stays in GND (Ground) mode even if I have the TXP on ALT. 


Does ATC sees a transponder in GND mode ? ???


Airports with ASDE need transponders on for it to work. Most GA airports don't have ASDE, so it doesn't matter at those airports. I have only seen this equipment at large air carrier airports.


I just checked the FAA website there are 35 airports with ASDE-X and about 35 airports with SMGCS. There are not 70 airports with surface detection equipment most of the airports are on both lists.


Mostly busy air carrier airports with crappy weather. KPHX has ASDE-X, I don't know why, the visibility is so bad that you can't see the airplanes about 10 minuets every decade.


Thanks.  I guess I don't need to worry about it anymore then. Just leave the TXP on ALT and forget it.


Las Vegas is another airport where they want you to leave the TXP on. I can see why: the taxiways and runways are so wide that the ground controller on the tower cannot check where the aircraft is at from the angle they have. 


Phoenix has ASDE-X not because of low vis operations but due to the high volume of traffic....generally to prevent runway incursions and better situational awareness for controllers.   Mostly due to the night accident in good visibility at LAX with the two planes on the runway (US Air 737 landing and a commuter plane waiting on the same runway for T/O clearance...local controller forgot about the commuter and couldn't see it from the old cab at LAX).  It was in the 1990s IIRC and one of the reasons the FAA built a bunch of new towers.


One of the problems with all these transponders being on on the ground is that on climb out I get so many traffic alerts I can't hear the tower. 

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