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I lost a friend...

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I lost a close friend last night. He was a 54 years old aviation enthusiast. He crashed 200 feet at the end of a runway and caught in fire. We don't know what happened yet. He owned a Mooney 201, an ultralight Chalenger, a Piper Mirage, a Cessna 185F tail wheel and he was building a Van RV 12. The accident happened in the Cesnna. He had over 2500 hours. The cessna was just coming out of the paint shop.

How can that happened. My wife and I are demolished....

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I lost a very close friend almost exactly 5 years ago.  

Condolences and prayers go to the family!   

Not much I can say here except it takes some time to recover and get back on with life.  
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Words can't express how sorry I am for the loss of your friend. There are so many changes in life and many of them we can never prepare for.  We just feel it as long as it takes.

Not much compares to the awe of flying and you and he got to share that.

That's a blessing.

God's blessings to you and all those who loved and knew him.

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My condolences to you and yours. This summer two years ago my friend/flight instructor for both my PPL and IR was killed in a night time IFR training accident, I don't think I ever preflighted my plane since that the I didn't think of him.

My God give you comfort!

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Christian, words fall short and can't even begin to express my sadness to hear of the sudden demise of your friend. May the love of all those around you, and the memories of all the great times you shared, help you through the days ahead.

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I've lost two good friends over the years and I believe it's even harder to deal with when it's in a plane versus car. Like with all loss,  it gets easier with time, but I still have flashbacks to those two incidents. One positive thing did come out of one of the tragedies, which was a horrific mid-air in Teterboro's airspace; I'm extremely vigilant in an airport traffic area and don't rely solely on the controller to tell me where the other guy is.

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Gentlemen, flying ain't exactly stamp collecting. Condolences for the losses, however, just like in the military:

Maverick: He was my R.I.O., my responsibility.


Viper: My squadron, we lost 8 of 18 aircraft. 10 men. First one dies, you die too. But there will be others. You can count on that. You gotta let him go. You gotta let him go.


RIP, all aviators who've gone to the big hanger in the sky.

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  • 1 year later...

Unfortunately I have joined this club.  I lost a friend last night in an aviation related incident.  My friend who is a CFII went up in a Cessna 172 last night flying out of KNEW for a quick flight I assume to shoot a couple of approaches with a student.  Not long after takeoff ATC lost RADAR contact over Lake Pontchartrain.  The Coast Guard searched last night and today with no success.  Conditions last night were about 1,000 OVC and 5 to 10 miles visibility.  Not much else is known at this time.  I did my instrument training with him at KNEW and the intended track on flight aware is similar to what I have done in the past.


He will be missed.


Be safe out there guys and don't let complacency creep up on you.

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Unfortunately I have joined this club. I lost a friend last night in an aviation related incident. My friend who is a CFII went up in a Cessna 172 last night flying out of KNEW for a quick flight I assume to shoot a couple of approaches with a student. Not long after takeoff ATC lost RADAR contact over Lake Pontchartrain. The Coast Guard searched last night and today with no success. Conditions last night were about 1,000 OVC and 5 to 10 miles visibility. Not much else is known at this time. I did my instrument training with him at KNEW and the intended track on flight aware is similar to what I have done in the past.

He will be missed.

Be safe out there guys and don't let complacency creep up on you.

So sorry to hear about this accident. I read about it last night. Very troubling to read when you find out that these are experienced airmen.

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