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amillet last won the day on January 21

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About amillet

  • Birthday 04/24/1951

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    : Sequim, WA (W28)
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  • Model
    '97 J
  • Base
    W28 Sequim WA

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  1. I just got quotes from two shops in the past month to do this. $8,190 and $7300
  2. Store something like this in the baggage compartment instead of the dead weight
  3. No, I have to splay my legs open if the seat in front of me is reclined.
  4. If I’m behind you (6’3”) I jam my knees into the back of your seat (they’re within a half inch of the upright position anyway) so you can’t recline
  5. It’s just latex that glued it into the bowl.
  6. When I replaced the carpet after my grandson barfed on the way home from Oshkosh I used the SCS with foam backing. It is thick and stiff enough that I just laid it in without gluing and it has remained in place just fine
  7. I flew N231VM 17 times in 2001-2004 while it was owned by my friend. Sad to see it destroyed
  8. I presume lawyers are included in one of the etc’s
  9. I have a 97 J so I assume the KC192 is the later version. Do you recommend replacing the capacitor now as preventative maintenance?
  10. posted in an older thread earlier today @Jake@BevanAviation My KC 192 was last updated in 2016 by Capital Avionics in FL when I was having trim issues. It’s been working great since. Is there any advantage to preventatively replacing the capacitor that often leaks?
  11. @Jake@BevanAviation My KC 192 was last updated in 2016 by Capital Avionics in FL when I was having trim issues. It’s been working great since. Is there any advantage to preventatively replacing the capacitor that often fails and leaks?.
  12. Today I took two of my sisters to Arlington (KAWO) and met my other sister and niece to walk the airport trail. Beautiful Pacific Northwest spring day
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