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More Mooney than brains


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You guys suck!Yell My wife to this day has yet to set foot in my Mooney. On the other hand, I am pretty happy that she incouraged me to buy it and fully supports me in my aviation adventures... as long as she doesn't have to go. So, I'm a solo pilot and I'm OK with that. I really could take the three other seats out and save the weight and be just fine. I just wish I could use my plane to travel.

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Dave, it's a long journey.  Starts with a short hop on a clear day, and then 15 years later....

There is nothing more rewarding than waking your wife up because the IPad with moving map is in her lap....You can try as soft as you can, but once you have pressed "direct to" and put in the three letter identifier, she'll be awake....

Its great to have that kind of buy-in...

You can always sell the upgrade story....the next plane up has head rests......and will get you there faster!!!!


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I, too, had a prickly situation with my (new, second) wife when I started getting into aviation. This was a woman who was so deathly afraid of motion sickness that for 8 years of her early career she refused to take a job that required travel. She finally got over that and for the last 10 years has been a Platinum traveler as a sales exec (funny how lots of money can change an attitude!).

But she still refused to fly with me even after I bought the Warrior, until about three years in as we were planning a week in St. Augustine. I simply showed her how much easier it would be to fly Jeff Air instead of Delta. She decided to take the plunge, and now is a contented (if not eager) co-pilot. There just has to be a carrot, someplace she really wants to get to. She won't ever go out for the $100 hamburger run, but that's okay. That's what buddies are for anyway.

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My wife was apprehensive at first too.  She had the all to common opinion that flying in a small plane is dangerous.  But after a few trips she began to see the utility in it.  No traffic, no airport security, no loooonnnnggg drives etc.  She liked traveling via GA so much that the day after I sold my M20F, she said as soon as we move back to the U.S. we are getting another plane.    

Just goes to show you if we pilots can just get people to try GA travel more often than not they are hooked for life.

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It's amazing what flying a common roadtrip will do for the spouse.

We took a Skyhawk to see my parents in less than a third of the driving time, and she was hooked. Then I let it be known that I was looking to buy a truck . . . The next thing I know she was encouraging me to buy the Mooney, because as she said, "she will get more use out of the plane than a truck."

It  helps that we can fly to her folks in 2-2½ versus 8-9 on the road . . .

She is almost as ardent of a flier as I am, but much too intimidated by the studying to work on a PPL. And I'm content to keep putting around town in the old Honda, but sometimes a truck would be soooooo handy to have! Maybe in another three years . . .

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I had the Rocket when I married my wife. She liked the travel but used to complain about spending money on it. Sold it in March of 03. For 5 years she missed that thing. Was and is encouraging about flight now. We bought a MSE and, though we love it, we both miss the Rocket.

Once you have enjoyed the freedom of personal flight it hurts to be without it.

After owning a car who would prefer to ride the bus.

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My wife is fine traveling in the Mooney now.  I can't say she loves it, but she picks out places for us to go that use it.  Her first flight was memorable though with the kids in the back and her holding onto the JC strap.  I went to turn out of the pattern and she said "Why is it doing that???!!!"  I told her if we didn't make a turn or go up, we'd end up just going in a straight line and run out of fuel somewhere up in Canada.  She does fine now, but still covers her eyes as we enter clouds.  The 18 yr old daughter is fine with it, and the 11 yr old son absolutely loves it.  He spends so much time on MS Flight Simulator that his check ride is going to be a non-event.

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Hi jelswick.

A thought for you based on your statement  "Why is it doing that???!!!"  Possibly consider the Pinch Hitter course for your wife.  Understanding how and airplane functions and understanding flight in general can give her a great amount of confidence and put her fears at rest.  Making her more comfortable can be good for her and you as well. 

The course is available on-line:  http://flash.aopa.org/asf/pinch_hitter/swf/flash.cfm 

Another thought for your from my wife............possibly contact your local 99's [Women Pilot's] organization for their Companion Flying course.  Maybe a girl to girl experience might be more comfortable and enjoyable for her. 

Careful with the 99's thing though.  As JimR says, flying is the only thing in his family he has complete control over..........She MIGHT want to become a pilot!!! 

 Here's to continued enjoyment of your Mooney flying.

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I guess this topic (sorry squirrel if it got hijacked)is really about our common love for flight in a certain high performance low wing retractable and the importance of having a spouse/sig other that shares that love.After having read all the previous posts I cant help but think back on past relationships with both previous airplanes and women.Some lasted a long time and some didnt but I know the best for me have been the ones that there was a mutual passion.Kinda makes me think that the woman who I now live with and is at this moment installing Mexican approach plates in the 430/530/500 is really the one...kpc..Ps....I have that same print in my den...I love the blue sky behind the spit..k

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Thank you Mitch!  You're right and I actually bought the video course and have shown her that.  She has a light interest in it meaning she's said she would take the course, but she found other things in her schedule that have precluded actually starting it.  I'm thinking we'll suggest that again this spring.  I've told her that if we're in a situation where she'd have to take over, the last thing I'm worried about is it being a pretty landing, just want to get everyone safely to the ground.  I wouldn't test it, but I think Matthew at 11 could actually get the plane on the ground in not too much of a mess already.  He loves when just he and I fly since I'll let him steer as long as I'm right behind him on the controls (and that's just basically in cruise).  He's pretty good at holding heading and altitude!  :)

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I second the pitch hitter course suggestion for a person squeamish about flying.  My wife shares with me a general passion for flight - but actually getting into a teeny little thing with a FOB (fresh off the boat pilot ;) had her a little nervous when the bumps started, or the turns got steep, or the clouds looked scary, or etc.  The chief pilot at our club (I learned to fly there, and still am a member and contribute the website to the cause (http://www.kirtlandflightcenter.org/) ((being able to buy sub-$5 gas at Albuquerque International doesn't hurt either))) took her up for some turns and stalls; that combined with knowledge gained during monthly safety meetings and the pinch hitter course has her hungering for more.

She has fond memories of watching airshows at Moffet Field in her childhood - the best free entertainment going.  We still return to San Fransico on a yearly basis during fleet week, partly because of the daily airshows over one of the most beautiful cities in the world.  I think she's secretly in love with the clean cut military boys flying those awesome machines - I just can't compete tooling along in my modest 30 year old airplane (and perhaps the 45+ year old body ...) - but hey we can all have our fantasies!

But, back to the point: knowledge and understanding have gone a long way in conquering trepidation and fear.  Now it's just a little ongoing issue with the constant AMU drain ...


  PS: The link to the club's site isn't completely self serving and gratuitous, I think the weather section might be of interest to some of the folks here ("References" tab, then click on "Weather" on the left side menu).


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