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Typical, they make a mention of the Mooney but then immediately tout how much nicer the Bo is and that people will happily burn a little extra fuel for that wonderful comfort. And of coarse the lowly 182 is just awesome because though slower has great range blah blah blah. If you study the numbers and discard the Bravo Sierra the Mooney's are the best choice. That's why we fly them. I always find it interesting how most all the magazine articles will praise brands C B P and then mention the Mooney with a comment like how efficient they are but...I mean really.


The Bo really looks like a pig on those charts. Id like a J with GAMI injectors some day so I can burn 7gph while still moving fast but with reserve speed when I need it.

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7gph will get you 138-140kts assuming you have all the LOP hardwear.

Powerflow exhaust will make very little gains Lop but at 20-80rop it's worth another 6kts of bolt on speed.

Interesting it was really cold hear in MN and my Gami, powerflow J turned 170kts (Max speed) at -24C a couple weeks ago. Seems the cold works well with the powerflow.

166kts is all I can get at standard temps.

The J efficiency is remarkable.

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140 kts is 160 mph and I think that is plenty fast for any cross country I am likely to fly. That would equate to 22.8 statute miles per gallon.


Some day one of us needs to make a youtube video showing what Mooneys can do across its entire speed range. 

LOP I have had my J pretending to be a C152 in fuel flow and still get faster speeds than one.

From there all the way to cruising at 75% ROP at 8k - theres a whole sweet range to operate in.


And all of the above - with better mileage than my sports car !! :)

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The chart shows the 201 at 201mph at 10gph. I'm skeptical.

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POH shows 10.3gph for 75% power at best economy which at FL60 gets you pretty close at full weight, with less weight should be faster

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