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I just registered for the free DUATS service that I had read is available to everyone online.  It looks like you can do a lot with it including weather briefing and flight plan filing online. Any comments? Favorite ways to use? Am I the last to learn how to use it.




I must admit, DUATS is the grandaddy of them all. If you're just now getting exposed to an online option for weather briefing and flight planning, there are several other sites that are newer and easier to use. I prefer the brother of DUATS, appropriately known as DUAT which can be found at http://www.duat.com.  It's the same info but I find the interface is easier to use. It's what I used all through flight training back in 2007.


Another one is http://www.fltplan.com which has some good features.


But I do all my flight planning on the iPad these days, with ForeFlight. There are so many electronic options these days that I haven't called Flight Services in several years.


When I returned to flying a couple of years ago I started with CSC DUATS and find it fine for planning, storing flights and filing. I do not use an IPad so I'm using my laptop either at home of away. For inflight I have a a GDL 88, a GTN 750, an a GPS 696 so I do not need anything else to make adjustments and check for changes in weather.


I usually Post IFR flight plans on DUATS the night before which get sent to FAA 2 hours before planned departure. I might check DUATS weather several times before heading to airport.


I have a scrap of paper handy to jot down a clearance. Love what they've done to IFR flying.  


I must admit, DUATS is the grandaddy of them all. If you're just now getting exposed to an online option for weather briefing and flight planning, there are several other sites that are newer and easier to use. I prefer the brother of DUATS, appropriately known as DUAT which can be found at http://www.duat.com.  It's the same info but I find the interface is easier to use. It's what I used all through flight training back in 2007.


Another one is http://www.fltplan.com which has some good features.


But I do all my flight planning on the iPad these days, with ForeFlight. There are so many electronic options these days that I haven't called Flight Services in several years.



I use Foreflight enroute and for weather, but I'm a big fan of flightplan.com for planning and fileing. After setting up a performance profile for your aircraft, flightplan.com makes it easy to compare incredibly accurate times and fuel burns at various altitudes.


Duats comes in two flavors (CSC and DTC) duats.com and duat.com.  Similar but slightly different.  They work great but kind of the old way of doing things.


https://www.lmfsweb.afss.com/ is the latest from Lockheed, the friendly folks who now provide our 1-800-WXBrief services.  Try it.....exactly the same stuff as used by a live briefer......in many ways more comprehensive than foreflight.


You can use your duat(s) account info in WingX ( and others)....

The Side benefits are...recording that you got the official weather prior to your flight. And similar other details.

Check your facts, make no assumptions, I'm not an expert. Just sharing my duat experience.

Anyone remember the dial up modem phone number?

Best regards,


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I can't tell you the last time I logged directly canto DUAT(S). I front-end it with either Foreflight or Garmin Pilot. They pull in my briefing and present it in a nice readable format. It's the best way to use those services.


I've been using CSCDUATS occasionally my flight plan does not go through but I think it just might be operator error.  I like it as part of my weather planning and I use it for filing my flight plane all the time.   I have the mobile version that shows up on my phone.


I just check wx on the NWS website and file verbally with FSS on my cell phone on my way to the airport. They have this new feature were you can actually file by voice with no keypad entry required. Wow, technology is amazing.




You can use your duat(s) account info in WingX ( and others)....

The Side benefits are...recording that you got the official weather prior to your flight. And similar other details.

Check your facts, make no assumptions, I'm not an expert. Just sharing my duat experience.

Anyone remember the dial up modem phone number?

Best regards,



Which one?









Are you trying to stump the chump? ;)


Remember to check the box for Standard briefing not Abbreviated. Otherwise it does not count with the FAA if you later have problems with the flight. This info is direct from DUAT personnel.


Thanks Chris,

The details got lost when my memory got washed out....

There was a lot of history as DUATS developed from dial up, to on-line, to cell data, to wifi...etc. etc. etc.

Best regards,


Thanks Chris, The details got lost when my memory got washed out.... There was a lot of history as DUATS developed from dial up, to on-line, to cell data, to wifi...etc. etc. etc. Best regards, -a-
I was an early adopter when CSC (DUATS) and DTC (DUAT) were awarded the contracts. Your comments about dial up brings back memories of using an acoustic modem to get a weather briefing. I think it had a baud rate of 300. I was in heaven when the first plug in modems came in at 1200 baud rate using an HP 110 "laptop". My how time has changed things. Now we can get current weather uploaded both textually and graphically into our planes... Speaking of these companies. I stopped using DTC when they decided to close my account because I hadn't used it in a bit. They wanted me to produce a whole bunch of information proving I was indeed a licensed pilot with a medical in order to reactivate it. Oh and for you young guns... an acoustic modem: ru4esupa.jpg
  • Like 2

I was an early adopter when CSC (DUATS) and DTC (DUAT) were awarded the contracts. Your comments about dial up brings back memories of using an acoustic modem to get a weather briefing. I think it had a baud rate of 300. I was in heaven when the first plug in modems came in at 1200 baud rate using an HP 110 "laptop". My how time has changed things. Now we can get current weather uploaded both textually and graphically into our planes... Speaking of these companies. I stopped using DTC when they decided to close my account because I hadn't used it in a bit. They wanted me to produce a whole bunch of information proving I was indeed a licensed pilot with a medical in order to reactivate it. Oh and for you young guns... an acoustic modem: ru4esupa.jpg

Ah, the progress of technology! I had several of these, starting @ 300 baud. I also had a fax machine that operated at that speed, the page to be sent spun around a spinning roller for 2 or 3 minutes while the scanner moved across the page. The good old days! NOT 

  • Like 1

Thanks Bob and Chris. I'm feeling much younger after your posts. :)

Don't get us started. Sinclair, Timex, DG's laptop in the early 70's... 3 miles to school, uphill both ways...

  • Like 2

Don't get us started. Sinclair, Timex, DG's laptop in the early 70's... 3 miles to school, uphill both ways...


Wow Bob! Forgot about the Sinclair and Timex "PCs". I still have a TRS-80 Radio Shack "PC" in my basement, complete with 5.25" floppy drives... 


Don't get us started. Sinclair, Timex, DG's laptop in the early 70's... 3 miles to school, uphill both ways...

Wow Bob! Forgot about the Sinclair and Timex "PCs". I still have a TRS-80 Radio Shack "PC" in my basement, complete with 5.25" floppy drives...

Hell... I bet I still have some 8" floppy disks laying around! And yes, I'm old as dirt.


Wow Bob! Forgot about the Sinclair and Timex "PCs". I still have a TRS-80 Radio Shack "PC" in my basement, complete with 5.25" floppy drives... 

You're much younger than I am. The Sinclair loaded programs and data from a cassette tape recorder. Timex bought our Sinclair. My daughter, now 46 had both as a 6 year old +/-. She wound up at MIT so it might have been a good investment on my part. The DG laptop had no hard drive, operated with dual 3.5" 360k disk drives. 

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