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Mooney down at East Hampton


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Quote: mooneysteve

It wasnt an attempt to turn back to the runway, it was attempt to flatten out and make it to a safe landing area, which didnt happen, so it was put into the trees as flat as possible. How do I know this..........it was me and we are both alive.

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We are still in the hospital. Stoney Brook, nice people. even gave me a laptop to use. We are pretty banged up, I mostly from carrying my bride through the woods. For the record, nobody got us out of the plane, I unbelted my bride, removed her from the the plane as it was burning and carried her through the woods until a safe distance. If I had waited for the "hero from the web\news" we would be f#ckin toast. Im no hero, just doing my job, wanting to live another day.

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Quote: aviatoreb

I have seen that video.  Very ugly.  That does not look like a survivable crash and since in this case both pilots survived, I was guessing that they did not attempt the turn back with the inevitable low altitude nose dive such as in the video.

Since they both survived I am sure a clear story will emerge.

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Quote: mooneysteve

We are still in the hospital. Stoney Brook, nice people. even gave me a laptop to use. We are pretty banged up, I mostly from carrying my bride through the woods. For the record, nobody got us out of the plane, I unbelted my bride, removed her from the the plane as it was burning and carried her through the woods until a safe distance. If I had waited for the "hero from the web\news" we would be f#ckin toast. Im no hero, just doing my job, wanting to live another day.

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Quote: mooneysteve

We are still in the hospital. Stoney Brook, nice people. even gave me a laptop to use. We are pretty banged up, I mostly from carrying my bride through the woods. For the record, nobody got us out of the plane, I unbelted my bride, removed her from the the plane as it was burning and carried her through the woods until a safe distance. If I had waited for the "hero from the web\news" we would be f#ckin toast. Im no hero, just doing my job, wanting to live another day.

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Been there done that Steve.  You did a great job.  We all walked out too in 2003.  Five trees down and us amongst them.  I feel your pain!  Glad we both did it in a Mooney....Texas strong.  Best wishes to your bride too!

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Never believe what the media is selling and never judge another by what has been reported.

 According to the media, I died in a Cessna 172 in 1978 in a neighboring state during a weekend trip.  To say the least, my coworkers and boss were speechless when I walked through the door three days later.  

I didn't even know I was dead until they told me!  

Steve, I wish you and your wife a speedy recovery.  Having escaped a burning plane myself, the best thing is to get back in the air as soon as possible.  

Best regards!!!


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Good job Steve and speedy recovery for you both. You're likely to go over this event a million times in your head and I hope you can get some distance from it as quick as possible. Sort of a PTSD. It doesn't just happen to soldiers. I pray that all goes well for you both. I sounds like you did as best as possible in the circumstances. Sometimes it doesn't just end up a gentle glide back to the runway.

Sad, bitter truth about flying GA.

I'm really glad my wife doesn't read the flying forums I go to. Bad enough the news media reports a plane crash nearly everyday.

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Glad to hear you and your bride are going to be alright.  And from a bunch of pilots to another--give yourself a break.  Try not to worry about what you did or didn't do.  What you "did" is walk a way from something a lot of folks failed to do in similar situations.  Great job and a speedy recovery to you both.

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