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Oh, my God.....dems on MooneySpace, not to mention Bo owners! What next, cats and dogs living together?

I'm still using CamGuard and retracting my flaps soon after touchdown.


Next you will admit to flying LOP, flying "on the step" and changing a post light bulb on your panel without an A&P's sign off.


Alls I knows (Philly talk) is our forefathers would be rolling in their graves if they knew what we did to our country... "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Let's hope not...


I move that henceforth that mooneyspace and the aopa should both be restricted to only people who agree with all political points as n9352h. All those who disagree should stop flying, withdraw their support from the aopa, get a grip, get real, understand reality, hand their pilot licenses into a proper authority, and leave this great country, home of the brave and free. You either stand with him or against him. There's no place for in patriotic opinions that disagree with him.

Shame on you becca for not understanding and agreeing with n9352h. Shame!

Erik Bollt


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I'm one of those people that likes a political discussion but believes that organizations such as the AOPA, need to understand that its members are not automatically from the FAUX News crowd.  As the founding member of the Radically Pragmatic Moderates (RPM), I often find myself in opposition to opinions entrenched in confirmational bias. Confirmational Bias, for those of you that still fly ROP--, is the opposite of the scientific method. It's interesting to me (I have a low threshold for excitement), that many pilots (typically above average in intelligence) adhere to what they perceive as "Conservative--ism."  Also as intriguing, is the tenor of apparent disbelief that there would be fellow pilots that are critical thinkers; isn't it well understood, that as the pilot in command, that it is in our nature to have independent minds capable of making critical decisions regarding flight?  

Why not pick on Liberals here? Well, pilots are only liberal when it comes to additional fuel...and retracting flaps on roll out. 

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It's not about agreeing or not. If saving the government from fiscally destroying itself is a requisite for achieving funding for GA, then it's in AOPA's and GA's interest.


As far as I can tell, everyone agrees on the need for the government to save money and have reliable funding for it's proper functions. But as soon as you get to where those savings should come from and what are "proper" government functions, you get into partisan political choices, most of which are based on considerations having zero to do with aviation.  

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Can any one advice me on how to hide posts by a user?

Typical left wing response. If the truth hurts censor it!

All for free speech as long as it fits their definition of PC. If someone disagrees look out. We have seen our anointed president go after the press for being hard on him. Alright to break the law in support of his version of what is "right" for the unwashed masses.

You brought up a topic guaranteed to elicit a certain response. Then you then want to censor the very responce you invite.

Here's your sign!

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We are NOT supposed to personally attack people for their beliefs on this site. AOPA is a lobby. You either support it or you choose to vote with your wallet and NOT support it. Becca, why complain to us about social programs mis-management being discussed on AOPA....because you disagree with it. Byron, why would you make the point that GA is funded by separate tax dollars...like SS?

I don't even want to hear this stuff anymore. SS IS a major Ponzi scheme that I continue to pay into BECAUSE I HAVE NO CHOICE knowing it is unsustainable and I will get the shaft as a 50 year old.

GA is Federal Government and Federal Government is GA. IT is ALL interconnected and the ship has a massive three compartment gash that is mortal. I will see everybody at the stern rail for the wild ride down...My lifeboat (401k) has a massive leak about when I hit the water and need it...at least freezing to death is peaceful...so I have been told.

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As far as I can tell, everyone agrees on the need for the government to save money and have reliable funding for it's proper functions. But as soon as you get to where those savings should come from and what are "proper" government functions, you get into partisan political choices, most of which are based on considerations having zero to do with aviation.

We have a Trillion dollar deficit every year my man. What part of government saving do you see here? You don't see me complaining about tower closures and EAA getting charged for tower personnel. CUT everything across the board 1% for the next ten years. Balance a budget. Pay down the debt. Live within your means U.S of A

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We have a Trillion dollar deficit every year my man. What part of government saving do you see here? You don't see me complaining about tower closures and EAA getting charged for tower personnel. CUT everything across the board 1% for the next ten years. Balance a budget. Pay down the debt. Live within your means U.S of A

Ah, so for you it's all about finances and not about politics.  I agree that across-the-budge cuts done without regard to political choices makes sense. Unfortunately, when the FAA appears to take their remaining budget and apply it in a way that seem to be designed to meet political rather than fiscal ends, I get a bit concerned.


But I definitely admire your adherence to a viable fiscal philosophy whether I agree with it or not.


So take it you were a  a Bill Clinton supporter (balanced budget, surplus), and you opposed the war in Iraq knowing that it would spend a lot of money the country didn't have. Nice to see someone with a consistent viewpoint that doesn't cross party lines.


Ah, so for you it's all about finances and not about politics.  I agree that across-the-budge cuts done without regard to political choices makes sense. Unfortunately, when the FAA appears to take their remaining budget and apply it in a way that seem to be designed to meet political rather than fiscal ends, I get a bit concerned.


But I definitely admire your adherence to a viable fiscal philosophy whether I agree with it or not.


So take it you were a  a Bill Clinton supporter (balanced budget, surplus), and you opposed the war in Iraq knowing that it would spend a lot of money the country didn't have. Nice to see someone with a consistent viewpoint that doesn't cross party lines.

You Nailed me. Like you are reading my mind. Kindred spirits...bro's. Awesome


We are NOT supposed to personally attack people for their beliefs on this site. AOPA is a lobby. You either support it or you choose to vote with your wallet and NOT support it. Becca, why complain to us about social programs mis-management being discussed on AOPA....because you disagree with it. Byron, why would you make the point that GA is funded by separate tax dollars...like SS?

I don't even want to hear this stuff anymore. SS IS a major Ponzi scheme that I continue to pay into BECAUSE I HAVE NO CHOICE knowing it is unsustainable and I will get the shaft as a 50 year old.

GA is Federal Government and Federal Government is GA. IT is ALL interconnected and the ship has a massive three compartment gash that is mortal. I will see everybody at the stern rail for the wild ride down...My lifeboat (401k) has a massive leak about when I hit the water and need it...at least freezing to death is peaceful...so I have been told.

You are missing the point. Social Security is a very distant threat to GA. How about the impending demise of 100LL, high priced avgas, closing small airports, Pilots Bill of Rights, high cost of certifying parts, and a large number of pilots losing their medicals. Those are all "Clear and present dangers" to General Aviation. Thats why you can buy a Baron 55 for 60 grand today.

Instead, I get a "teaching moment" from a million-dollar-a-year executive flying around in an AOPA-owned-and-paid-for corporate jet with a 5-million dollar a year "we are not going to explain that" expense account. That's all great, free country and all, but I'm not going to pay 90$ a year to be talked down to like that.

Perhaps if Craig Fuller decided to send a couple million to the Feminist Majority Foundation (only 6% of licensed pilots are female), or a few bucks to Planned Parenthood (more disposable income from no kids equals more money for flying), a million or to lobbying  against the Iraq WAR (UNFUNDED 3 TRILLION EXPENSE, THREAT TO GA), or even some cast lobying to grant amnesty to illegal aliens (more pilots, right?), you might feel some outrage then.

Or how about they stick to issues directly involving General Aviation, and to break tradition, actually DO something about it besides crow about it in their magazine. For example, GAMI has a 100 octane unleaded replacement fuel, and it can be made with "what's behind the fence" at a refinery. Bet you didnt know that...


You are missing the point. Social Security is a very distant threat to GA. How about the impending demise of 100LL, high priced avgas, closing small airports, Pilots Bill of Rights, high cost of certifying parts, and a large number of pilots losing their medicals. Those are all "Clear and present dangers" to General Aviation. Thats why you can buy a Baron 55 for 60 grand today.

Instead, I get a "teaching moment" from a million-dollar-a-year executive flying around in an AOPA-owned-and-paid-for corporate jet with a 5-million dollar a year "we are not going to explain that" expense account. That's all great, free country and all, but I'm not going to pay 90$ a year to be talked down to like that.

Perhaps if Craig Fuller decided to send a couple million to the Feminist Majority Foundation (only 6% of licensed pilots are female), or a few bucks to Planned Parenthood (more disposable income from no kids equals more money for flying), a million or to lobbying  against the Iraq WAR (UNFUNDED 3 TRILLION EXPENSE, THREAT TO GA), or even some cast lobying to grant amnesty to illegal aliens (more pilots, right?), you might feel some outrage then.

Or how about they stick to issues directly involving General Aviation, and to break tradition, actually DO something about it besides crow about it in their magazine. For example, GAMI has a 100 octane unleaded replacement fuel, and it can be made with "what's behind the fence" at a refinery. Bet you didnt know that...

No, I didn't (miss the point) I AGREE with all the problems with AOPA you stated, but they are discussed again and again and again and again-regarding the issues with aviation related concerns. The money, jet etc. are THE areas that Paul B discusses because AOPA won't. They are a problem....

BUT THAT is NOT what ticks you and your wife off...or your wife and you off...AND SHE brought it to MooneySpace...Not a note on concerns with future of AvGas or FAA "picking the winner" there, or issues with medical etc....

No it wasn't "the issues" it was HER issues with one issue...Fuller exercising free speech. You say SS is "a long way off"...2035. 20 years....People like you that put off on our children this train wreck can OWN THIS. YOU and politicians and leaders and those that do not demand change in entitlement programs ARE THE PROBLEM with the #1 issue with our future and our children's future.

You are about the issues one side vs the other. I just want to see the government START fixing a monumental problem. That there is discussion about the largest economic burden of the Federal Government bothers me NOT in the least. It should be talked about and a fix began every morning noon and night.


Please, just calling it what it is...... She spent three paragraphs attemptig to exhume her personal politics in order to fleece AOPA. We all have one beef or another with AOPA. Her's was political. If AOPA announced a PAC on biodiesel donations on their FB page, Becca wouldn't have started this thread. She didn't like the politics and was soliciting legions of the like-minded. If a few disagree, too bad. Craig Fuller ooozes red. His commentary was to be expected, especially given the end of his tenure. No shocker and no need to hope for a political band wagon. You can't expect to author a thread like this without stark contrast. Sorry, Hon.


Where can I get a hyphenated name. Is there some website or something? How much does it cost? Can I just start being

Scott Mooney-Thompson...or Scott Thompson-Mooney? Or do I have to fill out forms and pay money? Regardless, they are way cool and I want one...

What? I have to remove what?...O.K. no thanks. Que Annie Lennox music...."Sisters are doing it for themselves"....

"Thank you, I'll get it myself"




Happy to discuss with people who don't call me "hon", "whiney" or insult the name my parents chose for me over beer.


Otherwise, sorry to the otherwise normal Mooneyspacers for such a train wreck thread.


Ad nauseum--War and Peace dissertation.........again. You didn't like the politics you were reading and you decided to do something about it. Fuller crawled under your skin and you didn't like it. The early part of the thread agreed with your point of view. The very subject matter of your thread didn't break one shovel full of new ground re: AOPA. It was politically subservient. End of story.


As for arrogant prick, we'll put that one in the oven and let it cook. Btw...Hon is a colloquial Baltimore-ism, not a chauvinistic prod.


I propose a new section on mooneyspace called the toilet... for fascinating political discussions such as this one. I'm out.

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