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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2018 in Posts

  1. It's been a long and sometimes frustrating road, but today success was achieved! As most of you that have followed this project know, there was an unacceptable increase in CHT to go along with the very acceptable 4-6kt gain in airspeed. We tried many things to decrease CHT, most of which was only marginally successful. The decision was made to open the inlets to add more air and, after today's test flight, there was a solid 20 degree drop and the CHT numbers are what was being targeted! I personally think the larger inlets look better. Hard climb (Vx) yielded a high number of 367. Cruise numbers leveled out around 357. This was achieved at 50ROP, WOT; much leaner than I usually run it ROP. Oil temp was a solid 190. OAT 22 in the climb and 17 in cruise. On a really hot day, I am expecting to see no more than 380 on a climb and 365 in cruise. I couldn't be happier these numbers! Some rough calculations don't indicate any loss of airspeed with the larger openings. I will do a four-way test when I can though. The next thing to do is removing the third cowl flap and see what kind of difference it makes... if any... in both speed and cooling. The furry kids went along for the test flight
    10 points
  2. Can I hit the “Like” button about 6 times? Happy that we finally nailed it and can finish your cowling including paint!! David
    6 points
  3. Hi all! I am the new owner of N6995V. I have been a member of Mooneyspace for about 11 months but this is my first introduction and 95V is my first plane. To say I'm excited is an understatement. First, regarding @rdshave, I want to say that I could not have asked for a more generous, kind, and stand up guy. This was my first aircraft purchase and after reading about the potential pitfalls and gotchas that can often plague the process, I was initially apprehensive. But I feel extremely lucky that the entire purchasing experience occurred with no problems. Not only did Ron bend over backwards to help with the multitude of details of the sale itself but he ferried the plane with me as a passenger up to San Jose where I did my transition training and he prepped the plane (including emergency gear) for the trip back to Wisconsin. Thank you so much @rdshave - I can't imagine that many sellers would have done what you did for me and I really appreciate it. Secondly, with the new to me plane, I was very excited but also a bit anxious about transitioning into a Mooney. As a low-time pilot, I have read many stories of potential landing challenges for people like me. Additionally, I didn't have my complex endorsement at the time of purchase. Because the plane was in California, training with @donkaye was the logical choice for me and I am so glad that I was able to train with him. Lets put it this way, when I'm on final approach now, I hear Don's voice pop into my head reminding me what to look for to achieve a good landing. On the way home it seemed like he was still in the cockpit with me! I'm so grateful that the timing of the purchase worked out with his schedule and that we were able to have our initial meeting during Oshkosh. And boy does he have some interesting flying stories to tell too! Finally, I really lucked out with the weather. To start, I staged the flight from Stockton to avoid the potential morning overcast of the San Jose area. I took the middle route over I-80 with only an overnight stop in Scotts Bluff, NE (and fuel stops in Ogden, UT and Lemar, IA partly because I'm conservative and still learning and getting comfortable with her actual fuel consumption); about 11:30 of total flight time from Reid-Hillview RHV to my home base in Waukesha, WI KUES. By the way, the Steel Grill restaurant in Scotts Bluff makes an excellent steak. What an epic adventure the last 6 days has been for me...I'm still decompressing and processing everything. I'm certainly on cloud 9 though and looking forward to more flying opportunities with my family and for work. Next for me is to finish my instrument rating - now in my Mooney! Also, I would appreciate any recommendations for a Mooney mechanic in my area. Thanks!
    6 points
  4. Power Flow had a used system that was already drilled for JPI EGT probes inspected and ready to go out. So I jumped at the multiple discounts and immediate delivery. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  5. Sadly I cannot be with her yet, but here is a picture.
    3 points
  6. I read my wife the thread and she said: “An inch can really make a nice big difference”... Glad you got ‘r figured out. Sell a bunch. Looks great/faster/cooler. Trifecta achieved. Congratulations!
    2 points
  7. Yeah...UMMMM....I majored in math.
    2 points
  8. Depends on what you want/need. Also, keeping an eye on promotions and rebates will lower the cost considerably as well. As well, consolidating the upgrades into as few of steps as needed will lower the cost. These prices were at different times. Like the 60-2. That was the installed price in 1998 with autotrim. Be more expensive today (>$20k). The $9,500 for the GTN was after a sizeable rebate and an aggressive discount by the shop. I believe the L-3 9000+ is cheaper now. The audio panel includes installation. The JPI's $4,500 was an upgrade from a 830, so a good chunk of labor was not needed. The Aspens were rebated and I got a really big discount on the MFD from the Aspen regional sales manager (price is the installed price).
    2 points
  9. Muuhh. Ha ha ha. Picture me setting down my morning coffee and wringing my hands in contemplation of my evilness. OK - evil test period over., now back to adding Cessna Twins to the AML
    2 points
  10. I guess my point is that many aircraft have all sort of buzzers and bells meant to keep the pilots out of dutch. I recall seeing a video of an aircraft landing with the gear warning blaring the whole time. I fail to see how yet another buzzer or screen is going to really change things. In moments of stress or distraction its just another expensive thing in the panel to ignore.
    2 points
  11. No, but we did eat at Smoke on the Water and caught a minor league baseball game. We'll definitely be back.
    2 points
  12. Okay guys I'm too excited not to share this! Trent Palmer if you don't follow him is a soon to be famous you tube pilot, and I am in the works with sponsoring his videos. Yesterday he released his recent video and it gave my site a nearly inconceivable 1000% increase in traffic! And my traffic was a pretty good to begin with!! Here's the videos!
    2 points
  13. Oh - Paul has spent 4 hours with me - I don't mean to name drop but I recommend him highly and I will be spending more time with him, but he isn't available for this trip. My insurance requires I have 25 hrs mooney time before solo (I only have about 4hrs mooney time right now - everything else is in Cessna 172)....I happen to have a project I need to check on in Colorado and it would be a great flight, either direct or pitstop at Grand Canyon and get me about 10 of those hours. The two guys that were offering to fly with me got called for a charter.....and I'm hoping I don't have to fly commercial now that I own my own plane!!!
    2 points
  14. You are correct. I mistyped. Ok I just got back from the airport. All is good, the crew was turned off. Thanks for the help
    2 points
  15. I was really intrigued by Icon's marketing over the past decade - trying to appeal to a whole new audience of non-pilots. Seemed like getting more people interested in aviation had to be a good thing, even if we all sort of cringe when we hear terms like "a jet ski for the sky." But to say nothing of the purchase agreement controversy and the high-profile crashes, I just don't see how the economics work for Icon. The A5 looks freaking cool, and I'd love to own one, but you can buy a base SeaRey for $124k (vs a base A5 at $269k), or the high-end SeaRey for $169k (vs a high-end A5 at $369k). That price disparity is insane for roughly-equivalent aircraft, especially given that the SeaRey has a 25-year track record and the A5 still has all the kinks to work out.
    2 points
  16. I don't know Lee... She still maintains a climb (be it very slow I'll admit) even on one engine. It might have actually increased my chance to land safely with just one. We did several full engine outs and completely dirty it still maintained controllability. Being a smaller twin I also was a doubter about the flying ability and one engine theory in the Comanche, but I will say it will stay above blue line with careful management. It's not a Baron, Dutchess or something with more HP, but think they don't get the credit due as far as single engine out ops. I would have preferred to find one with CR props, mine does not. So extra attention is due to compensate for non-CR props. Just my .02... I'm only about 50 hrs in it now, so still learning, but really feel it would get me safely to the closest airport on just one engine. Hope we never have to find out. -Tom
    2 points
  17. It’s done just the opposite for me. I now have a LED landing light, LED nav lights, LED strobes, LED tail light with strobes, LED recognition light, CiES fuel senders, JPI 900, Senscor CO detector, CYA 100 AoA indicator, Jaeger Spatial Design Interior, all new RG-400 wiring, a new CI-196 antenna, new Klixon switch covers, countless RAM clamps, brackets and assorted hardware and I’m sure a bunch of stuff that is off of my radar. These people are evil!
    2 points
  18. I have been dealing with an erratic idle for a long time now. Nothing seems to help. It would only do it when the engine was hot. There are no intake leaks so I have really been stumped. At Oshkosh this year, I visited the Lycoming tent. They had a seminar on sticky valves, but that particular one got cancelled or rather rescheduled, and the one I sat in on was about induction systems. I wasn't going to stick around, but I thought well, this might be interesting. And it was! One of the things he talked about, was people pulling their fuel Servo and send in for overhaul when it is unnecessary do to idling issues. Not that it can't be the problem, but it rarely is. He said to run a clear tube from the fuel Servo to the spider and watch for bubbles. If there are bubbles, then you have a airframe-side fuel leak. I was all set to do this when I got back from Oshkosh but then he said something else that caught my attention. He said they had Mooney come into the shop with an erratic idle problem but only when it was hot. after 3 weeks of diagnosis, they finally found that the intake side of the fuel pump had an O-ring that had to run up on the threads and when it got hot, created a small leak. I thought to myself, "I have a Mooney that has an erratic idle when hot. Upon his advice, I pulled the connection to the inlet side of the fuel pump and replaced the O ring that had been smashed and had a ridden up on the threads. With the new o-ring in place, no more erratic idle! I can't even explain the joy of fixing this! It has been a huge pain in my butt for a few years now. if you're having a problem with an erratic idle, and you have no intake leaks, take a very close look at the airframe side of your fuel system. the chances are very good you have a leak there somewhere and it most likely will not show blue staining since it's on the vacuum side. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. So with permission from my wife (in fact, she cheered me on), I went searching for a mistress. I would talk about my search at the bars and went online posting for love. I looked all over! I found an old girl born in the late 60's, still pretty, but someone married her before I got a chance to make my move. The same thing happened a few times before I contacted a guy in Texas who was offering to introduce me a number of girls. None were quite right, some were gorgeous on the outside but inside her personality was just off, I would find the perfect girl but she ended up being a gold digger, there was always something. Then one day a guy approached me with a proposition and the girl seemed to check all the boxes. After checking out all the details I jumped in. Had the doc check out her vitals and yesterday finally closed the deal! I am now a proud owner of a 1984 (built in Dec 83) Mooney M20K 231(What did you think I was talking about?!). My awards speech: Really appreciate this communities help in walking me through what it is I really wanted. It is a great community that I'm learning a lot from. I considered everything and while I didn't exactly follow all the guidance, I did think through it all. (One thing is I didn't get an aircraft with the avionics I wanted in it already and I realize I'm spending a bit more because of that) Specifically, thank you @Frank B. for your patience, @gsxrpilot for your guidance and insight, and @mccdeuce keeping me from jumping at the wrong option. I cannot thank Daytona Aircraft Services enough. Those guys are amazing, @jclemens had to sit on the phone and listen to me ask about the pre-buy status and he and his team had to listen to me waver on how I wanted to upgrade the avionics for hours on end. Thank you all for all the help. I look forward to getting more engaged in the community. I'll be attending events up in the NE for sure and will be looking for any reason to get all over the country!
    1 point
  20. Great news - hope to hear soon whether there's similar cooling benefit for the carb'd birds that have a doghouse currently. If so, I can't wait to install and have a >150kt bird!! And I agree the larger inlets look better.
    1 point
  21. Throw some sprayers on it an you have a legitimate high speed aerial applicator.
    1 point
  22. Good to know - thanks for the info. I took it with about 30 minutes remaining on our flight, but will stow this away for the future.
    1 point
  23. I would start with downloading the JPI data and sending it to Savvy. They have a free service in addition to the paid one, but either one seems to give you a wealth of information. Nice to see the trends too and see when the problem started and if it’s getting worse, only present at high power settings, etc.
    1 point
  24. Thank you! Yes I kind of realize that now, I'm trying to capitalize on it! I tried to reach out to Matt several times but he is unresponsive. Would love to sponsor his videos as well, but youtube shout outs are pretty pricey! And thank you for wearing the shirt! haha I'm glad you like it
    1 point
  25. We added a bladder cell on each side to our '66E giving us 64 gallons usable. I was not sure the cost of the bladders for the extra 10 gallons but comfortably going to and from KOSH in July was awesome. (The original bladder conversion was done in 1997 and those cells seem to be as good as new.)
    1 point
  26. Farris Aviation in Ridgecrest has an instructor with those quals. 760-301-4522 Instructor is Brian Cepaitis. Not sure what his going rate is these days.
    1 point
  27. In addition to Paul there is Chuck McGill. I doubt he will do it because he so busy training 210 pilots these days but it might be worth a try. http://www.safeflightintl.com/
    1 point
  28. It sure is. Hopefully one day when I acquire more knowledge I can contribute to other conversations.
    1 point
  29. Give us a hint... what are you trying to accomplish in this period of time? See if these guys can help... at least set you in the right direction... @donkaye and @kortopates Paul and Don are around here often... A list of others can be found here... http://themooneyflyer.com/cfi.html Best regards, -a-
    1 point
  30. Because future customers are on the roads and not in the air. Notice the logo on the wing facing outwards. That's product placement perfectly for road warriors to know the answer to "WHOA! What was that?!?!" They're appealing to my generation; hoping to get pictures taken at fuel stops, blow it up on Instagram, attract the 20-somethings that either has Daddy's money and lives an extravagant lifestyle or those lucky enough to work for what they own and want something they can play in on the weekend. Not to speak ill of previous customers, but I don't think it is the safest option. But you know the rule, safety third.
    1 point
  31. Anthony, I think the concern about hot polished fuel caps is when you go to remove them . . . . I have to agree, though, they sure do look good. I remember reading when I first got my Mooney a decade or so ago about chroming it up to increase visibility--spinners, hub caps, even stall strips. But no one ever mentioned fuel caps. What else cojld be polished up nice and shiny to look good, withiut going as far as @Wildhorsesracing and his fully polished Mooney? My wingtips are, sadly, fiberglass . . . .
    1 point
  32. I am sure your are right. Its just that I'd bet most interested folks would already have tips and would just want to add antenna's. But with some interest I am sure they'd be game.
    1 point
  33. Keep an eye on your TIT. If you get it too high you will melt your turbine wheel. I kept getting broken turbo mounts until I removed the muffler hanger rod. It has been ten years and about 1000 hours and not a single issue sense. The TIT probe kept self destructing. (see #1) I was using an EI probe with the hose clamp. I had my machine shop make a little fitting for the screw in probe and had it welded on the exhaust. No problems with the TIT sense. The heat shield kept self destructing. I removed it and glued high temp insulation to the cowl. Operationally, I usually run LOP at 2400 and 28in and richen it to 1500 TIT. It will burn about 9.5 GPH and true 155 down low and about 180 up high. I usually fly in the high teens. I have had it in the flight levels a few times, but it takes so long to get up there and back down it has to be a pretty long leg to make it worth while.
    1 point
  34. Humm, it is not politically correct to use that word anymore. Actually, the two seat trainer is called the “Midget” The two seat trainer is the MIG-15UTI. The plane above is actually a SBLIM-2A The engine is a Soviet copy of a British NENE 10. The museum has both on engine stands. We tried to take parts off of the Russian engine and put them on the British engine, but the Russian engine is all metric and the British is imperial.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Women are easy to hot start, it’s the cold starts are tougher.
    1 point
  37. This seemed appropriate for this thread...apologies to the (human) ladies present. Why men prefer airplanes over women Airplanes do not get mad if you “touch and go”. Airplanes do not have Mother-in-Laws. Airplanes do not take forever to get ready. Airplanes do not care how many other airplanes you have flown with before. Behavior of airplanes follows logical rules. The maintenance of an airplane is cheaper than the maintenance of a woman. Airplanes come with instructions. An airplane will kill you quickly...a woman takes her time.
    1 point
  38. I know the feeling, I have her younger sister, born in March of 84. Pritch
    1 point
  39. Update. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your input. I showed the shop theses postings and they quickly adjusted from 9 hours down to two. Yall helped me save $490.00
    1 point
  40. Now that last line was really funny!
    1 point
  41. Here's the link to there article, but they don't seem to have the dang video on their website anymore. I'll see if I can find it elsewhere... https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2010/june/03/spin-myths Can't find the original video, but here's someone who tested 3 different spin recovery techniques against each other in a Pitts. The method above is referred to in the video as "Finagin" (the instructor in the article above)
    1 point
  42. Purchased my Mooney prior to my check ride. Had the annual and pre-buy repairs completed and the plane delivered from Longview Texas. Loved knowing that once I finished with my PPL I had a wonderful airplane waiting for me in the hangar. Take your time in the transition phase and get a Mooney specific instructor. You will not regret it in the least. Delivery Day Photo Below.
    1 point
  43. For some reason (wink wink) one of the runways was shut down when I came in - I hope to be part of that next year Anyhow the Fisk arrival was a bit congested but I persisted - flew the approach as it was published, which is more than I can say about others and made it in.
    1 point
  44. MS is a tough crowd to post a for sale ad on. Opinions are strong, sometimes comparable to POA members. Not sure why that is. Several have posted various reasons. Kind of like walking on egg shells if you are not thick skinned. Just like when you sell something to a friend or neighbor. You want to sell it, but he is your friend and neighbor and you want to keep it that way.. I'm hoping to start a new business venture (opening another fitness center in a adjacent town) In the next few months and unfortunately I don't think my wallet can afford two airplane payments and keep them both serviced and flying regular. I'll be putting my E on the market and other than this mention and probably a quick short post in our MS classifieds I won't push it hard on MS. We are a tough crowd, I have a ton invested as I thought it would be my forever bird, so not much was left to do. Not high-jacking the thread, but avionics wise we are very close in comp. 41M is a 74 E and will be listed just a hair north of 100k. I'll be curious to see where this goes and the comments posted. High dollar asking price with lots of mods. Should be interesting. Don't think it will fetch asking price, but I sure wish it would. Good luck Jesse and owner..Maybe we will give WingSwap a try next month.. -Tom
    1 point
  45. Pros: Goes really fast! Cons: Sucks fuel like you own an oil company! Has the full fuel payload of a Cessna 150
    1 point
  46. The CFII I've been flying with thinks you're safer without them. I don't agree, and I think it's hard to argue that you're not a LOT better off with a shoulder restraint. The Arizona Pilot's Association does an annual GA Accident Reduction and Mitigation Symposium, which covers all of the fatal GA accidents involving AZ pilots from the previous year. A couple of years ago there was a Comanche crash with a family aboard, and the Mom perished as her side did not have a shoulder harness and she got a head injury from the panel. Dad had a harness and was fine. That's anecdotal, but it's also easy to understand the mechanics behind it. A buddy I fly with a lot has an ancient Cherokee with no shoulder harnesses. He's gotten used to my reel harnesses and is coming around to the idea of getting them for his airplane. I hope he gets them soon.
    1 point
  47. I always do, on the rare occasion I am in the back seat. If anyone is in my car I also remind them (usually a problem with just teenagers) to wear them correctly, not down across their arm. Constantly had to remind my wife's teenage daughter to wear it correctly. One day she was in the backseat of a friend's car with the shoulder belt across her arm instead of over the shoulder when her friend rear-ended someone on an on-ramp going about 20 mph. She ended up crumpled on the floor boards in the backseat because the seat belt couldn't do its job. Thankfully no major injuries but she had a lot of bruises. I didn't have to remind her again to wear it correctly... Alex, it was the first thing I did with my plane when I got it. The left side was a bear to get the bracket on but the right side was a piece of cake. With everything else you have done on your plane I am sure it is well within your capabilities to do yourself and then get inspected and signed off. Just know the LH is a pain, take your time and do it first. Then when you get the the RH you will breeze through it. My DPE won't fly in a plane without them. The school where I took my lessons doesn't have them in all the planes but when that DPE is coming they always make sure whichever plane he is in has them because they know he won't fly without them. His son years earlier had an off field landing that was going really well until it wasn't. He put the plane down in a field and just before touching down the wheels caught a small berm and it flipped the plane. His son spent months in the hospital and fortunately made a full recovery. He said that had the plane his son was flying had shoulder harnesses he likely would have walked away with minor injuries.
    1 point
  48. I know these products are expensive, but having flown to Oshkosh and on the way back now (spending a couple of days based in Rapid City right now; Mount Rushmore, The Badlands, Sturgess) they are just a dream to fly with. It's taken a little time to get acquainted with the G500 TXi transitioning from the G500, but now that I have, I can say that the transition is like the transition from the 696 to the 796. Once you've done it you can't remember the older product. Getting to the information you want is much faster. Yesterday was a good example of using the equipment. The previous night the Prog Charts indicated convection and probable nasty weather along the route from Sioux Falls to Rapid City. I got a good briefing before the flight (if weather is predicted I want a live person to do it in addition to a self briefing) and a convective sigmet was predicted near the end of the trip. I asked for the lifted index and K factor and they were given as -2 and 28. These are good predictors of convection and these numbers were not good. There were several airports along the route as backups to problems so we launched. I had different weather pictures on the TXi, 750, 650, 796 and iPad that gave me a total picture of what was happening. The trip was smooth as silk with clouds starting to build the last 10 minutes of the flight, once again proving that flying early in the morning is usually best. As predicted, however, given the input from the heat of the sun in the late afternoon to get the fireworks going, on our way back from the Badlands in the late afternoon, the thunderstorms were huge. It was nice to be seeing them from the ground. And so the trip continues.
    1 point
  49. Alex, Ill show you a nice scar on my head at the Summit where it was stapled back together. Did I mention I was wearing a shoulder belt? Without it, I wont be here typing. Hopefully, you will realize the few $ spent on shoulder belts are a far better addition to your plane than some new headset or other gizmo. Personally, I wont fly in any aircraft that doesnt have them.
    1 point
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