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That bean sack looking thing hanging off the top. It's my 68F we are in the middle of my first annual, owner assisted (and my first airplane). Yes there has been a lot of questions but this one, my A&P could not answer. post-11132-0-96501800-1379072040_thumb.j


Looks like water or oil residue on the bottom of the empennage underneath the rear of the 'bag'.


That piece of wood looks just like a piece of wood flooring I've been installing in my living room. Got it from lumber liquidators.


Is that even legal?  I could see some potential issues with the mod interfering with the movement of the push rods running aft.


This is only an academic question and slightly off topic, but my hat-rack has a 10 lb limit.

My physics may also be faulty, but if your skis, etc., were pivoted on the front edge of the hat-rack, the moment for the weight would be at the point between the baggage area and the hat-rack.  


Mike, I don't want to scare you but the bag may contain hazardous/biological material. This may be the reason why is separate from the cabin. Contact the FBI or CIA before opening it.



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That is your plane's scrotum. You are now in possession of one of the EXTREMELY rare male M20E's. We should set up an in flight rendezvous between it and my plane, "The Mistress". 


This is where Mites come from, BTW.

  • Like 6

That is your plane's scrotum. You are now in possession of one of the EXTREMELY rare male M20E's. We should set up an in flight rendezvous between it and my plane, "The Mistress". 


This is where Mites come from, BTW.


That is your plane's scrotum. You are now in possession of one of the EXTREMELY rare male M20E's. We should set up an in flight rendezvous between it and my plane, "The Mistress". 


This is where Mites come from, BTW.


now THAT is funny!!!  :lol:

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Mike, I assume that during the pre-purchase inspection this bag was not there. If that is the case you may have an allien in gestation inside the bag. Call Fox Mulder or Dana Scully of the X-Files at the FBI.


BTW Mike hope you are doing fine since you have not logged in since you posted the picture. Everyone here is curious about the bag.




Sorry guys, Fridays are very busy for me at work so I was not able to go to the airport today. And they are closed on the weekends so we will have to wait until Monday to find out more. I did try to lift the sack with my hand and it felt empty. I was hoping it was full of $100.00 bills, but no such luck. As far as the previous owner it takes about 10 calls to get him to answer (very busy guy) books concerts. But seemed like a strait up guy.


  With that large of a moment,  unless I could find some good documentation that it was legal.......it would quickly go away !!


   It appears that the only way access this bag , is through the side inspection panel.....Is that correct ??   This looks very suspect to me. 


  Btw....must admit that I like the "scotum" theory, though !!    ;-  )

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