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1 hour ago, chrixxer said:

Okay, y'all, I get it, I should have a hangar. But I'm not going to have a hangar. So please, let's put that issue to bed.


I completely understand, and don't let the lack of hangar bother you. Just get a good cover, plugs, and keep the airplane washed and waxed.  To get back to your original question, I also think Planecover is the best, followed by Bruce.

Enjoy your new E!



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I think you will be fine with a good cover its not like you live in an area that has brutal weather I don't know how much marine effect you get at Santa Monica. As for covers I have been very happy with MAC's used them on my 150 for 5 years and for the first year and half on the Mooney before I got indoors. Zero impact on the glass. 

  • Like 1

I just bought a MAC cover.  They were very good to work with.  I unpacked the cover a few minutes before I left for Europe and it looked really nice, but I have yet to put it on the airplane.  So far I can recommend it.  Mine is for use on the ramp when I travel.  There may be better choices for permanent outdoor use.

1 minute ago, bluehighwayflyer said:

Yep. Jerry and his son are in the Mooney salvage business. Good chance your Mooney was geared up or met some other misfortune and Jerry returned her to service. 

No accident or incident reports with FAA, but even if it has been bellied in, as long as she flies and passes annual, for the price I don't care :).


(If I reasonably estimate $100/hr wet operating costs (including MX reserves etc), vs. the $189/hr I'm paying to rent an Arrow (which I know includes about $40 + credit card fees to the FBO, and about $40 to the owner of the leaseback), I'll break even on the purchase price in less than 18 months at my current rate. And I'll likely fly more without the scheduling issues of a rental.)

  • Like 2
6 minutes ago, chrixxer said:

I'll break even on the purchase price in less than 18 months at my current rate. 

But even more important.....you're a Mooney owner!!!!  Don't sweat the details.

Congratulations and enjoy the ride.  

  • Like 1

Yeah, I'll need to swap the GX55 for a GNS430W (minimum) sooner than later, need the LPV to get under the marine layer and will need a WAAS source sooner than later in any case. Hoping it's straightforward to couple the Garmin to the STEC. But I'll fly it as-is for a while! :)


Eventual plan (lottery won, or a few cases pay off):

Six-pack ("201" panel layout.

GNS530W (including NAV/COM)
PMA audio panel and eliminate the intercom (part of me says do this last if at all, but the avionics guides say do it first / same time)
GTX345 transponder and Flightstream 210 for iPad integration and ADS-B (if I can find a cheaper option ... Probably not.)
SL30 or GNC255 (I like the idea of the newer radio, not sure it's worth the $1500+ difference in price)
Garmin G5 AI with secondary ASI, VSI, Alt, TC
Garmin G5 as a DG/HSI (if it can send heading to the autopilot, else, maybe an electric DG and a Garmin VOR head)
EI CGR-30P engine monitor with fuel

(And no, I don't want to think about what all that will cost...)


Interior / paint are the least of my priorities. You should see the plane I did my instrument checkride in (an "all original" 1972 Archer 180). As long as the engine's strong and the avionics can get me there, the rest is cosmetics and will get attended to eventually. :)


43 minutes ago, chrixxer said:

(And no, I don't want to think about what all that will cost...)

Mooney owner's mantra......

You learn quick!  :P

  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations on the E!  I just bought one a few months ago.  I opted to buy a cover for mine. The best price I found on a custom cover was airplane-covers.com and was very happy with the product.

Hope this helps!



Paul, great suggestion about the DIY screens, great idea!  Jim, I never heard of Planecover.com, got to check them out.  Once again folks, these "tip and tricks" should be in their own forum category to make them easier to find later on.



I know this might seem ridiculous, but has anyone attempted to make their own canvas cover?  I have made several for cars and small boats, but never a plane.  With the price of a good custom cover, it might make sense for those with the time.



Anthony, don't want to hijack this thread.  Maybe my old eyes are deceiving me, but the only posts I saw were about sewing interiors, not making a canopy cover.  No big deal.

Just wanted to know if any of the seamstresses here have sewn a canopy cover themselves.


If I did not have a hanger, I would probably sew one up.    At $40.00/yard for Sumbrella fabric and all the other bits and pieces.   $300 for a is a pretty good deal on a cover.    If I needed wing covers, I would be all over those with a needle and thread.



often there is a discussion related to sunbrella fabric.  They may be related to a do-it yourself discussion... I haven't heard of anyone recently doing this.

Between the two suppliers (E&W coast) and one in Europe, the price competition is pretty good.  

Note: last i looked, my O was pictured on the website of my favorite cover supplier. A good rain storm, flipped planes and my new cover on my new plane looking pretty fancy...  :)

Best regards,


On 4/29/2017 at 8:53 PM, MyNameIsNobody said:

Congrats from a fellow 66 M20 Driver. (S#1120) and Porsche owner.  06 Cayman S.


I leased a '10 model cayman. most enjoyable car I've ever owned. handled like a dream and shifted silky smooth  


  • Like 1

You mentioned setting up an LLC.  Unless someone else is flying, it will not offer any protection from liability.

1 hour ago, amillet said:

You mentioned setting up an LLC.  Unless someone else is flying, it will not offer any protection from liability.

I'm an aviation attorney. I know what an LLC does and doesn't do. It's the right choice for my situation. Thanks!

  • Like 1
  • 4 months later...
On 4/30/2017 at 2:02 PM, chrixxer said:

So, plot twist, I bought (am buying) this E from Jerry ("acpartswhse"), who I didn't realize is on here...

On 4/30/2017 at 2:21 PM, chrixxer said:

Yep. Jerry and his son are in the Mooney salvage business. Good chance your Mooney was geared up or met some other misfortune and Jerry returned her to service.

On 4/30/2017 at 2:21 PM, chrixxer said:

No accident or incident reports with FAA, but even if it has been bellied in, as long as she flies and passes annual, for the price I don't care :).

Hmmm . . . 

On 5/12/2017 at 11:06 AM, carusoam said:

Planecover.com is jim cancil on the east coast.  Great covers.  Mooney specific and further personalized.

Best regards,


+1 Salisbury MD. (He has always advertised in the MAPA Log. Really good guy and superior covers.)


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