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Mounting options for iPad


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Hello and Merry Christmas! My husband and I finally found a Mooney and are working to get it in the air. We got an iPad mini to use for ForeFlight and were wondering if anyone had a recommendation for a mounting bracket we could use for it. He's thinking of mounting on the yoke but is the window better? Any advice is appreciated. 

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The yoke is often a good place… a smaller one goes in front of the SIC…. (Where do you want yours?)

There is an annual thread for this…. (On average…) :)

The search function will have you reading personal opinions all night!

https://mooneyspace.com/search/?q="iPad mount"&quick=1&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy&search_and_or=and

You can get a feeling for who uses what, where…

There are no one size fits all answers…


Number of iPads is increasing…

Many use an iPhone for back-up… and mini for instrument approach procedures…

Also look to see what people use as a WAAS source to support it…

Some use a mini, others a pro….

Some have a IPen to go with that…

A few use the stock to support their habit… :)

Not all Mooneys are the same…  Long Bodies, the yoke spends a lot of time pressed against the instrument panel like when on the ground… this can cause a clash between the iPad mount and the instruments….



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@carusoam Very helpful, thanks! I did a search but only searched for "iPad" and didn't find exactly this. Soooo to sum up, all Mooneys are different, everyone is different, so options are unlimited? Cool... that narrows things down a bit. :lol: Actually it does help; as long as we find what works for us, then it works. It should be that easy for everything, right? :) 


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I went all Idevice… for their simplicity… (more of a personal requirement)

Others prefer the lower cost of competing brands…. Find Hank for those…. :)  (It helps to be technically inclined)

Keep both eyes open for pics of cockpits…

If you guys fly IFR… you will see how people use their devices to support all phases of flight… even filing…


Use caution as you get used to your iPad… and where it’s antenna is…. In some cases, the iPad can lose contact with the satellites….

Direct sunlight can be challenging for older iPads, being kept low in the cockpit causes a different challenge(reception)….


Some iPads get used for entertainment… lots of memory, plenty of good movies… the latest version of Apple wireless ear buds are sound canceling enabled….  (Extra fancy)


Fortunately there are many choices to select from…

There are also a couple of brands of mounts…

And methods of powering the iPad… or batteries that can be brought along…

Sooooo many choices… all good.

The fun part….  MSers are all different.  We share some commonality… and some preferences are hard to predict.



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12 minutes ago, MsKG said:

@carusoam Very helpful, thanks! I did a search but only searched for "iPad" and didn't find exactly this. Soooo to sum up, all Mooneys are different, everyone is different, so options are unlimited? Cool... that narrows things down a bit. :lol: Actually it does help; as long as we find what works for us, then it works. It should be that easy for everything, right? :) 


You didn’t identify which model of Mooney that you have. I find that a yoke mounted RAM Claw clamp with an XGrip  and a short extension works perfect in a J model. It sits horizontally along the top of my yoke. I can still see all my primary instruments and twin Aspens easily.  Get the 7” X Grip for iPad mini 

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We installed a certified engine monitor, which allowed removal of a whole bunch of stuff on the co-pilot's side to make room for a dedicated iPad mount.   We like having it over there, like it is part of the panel, even though it technically isn't.   The first picture shows the ram ball mount, the second shows the panel with the iPad installed. My co-Pilot helps out with traffic alerts, weather and airport info lookup.

Personally, I don't want a piece of glass mounted to the yoke in front of me.  Our cabin feels cramped enough without that.





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7 hours ago, 1980Mooney said:

I agree about the X-grip being the best cradle option for a Mini. It also has the advantages of an open design for good air circulation and of not having to be thrown away when the next generation changes the case 1/4". Also like the "claw" as a versatile yoke clamp.

I use a short (actually medium) arm in a Mooney too but I know different folks do that part of the configuration differently. I actually have all three arm sizes and a two-ball connector, as well as a suction mount, but that's because of my multiple airplane life (hard to use a yoke clamp in an airplane with no yoke :o).

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I looked to the photography stuff as opposed to the MyGoFlight flexible arms.  The photopgraphy stuff is much better.

Manfrotto clamp:


Manfrotto flexible arm:


MyGoFlight Sport Adapter - Generation 3 MGF-MNT-1028:


The clamp mounts on the yoke shaft tight against the back side of the yoke.  There is enough mobility to place the Ipad mini where ever you want it.  The flexible are tightens down well, and has ratchet-like handles.  

A bit more expensive than the Chinese versions MyGoFlight sells at much inflated prices, but it is better designed and works well.   I did find some Cj=hinese makers that make better arms but the Manfrotto stuff is better.

John Breda

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I'm team yoke mount on this one too, I have the RAM mount.  I don't like the concept of blocking the windows which basically means blocking traffic. 

The traffic could be other planes that are flying in airspace that does not require ADS-B Out, OR... as we've just seen in Utah with the Cessna 208B, it could be a ultralight, glider, paraglider, powered parachute or any number of "things" in the sky that the only way to realize it is there is to see it.  One of the things I was taught early on was if the "thing" you spot stays in the same place in the window, odds are you're on a converging path.  So if that place is behind the iPad, then you won't see it until it gets really big. 

IMPORTANT: One thing to check (RAM or any yoke mount) is to make sure that when you push the yoke all the way forward, it is not going to potentially damage any switches or knobs.  You may not push full forward in flight, but what about a ground check of the controls.  Luckily I saw that if my yoke was full forward and I then went to the right, the mount would have clipped off a switch.

ADDED:  Looks like @John Mininger posted his picture while I was composing my post.  I have the exact same setup as he does.


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34 minutes ago, ArtVandelay said:

Except it’s blocking the instrument panel.

Take a look at John Mininger's pics above.  You can push the iPad a little further away from the panel and lower it.  I use the extensions like he did and also tilted mine down a bit.  So I can again see all my instruments.  I do have to look around the iPad a bit to see some of the switches.


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Four things to consider that might not be obvious.

1. The iPad screen can be hard to read at certain sun angles. 

2. The iPad is heat sensitive and will shut down if hit by direct sunlight for any length of time. 

3. If you don't want to worry about battery life, provision should be made for powering the iPad

4. If you ever accidentally turn the brightness all the way down in bright sunlight the screen looks totally dark and it's hard to find the brightness control.


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I went with the Akron I feel Ram is overpriced, I compared in store and it’s the same. For $53 it’s worth a try. I was all over the place too window, center post, but yoke does not obstruct anything in my plane. 


I also got an extension to lower it to my preference. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01N49P0T1?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title



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I have tried ipad mini on my knee. This arrangement required me to look down too often, which could be uncomfortable in pressing situations.

Most of the window mounts (made for cars I guess) wouldn’t stay for long even with lighter phones. I have an X-grip, which I haven’t extensively tried yet. This, however, gives a good flexibility to mount wherever one is comfortable with.

My preferred option is yoke-mounted. Recently I have switched to iPad Air. Here is my set up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I severely ground up some ram Mount parts that fasten to a suction mount that I jam into the lower front corner of the pilot side window.  The mods make the iPad fit centered on the window post almost pressed up against it.  I’ll try to post a photo.  I think MyGoFlight parts could be used but they would cost about $300.

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I have my iPad mini off to the side on a ram ball mount with a pivot case. I don’t like the iPad on the yoke as I find it easier to read a little further away, plus I have a 660 on the yoke already. I do concede the yoke mount is the more traditional location but the iPad is secondary reference info only and with the iPad off to the side there is more room for my belly. 


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