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Someone Made an Oopsie


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It's not how banged up the plane is . . . It's how banged up the props are, and what happened inside the engines when he went full throttle and slammed the bent / broken stumps into the concrete at high power.

I guess I should have been more clear. When I said plane I meant all parts thereof. In my case the plane needed new props, new engines, new flaps, new antennas, and a new fuselage side skin where the seat belt left out the cabin door beat a hole through the fuselage.


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So far this thread had a gear up go around from both, 601,,

and an amphib...


now you say "In my case",,,   does this meen that you did it too?

Im intrigued,,,    tell me more. 

I guess I should have been more clear. When I said plane I meant all parts thereof. In my case the plane needed new props, new engines, new flaps, new antennas, and a new fuselage side skin where the seat belt left out the cabin door beat a hole through the fuselage.


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So far this thread had a gear up go around from both, 601,,

and an amphib...


now you say "In my case",,,   does this meen that you did it too?

Im intrigued,,,    tell me more. 

I understood Clarence to be referring to a plane that he maintains/maintained as an A&P/IA.  


Here's what he posted:

The touch and go landing without gear is not as rare as you might think. I've one in my client base, it is amazing how banged up a plane can be and still fly.

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I guess I should have been more clear. When I said plane I meant all parts thereof. In my case the plane needed new props, new engines, new flaps, new antennas, and a new fuselage side skin where the seat belt left out the cabin door beat a hole through the fuselage.



Really... Was this a possible distraction that led to a return to base and a gear up?  I'm thinking this is an interesting story. Can you elaborate? 

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Really... Was this a possible distraction that led to a return to base and a gear up?  I'm thinking this is an interesting story. Can you elaborate?

Pilot allowed a passenger to close the cabin door, leaving a seat belt with a buckle hanging out side. On take off as the plane accelerated it started to beat the side of the fuselage like a drum. This distraction and noise caused the pilot to not hear the gear horn.

He made a touch and go with no wheels. Second time was full stop with gear down, by now there was a hole in the fuselage skin.


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Hey, we've had a mooneyspace member do one of these in a Mooney before. Maybe we can get him to weigh in on what sorts of thoughts are going through your head as it is happening and what leads you to go around rather than take the safe (but more damaging) way out?

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Hey, we've had a mooneyspace member do one of these in a Mooney before. Maybe we can get him to weigh in on what sorts of thoughts are going through your head as it is happening and what leads you to go around rather than take the safe (but more damaging) way out?

I think he mentioned it once on this site but didn't go into details. Now that we have "outed" him, maybe he will tell us more about the experience.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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The touch and go landing without gear is not as rare as you might think. I've one in my client base, it is amazing how banged up a plane can be and still fly.


I'd imagine 70 odd years ago a generation of young men learned first hand just how banged up a plane could be and still fly.

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