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I was just thinking about the names we give our airplanes. Since ours has a real resemblance to a famous ww1 flying beagle we gave him the name Snoopy. I think it would be fun to hear others.


Expensive. But amazing bang for the bucks.  :D


All kidding aside, I call it "The Beast." Stole it from a Type S driver down in South America who actually has it placarded on his panel, just like an N-number. It's a name that fits.


I love "Luna C." Can't think of anything remotely as clever incorporating "TN."


Question for the forum... If the plane was already named by a prior owner, are you obligated to carry it forward as you do with boats?


Since the previous owner of Snoopy had passed and I had no contact with the family we gave it a new name. I agree the name should stay with the plane. I have found a buyer for my C150 and I let him know that plane is named Skeeter.


Usually 9821P.  And a lot of time I talk to my plane "what an awesome plane, I love you".  And when it cost me money:  F...ing Bitch

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Since the previous owner of Snoopy had passed and I had no contact with the family we gave it a new name. I agree the name should stay with the plane. I have found a buyer for my C150 and I let him know that plane is named Skeeter.


Snoopy and Snoopy 2 are the MetLife Blimps.  We saw Snoopy 2 in the pattern at KFDK last summer.



All kidding aside, I call it "The Beast." Stole it from a Type S driver down in South America who actually has it placarded on his panel, just like an N-number. It's a name that fits.



I have a really cool placard on my panel - no words - its just art - I noticed a ink-press made of lead with a finely etched mooney on it - for ink blotting a mooney - got it on ebay.  I spray painted it flat black and velcro'ed it to my panel.  I will share a picture next time I am at my hangar.


We call ours "Patients"

For a while, every part on the airplane I had to fix. Finally, for the first time in over 2 years we have a nice flying machine!


Since the previous owner of Snoopy had passed and I had no contact with the family we gave it a new name. I agree the name should stay with the plane. I have found a buyer for my C150 and I let him know that plane is named Skeeter.

The name only has to stay if it's painted on the nose (with appropriate artwork).

I unimaginatively call mine either "the plane" or "the Mooney" since "baby" is already taken in our house . . .

What's a good name for a well-behaved girl from Texas anyway?


It would be interesting to find out if owners of other brand of aircraft also name theirs? Perhaps this is something that would set Mooney owners apart?


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